I hate Widows with a passion right now. Aim in my general area and death. I'm sure it takes some skill esp on console but that charged shot is annoying as fuck.
i like fighting widows as hanzo on console tho. with my cd advantageous sonar arrow, i usually counter snipe them. i counter sniped alot of the widows last night lol. the only time i die to widow is if i forgot about her and walked to death path. but if she wanna play a sniping battle im up for it with my hanzo lol.
Okay changing my sens from 7.65 to 5.25 lets see if I can hit scan better, playing with 1200DPI. Problem is I have been a wrist player all my live and changing to arm aiming will?is taking some time.
Im a wrist player too and I started out like 3200dpi and 4sens. I took a break from pc ow and when I got back I started using 1600 and 4 sens. I sometime will lower my sens to 3 if I want a little more precise.
I guess the break from playing pc ow made me be able to adjust to a lower sensitivity but of course not a dramatic low sens like 800dpi/4sens kinda thing.
I find my aim is much better now and I kinda adapt to it already. I still use my wrist but with combination of small arm movement to compensate the lower dpi.
Small step at a time, small steps...
I play a pretty decent Pharah. I think she is going to dominate on console once this new patch comes out.
Not when monkey have lower cd with his barrier in the patch.
I play pharah often too and out of all barriers, i hated winston's 360 barrier the most. since i can't shoot behind the shield (its 360 duh) and it takes around a full clip to destory.
Less healing overall meaning her damage means more.
Harmony orb is great on Pharah
Discord orb is great on Pharah targets
Ana was great at keeping pressure on Pharah even if she didn't always kill her.
More discord hurts her, but I think overall she'll be very powerful.
So to my point, regardless people have discord orb from zen, its not gonna be much if pharah can't touch her targets

I'll say the patch is balance atleast for pharah's aspect if people try using winston's barrier more.