Shake Appeal
Well, I guess I'm playing Sombra on the PTR all night. 
I love how you can always hear Zens voice standout from the rest of the cast, it can't just be me imagining things right? I can always here a Zen in action, be it him shouting 'Behind you', saying 'Peace be upon you' or even just shooting things.
Damn 6 pages already, only just finished catching up with the other OT, so glad to see Zen getting love again, he's the coolest character no doubt.
This is mystifying to me. You put a transloc nearby. You run in stealthed. You ult. You tap E. You run back and pick off everything your team hasn't already killed.EMP is like the most suicidal Ult in the game.
*Discord Orb on Genji*
"I know the doubts that plague you...."
My favorite line in OW![]()
I haven't run into a Sombra disciplined enough to do that, though. I think it takes way more trust in your team to Translocate out as soon as EMP goes off than soloqueuers have. They always try to follow up on their own ult, usually by themselves, and just die, baiting the rest of their team in for a follow-up that doesn't exist.This is mystifying to me. You put a transloc nearby. You run in stealthed. You ult. You tap E. You run back and pick off everything your team hasn't already killed.
I think there are maybe a dozen ults in the game that are more dangerous to get off.
"Do not be discouraged, everyone begins in ignorance." This robo monk has some of the greatest (if mellow) burns out of the cast.
OT7 Wall o' Shame:
Death is whimsical today.
Best designed character in the game.
I like his pre-fight talk with Zarya."Do not be discouraged, everyone begins in ignorance." This robo monk has some of the greatest (if incredibly mellow) burns out of the cast.
Weird fucking character, faster and more simple for character release next time Blizz.
I like his pre-fight talk with Zarya.
"Watch your back, Omnic."
"I will watch yours, as well."
I really like Zen. Too bad I can't aim for shit with his orbs.
Is the patch live? There's some sort of live maintenance going on right now.
I miss being able to aim.
I really like playing Zen. Maybe it's the lousy level I play at but he does a great job shredding Pharah.
I've actually been getting a few Pharahs with Zarya lately too (when there aren't any capable teammates). It feels like her range has been increased quite a bit in the last few weeks. I could be imagining it though.
- Fixed a bug to prevent the garden point on Oasis from being contested.capped from the second-floor walkway above
- Fixed a bug to prevent the garden point on Oasis from being contested.capped from the second-floor walkway above
-Fixed a bug that allowed sombra to reach unintended locations on several maps
Yea, I mean Zen is effectively a sniper that can heal and debuff. Quite the powerhouse for being classified as support
I prefer high skill ceiling characters because they're more fun over time, but maybe they should add one with a low skill floor since Ana and Sombra are both relatively difficult to play
I prefer high skill ceiling characters because they're more fun over time, but maybe they should add one with a low skill floor since Ana and Sombra are both relatively difficult to play
Same, but I've been playing that crazy aggressive Lucio style long before DSPStanky made it cool.Odd, I find Ana relaxing to play. Compared to Lucio.
I really like playing Zen. Maybe it's the lousy level I play at but he does a great job shredding Pharah.
I've actually been getting a few Pharahs with Zarya lately too (when there aren't any capable teammates). It feels like her range has been increased quite a bit in the last few weeks. I could be imagining it though.
Death is whimsical today.
Yesssssssssno, it's DEATH DEATH DEATH DEATH (too many messages)
I didn't like Zen when I first started playing the game, but that was a time where he did less damage, had less health, and moved like a snail during Transcendence. His buffs were good.Before I played this game, I thought Zenyatta seemed like a really lame design. But after using him for a bit I realized he was awesome, I call this the E.Honda effect. I actually think he has the coolest firing/reload cycle in an FPS ever.
Observation after playing something other than OW: I think Paladins payload where you have one capture point and the team that captures it has the payload is better design as having a set attacking or defending team.
But the average person without much time on supports would probably do a better job healing by passively sitting on Lucio's heal aura than using Ana.Odd, I find Ana relaxing to play. Compared to Lucio.
