2 man groups are the worst thing in ow ever is what I got from it75 iirc, you can always check the Overwatch wiki.
Quite catchy, not sure of the message it tries to convene.
I don't need a song to confirm it
2 man groups are the worst thing in ow ever is what I got from it75 iirc, you can always check the Overwatch wiki.
Quite catchy, not sure of the message it tries to convene.
Why is his uniqueness a problem again, also being absurdly passive entirely depends on the person playing him, his gun deals decent amount of damage and his potential for environmental kills are no joke.
That's hilariousDown here in the lower levels the only Mains who are a problem are the scary-assed, 500+ level Torb Mains. They will wreck your shit 1 v 1, and their turrets always seem to be shooting you in the back, no matter where you are on the map. They're a serious menace. Luckily there are only a handful of them.
Is everyone in this thread an Overwatch god with 3000+ SR?
Is everyone in this thread an Overwatch god with 3000+ SR?
Diamond is a sham basically.Nah, in diamomd you might get someone with bronze tier decision making but they probably make up for it with aim or movement or something. I agree diamond is a weird place though, tons of boosted players. Bronze players are newbies in every aspect.
Yup. Lucios kit is very versatile if you actually use it to its full potential, on top of that his mobility gives you a lot of leeway to get in and out of fights. Use his gun to clean up kills or to distance yourself and allies from enemies. Like you said, keep a good eye on the environment and that can net you some easy kills. His ult comes up fast, so keep shooting and harassing the enemy team.Why is his uniqueness a problem again, also being absurdly passive entirely depends on the person playing him, his gun deals decent amount of damage and his potential for environmental kills are no joke.
Take Reinhardt- they saw he was becoming a must-pick, and so they worked on another Shield tank to work as an altenative for him. (D.VA can also fullfill a similar role in some comps.) Orisa probably won't be the last "shield/anchor" tank released either- you can definitely come up with more tank designs that aren't too close to either of them.Why is his uniqueness a problem again, also being absurdly passive entirely depends on the person playing him, his gun deals decent amount of damage and his potential for environmental kills are no joke.
Diamond is a sham basically.
Yeah, I can see the problematic nature of it. I do think they will probably go with another high mobility support hero, but of course give him or her something that can win team fights; they seem to be focused a lot on damage output, like Ana and Orisas ults, so I can see another ultimate based around that.Take Reinhardt- they saw he was becoming a must-pick, and so they worked on another Shield tank to work as an altenative for him. (D.VA can also fullfill a similar role in some comps.) Orisa probably won't be the last "shield/anchor" tank released either- you can definitely come up with more tank designs that aren't too close to either of them.
When you start to conceptualize "Lucio alternative", though, things get rough. He's the only AoE healer (the other 3 + Soldier all have to actively work on healing their targets), but it's not a style of healing that has a ton of design space for future heroes. You have to differentiate them via utility, but that'll be rough as there's not a huge amount of space there since there's only so many defensive/utility buttons that you can combine that make up coherent kits.
This isn't a complaint about "Lucio is boring", it's an issue with him being a permalock in competitive play and it being very difficult to address that due to his design.
Take Reinhardt- they saw he was becoming a must-pick, and so they worked on another Shield tank to work as an altenative for him. (D.VA can also fullfill a similar role in some comps.) Orisa probably won't be the last "shield/anchor" tank released either- you can definitely come up with more tank designs that aren't too close to either of them.
When you start to conceptualize "Lucio alternative", though, things get rough. He's the only AoE healer (the other 3 + Soldier all have to actively work on healing their targets), but it's not a style of healing that has a ton of design space for future heroes. You have to differentiate them via utility, but that'll be rough as there's not a huge amount of space there since there's only so many defensive/utility buttons that you can combine that make up coherent kits.
This isn't a complaint about "Lucio is boring", it's an issue with him being a permalock in competitive play and it being very difficult to address that due to his design.
Sssshhh, let me dream3000+ consider god tier?
Yeah, I can see the problematic nature of it. I do think they will probably go with another high mobility support hero, but of course give him or her something that can win team fights; they seem to be focused a lot on damage output, like Ana and Orisa's ults, so I can see another ultimate based around that.
2 man groups are the worst thing in ow ever is what I got from it
I don't need a song to confirm it
I can't even. Fuck this game.
what's wrong henny
A lot of things, but having a mercy throw in the spawn while saying "how does it feel to keep dying" over and over just sent me to a different plane of TRIGGERED I've never felt before.
Gold is so damn frustrating. Loss win loss win loss loss loss win loss loss.
I am in limbo.
A lot of things, but having a mercy throw in the spawn while saying "how does it feel to keep dying" over and over just sent me to a different plane of TRIGGERED I've never felt before.
I told you guys 99% of mercy players are toxic and super needy DELETE FROM GAME
If my entire team has to draft a comp to cater to a character while somebody sticks to that character in even the worst situations, yeah I'd call that griefing. Like, just have secondaries you aren't garbage at and be sensible about switching if you intend to be a "main" player.
Other motivations I don't care about tbh. I don't care if you spent your money and only wanna play your way. If playing your way is making the experience shit for other people, you should be playing something else.
Terrible spiral in the thread. every weekend comp brings out the worst in us.![]()
Well apart from bad mercys today i had 2 good matches before bed now
Rank #649 Zarya on Overbuff right now.
One day make top 100������
Also mayb its me but Mercy seems to have more impact with rez in qp than comp feels weird.
Also mayb its me but Mercy seems to have more impact with rez in qp than comp feels weird.
Yeaaaah the only thing a mercy has shouted out is "die on point" in my comp games.
And then she dies before everyone else.
And then she dies before everyone else.
What is it about Hanzo that attracts so many players? The bow? Dragons? Japanese culture? His good looks? What?!
It's insane how often he's chosen. I wonder if there are character usage stats out there lol.
I'm not gonna lie, every game I played this season with a Mercy on my team that wasn't me went like shit.
Also had a pretty salty Mercy in a game on Oasis where I was playing Lucio. She spent half the match 100 feet back from the team complaining. If I was playing Mercy and she was playing Lucio, it would have been an easy win, but she was queued with a 3-stack, so I wasn't about to try arguing with her to take it off her.
Finally got something going this season. 4-0 tonight and into the dizzy heights of the 2700s.
Who are the PC players who sit in and around Diamond? I probably need to not solo queue as much.
I'm 1550.Is anyone else suck-ass low like me? I'm at 1300 right now, and it would be interesting to put a little group together.
Thanks for reminding me of this...
Also here's the bit from today you said to record.
When Zarya, Hog and Soldier are after you but Grandma Skii saves you from 5hp.
Thanks Grandma Skii![]()