She's really not that bad right now after the rez buff anyways.
The Rez buff now is basically like the team runs in and gets the other team to burn their ults, dies.
Mercy runs in, rezzes all. Now you burn ults and win.
She's really not that bad right now after the rez buff anyways.
The Rez buff now is basically like the team runs in and gets the other team to burn their ults, dies.
Mercy runs in, rezzes all. Now you burn ults and win.
Never found the rez buff to be a big issue but some people make it seem like it's the worst thing ever.
It was always like that. Just people never did it/burnt their ults before dying instead or mercy dies making it 6 v 5 again.
Placements are going well so far. No idea why I've been playing Sombra so much when I should be Zarya instead.
I personally see it more as a fix rather than a buff, lol. I always felt like she should be immune like her team is when she rezzes.
17 times in a row?
Lol took me a second to realize that it was eliminations per MINUTE, not per MATCH haha. I was like "Um, I think I know why you shouldn't be playing Zarya as much..." ��
It's a good buff since she'll rez more often instead of saving it for 5 man rez but dying. Instead she'll rez to stop herself dying and maybe get 2 with her making it essentially a 3 man rez.
2.45 elims a match but still 100% win rate. Carried by teammates![]()
Ironically, the carrying was by a Sombra.![]()
Had a Sombra main in one of the games. Guess which one it was. Hint won 4 lost 1.
They were a Master from last season but had a 30% winrate in comp with her. It was pretty clear why. Never hacked their rein, was out of fights hacking packs way too much and never went after mercy. Doesn't help our other DPS switched to pharah against mccree and soldier though.
I wonder if they'll ever add a hero that contests pharah for the sky
It's interesting that she is literally the only one in the game who can currently do that
just give winston rocket boots to hover in the air for 6 seconds and give him some bombs too because why not.
Yeah, since they're incapable of giving him an alt fire, why not just give him another ability?
Wouldn't hurt.
This is seriously pissing me off now. Why the fuck have they not put the bastion patch into console yet despite outright acknowledging how dumb Bastion in that state is?! It's like they actively don't want people to play on console.
The rez buff is annoying as hell, you really have to find the mercy now like in the early days.
Yeah, since they're incapable of giving him an alt fire, why not just give him another ability?
Wouldn't hurt.
oh man, imagine if Winston can shoot electric orb projectiles. That would be sweet.
Just wanna point out that Winston has had a higher pickrate in pro NA games lately than Reinhardt lol
Where do you find that info?
All you have to do is watch really. Lots more dive comps recently with solo Winston.
Where do you find that info?
Probably practicing for the upcoming Zen buff. Makes sense to me.
Could have been my stats for Tracer and Ana regarding the division. Still platinum, though.
Well I think it's a stupid mentality for them to have. People should be able to play who and how ever they want I think it's silly they're making these changes based on
Basically they need to make Winston as easy to use and apparently powerful as Rein for people to pick him even though he's already a great hero :v
No, the wins today matter more. Not practice. Pros don't pick things to practice unless they are in a position where they can change they quickly to avoid losing. They are picking him because he's extremely powerful.
I've seen a guy named Boostio before.Just met a dude named SYMMETRASH
Now thinking of changing my name.
Well I think it's a stupid mentality for them to have. People should be able to play who and how ever they want I think it's silly they're making these changes based on that.
Not disagreeing with your assessment either because I'm sure it's true it's just stupid though.
I thought Plat had more people with common sense.
I was wrong.
Is there a way to report people on ps4 for cheating
Like dude actually got me tilted
I'm pretty scared of these changes. Winston is already really good but like you say in solo queue there is little coordination. The times where you come up against a coordinated dive there is little you can do, at least the first fight since it's a surprise. Even Winston on his own is pretty bad if your team doesn't help you which is pretty common in solo queue.Between that Overbuff writer and other datasets that get grabbed and thrown up on Reddit. Rein is still prolly a higher pickrate overall, just in NA (and maybe EU?) Winston's pickrate has soared lately.
IMO in pro play atm Winston is probably a top 5 character tbh. My top 5 in no order is Ana, Lucio, Zarya, Rein, Winston. Barriers are just actually too good, and those healers are just....yeah.
Also IMO in solo q Winston drops down to somewhere int he top 10 of best heroes. I don't think he's getting buffs because Blizzard thinks he's bad and needs them. I think it's more because in comp ladder he has like a 2% pickrate and they want people to pick him. He's a very essential hero to the game and extremely strong at enabling different strats, and they want people to mess with that and get away from this trend where Rein is must pick because people don't know other strats.
Basically they need to make Winston as easy to use and apparently powerful as Rein for people to pick him even though he's already a great hero :v
No, the wins today matter more. Not practice. Pros don't pick things to practice unless they are in a position where they can change quickly to avoid losing. They are picking him because he's extremely powerful.
No I don't think so. At least there wasn't last time I was on ps4.Is there a way to report people on ps4 for cheating
Like dude actually got me tilted
If you want satisfying try hacking a reinhardt over and over again making him squirm until he switches to Winston. Then he dies as you sit on a hacked health pack and charge your EMP.I've been playing a lot of Mei lately and I starting to like her more and more. Separating the other team with the Ice Wall is as satisfying as killing people with's ultimate.
Probably more so I dare say, since you can notice the other player panicking when you cut off their escape route.
I feel like this was POTG worthy:
Instead Junkrat got it for triple rip-tire kill... oh well.
How did they cheat? I can only imagine they were using a mouse accessory to cheat.
I feel like this was POTG worthy:
Instead Junkrat got it for triple rip-tire kill... oh well.