I play him super aggressive too, and it's part of the reason why I find it hard to understand why people find him boring. When you go in hard as Lucio, it's extremely funSame, but I've been playing that crazy aggressive Lucio style long before DSPStanky made it cool.
You run Lucio for speed boost not healing. Has been nerfed a lot but it's still good since nothing else does anything similar. Interesting that the support class have 3 of the top 5 best abilities which defined the meta at some point.Hope that fixes the Mei glitch too.
In this tank meta, he's so good. Especially if they don't run Zarya or Winston. But everyone wants the passive Lucio heals. If our team has more flankers than tanks, I go Zen.
Would be interesting for GAF to discuss which are highest or lowest skill ceilings.I prefer high skill ceiling characters because they're more fun over time, but maybe they should add one with a low skill floor since Ana and Sombra are both relatively difficult to play
Would be interesting for GAF to discuss which are highest or lowest skill ceilings.
You run Lucio for speed boost not healing. Has been nerfed a lot but it's still good since nothing else does anything similar. Interesting that the support class have 3 of the top 5 best abilities which defined the meta at some point.
Would be interesting for GAF to discuss which are highest or lowest skill ceilings.
So I'm really trash at 1v1. Besides working on my aim, what else can I do to get better?
Yeah genji and ana definitely. Would put a few above zarya though she does have a high ceiling. Lucio and Tracer have slightly higher IMO.Zarya and Genji probably have one of the highest skill ceilings imo. Both of them require a lot of play time to maximize their potential. There are other characters such as Ana as well.
My controversial choice for highest skill ceiling: Reinhardt. Even though he's not mechanically the most challenging, I feel like there's so much more you need to pay attention to as him than anyone else, especially when there's so much risk/reward involved in playing him and your performance can make or break the match. You have to space and position yourself properly, know when to shield, when to swing, when it's safe to charge, etc.
No lies. For a character that people joke about "holding down RMB, win", there's so much that goes into playing him, mentally.
It depends on the hero and their hitbox, but even a little more unpredictability in your movement works wonders. Do some simple strafing back and forth. Don't jump. Throw in the occasional crouch.So I'm really trash at 1v1. Besides working on my aim, what else can I do to get better?
I could see it helping with grenades but I still prefer speed boost. Great to engage with especially with this meta where it's w+m1.On a good team, I'd agree. But in pubs / my plat level, it's crucial to have a Lucio to top off the tanks when you happen to get an Ana grenade. But when I play Luc I keep the speed on as much as possible.
In terms of skill ceiling, we talking about mechanical or game sense / contribution?
Cause you can clearly tell a bad Mercy from a good one by how hard they are to kill and how much time they spend flying.
Play dumb. Seriously, a lot of times 1v1s are decided by who hits first and keeps the damage on.
From the launcher:
-Decreased the volume of passing cars with the oasis background in the Hero Gallery
Bug Fixes
-Fixed a bug that was allowing Mercy to resurrect players that had fallen off the map to their death
- Fixed a bug to prevent the garden point on Oasis from being contested.capped from the second-floor walkway above
-Fixed a bug that allowed sombra to reach unintended locations on several maps
This is mystifying to me. You put a transloc nearby. You run in stealthed. You ult. You tap E. You run back and pick off everything your team hasn't already killed.
I think there are maybe a dozen ults in the game that are more dangerous to get off.
I find Lucio relaxing when you play more passively. His gun can still get kills if you aim and lead well, and it's good because most people ignore his shooting anyway. It's a way to contribute to the party while still doing some damage yourself. Of course, you can go crazy aggressive too, but he can still contribute pretty well by staying back.You run Lucio for speed boost not healing. Has been nerfed a lot but it's still good since nothing else does anything similar. Interesting that the support class have 3 of the top 5 best abilities which defined the meta at some point.
Would be interesting for GAF to discuss which are highest or lowest skill ceilings.
I find Lucio relaxing when you play more passively. His gun can still get kills if you aim and lead well, and it's good because most people ignore his shooting anyway. It's a way to contribute to the party while still doing some damage yourself.
