He has.Did you place yet?
He placed on his goldpleb smurf so far I think. Dunno about the others.Did you? I'm still at 0 placements.
I strongly suspect we're getting one vs whichever Doomfist grabbed the gauntlet.I keep waiting for another co-op mode like the Halloween special. That was mega-fun and I miss it.
Did you place yet?
On offense flanking is a lot better since one pick literally wins the map sometimes. Still good to just pelt Rein shields. Most better teams won't let you flank like that but he when it happens it's kinda godlike.
Did you? I'm still at 0 placements.
Yeah it went badly lol. You can check my account when you come on tonight.
10 now, same dude that quit in the last game. Have to stop playing so I don't get placed with him again, fuck this game.
Well, let me know. IIRC you can't do placements if you're at least diamond.I did on one account, still 2 to go.
How can I find a group of people to play with on PS4 if I just do solo competition?
lol, you'd think the penalty would kick in by now.
What's your rank
10 now, same dude that quit in the last game. Have to stop playing so I don't get placed with him again, fuck this game.
I did on one account, still 2 to go.
Up for q? I might not be on though, so dont wait around.
If you want me to hop on for duo lmk, I got plat on the smurf somehow today. Lost two winnable games on my way to diamond though![]()
do diamond who drop to plat still keep the diamond emblem? probably those are the fallen diamond people.My team: 1 diamond(me) 5 Platinum
Enemy team: 3 diamonds 3 platinums
Couldn't even that out Blizzard?
you're scaring me to do my placement now! was planning to do like 3 today and 3 tomm to finish it off.Ok 3rd game in a row with quitter, again on my team, different dude.
I'm going to assume the game is having problems right now because they weren't rage quits, time to stop.
Shoot me an invite if you see me on. Not a good idea right now though.
do diamond who drop to plat still keep the diamond emblem? probably those are the fallen diamond people.
you're scaring me to do my placement now! was planning to do like 3 today and 3 tomm to finish it off.
I'm a dropped Diamond myself(twice now), but my point was that the teams could've had a balanced amount of diamonds and there was a large SR average disparity.do diamond who drop to plat still keep the diamond emblem? probably those are the fallen diamond people.
I play on PS4 currently but thinking of picking it up on PC, just worried my PC is too slow. was hoping for some feedback...it's an alienware alpha i3, see below for specs:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4130T Dual Core Processor (3M Cache, 2.9 GHz)
8gb ram
Which GPU exactly?
Looks like a laptop tho. Best just to goon YouTube, type in your GPU model + Overwatch and see other people's experiences.
Edit: ah it's an Alienware alpha i3. Just type in that + Overwatch. That thing has like a 750 TI right?
Depends -- are you trying to play OW at 60fps, or higher? I think one of the main benefits of PC Overwatch is getting a 144hz monitor and playing the game at 100+fps. The i3 might just barely be enough to make that possible, but you might really want an i5.
With that said, we need to know exactly which GPU, but it's most likely the mobile version of the 960, which could b sufficient to run the game at low-medium settings and ove 100fps. You'll need to do some research to make sure, however.
gtx 860m which I hear is identical to a gtx 750 ti.
You seriously don't need much power at all for overwatch.
Also you should play low for competitive anyway.
What's the price? We could probably build you a slightly better PC in a similarly small form factor for the same money that doesn't use laptop components. If you're down, feel free to dive in here:
I already own it brah, but thanks![]()
Playing as Mercy tho... good luck with your sr tbh
Playing as Mercy tho... good luck with your sr tbh
Oh you're good then, I'm sure you could get that bad boy on there at least at 100fps with low settings.
Won 3/3 of my placement matches so far, including a POTG x5 rez. The enemy team was seething! I've also really put into use of not "hiding for rez" and being more situationally aware of picks and turning 4v5 fights into 6v5 fights and winning. Shit works man!
Of course that when a player on the other team leaves the game it has to be during the first minute so the game is cancelled...
Maybe they were AFK. Most of the times when you cap the objective before a minute its because it was 6v5 due to an AFKer.
Seems like the bonus SR is "only" for the first 25 games after placements.
Yeah most likely that, I just got salty because when it's on my team is always 3-4 minutes into the game![]()
still debating whether to pick this up on PC...made a ton of friends on PS4 and it would be kinda a bitch finding new reliable people to team up with
I keep waiting for another co-op mode like the Halloween special. That was mega-fun and I miss it.
Dunno how they could keep someone like terry crews as a hero since they ass voice lines every other patch
Thought you were meant to be a Sombra main? Should heal with Sombra not Mercy
Of course that when a player on the other team leaves the game it has to be during the first minute so the game is cancelled...
Play her until you get above 50%.I have been known to play characters with a win rate that isn't below 50%. I know, it's hard to believe!