The dink dink dink dink when you get a quadruple headshot with Lucio is sublime. I like how he can have such different play style and none of them are wrong .I find Lucio relaxing when you play more passively. His gun can still get kills if you aim and lead well, and it's good because most people ignore his shooting anyway. It's a way to contribute to the party while still doing some damage yourself. Of course, you can go crazy aggressive too, but he can still contribute pretty well by staying back.
For highest skill ceiling, I'd probably say Ana, Genji and maybe Tracer. Characters who require a lot of aim, positioning and decision making to make their characters effective. Genji and Tracer's movement requires a lot of skill to keep up with while also aiming well.
Near the bottom I'd probably put Bastion, Torb, Junkrat, and then maybe Reaper and Mercy. Mercy and Reaper are noticably higher because both of them need good spatial awareness to position and move well.
Even the simpler characters can have a huge skill range because of movement and positioning. People like to make fun of Mercy for being a character that takes no skill, but you can really tell a good one from a bad one.
Would put Lucio and Winston up a tier. Lucio because you need to know when to speed boost which can be for numerous different reasons (engage, disengage, avoiding ults, chasing down an enemy etc). Also have to react to the enemy ults with sound barrier and know when to use it to engage or save key teammates in a fight. Positioning not so much since the range is so big but you still need to make sure your auras affect everyone or as many as possible.If we're talking in terms of "learning the nuances of their abilities and playstyle," rather than pure mechanical skill:
Tier 1: Ana, Genji, Reinhardt, Sombra
Tier 2: Lucio, Mei, Tracer, Zarya, Zenyatta
Tier 3: Mercy, Roadhog, Symmetra, Winston
Tier 4: Hanzo, McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76, Torbjorn
Tier 5: Bastion,, Junkrat, Widowmaker
Tier 1: Cooldowns, prioritization, game sense, opportunism, reaction, positioning, teamwork are all essential. You have to keep track of everything.
Tier 2: You have key abilities and cooldowns that require judicious management. Learning when and where to use them requires a high-level game understanding and lots of practice.
Tier 3: There's some complexity to what you do, but you're kind of a one-trick pony and just need to understand how to do that one thing as well as possible.
Tier 4: The basic execution of what you do is straightforward to understand, but positioning is vital and it's easy to play badly and blame it on your luck or your teammates.
Tier 5: You think this hero has hidden depth because you main them.
If we're talking in terms of "learning the nuances of their abilities and playstyle," rather than pure mechanical skill:
Tier 1: Ana, Genji, Reinhardt, Sombra
Tier 2: Lucio, Mei, Tracer, Zarya, Zenyatta
Tier 3: Mercy, Roadhog, Symmetra, Winston
Tier 4: Hanzo, McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier 76, Torbjorn
Tier 5: Bastion,, Junkrat, Widowmaker
Tier 1: Cooldowns, prioritization, game sense, opportunism, reaction, positioning, teamwork are all essential. You have to keep track of everything.
Tier 2: You have key abilities and cooldowns that require judicious management. Learning when and where to use them requires a high-level game understanding and lots of practice.
Tier 3: There's some complexity to what you do, but you're kind of a one-trick pony and just need to understand how to do that one thing as well as possible.
Tier 4: The basic execution of what you do is straightforward to understand, but positioning is vital and it's easy to play badly and blame it on your luck or your teammates.
Tier 5: You think this hero has hidden depth because you main them.
Cool idea, but how do you balance the spawns?KOTH payload hybrid.
Teams fight over a neutral payload in the center of the arena and try to move it to the opponents side of the map.
"Do not be discouraged, everyone begins in ignorance." This robo monk has some of the greatest (if incredibly mellow) burns out of the cast.
KOTH payload hybrid.
Teams fight over a neutral payload in the center of the arena and try to move it to the opponents side of the map.
Same as always, the closer you get to winning the more advantage for the defender. You'd spawn close to the point that the other team is trying to push the cart.Cool idea, but how do you balance the spawns?