I always thought Ana's damage output was a little two strong. She being able to two shot Tracer is ridiculous.
Well no, it will not be. It will be much, much harder.
While yes she can no longer be on Pharah/Widow duty, the nerf more than anything hampers her ability to deal with flankers.
Now Zen is probably in a better position to consistently defend himself.
She should probably be able to headshot now.
What happened to Zarya?Ana.
What happened to Zarya?
So now the Ana / sniper mains, who refuse to play Lucio or Mercy, are going to play Widow. Good. The healer crowd in competitive (EU Diamond) has gotten too damn big.
Honestly Zarya's bubble never really posed a big problem to me as a Zen player. If she blew a 10s cooldown skill to remove my discord orb for 2s, it's really her loss, not mine.Ana.
Honestly Zarya's bubble never really posed a big problem to me as a Zen player. If she blew a 10s cooldown skill to remove my discord orb for 2s, it's really her loss, not mine.
Honestly Zarya's bubble never really posed a big problem to me as a Zen player. If she blew a 10s cooldown skill to remove my discord orb for 2s, it's really her loss, not mine.
No longer hurts himself from his own explosions. (Effect added to current passive: Total Mayhem)"
If you are getting two shotted by Ana as Tracer, you're probably doing something wrong.
On the other hand, as Ana you will literally die to every single flanker so I guess I can go back to playing Tracer/Genji in comp.
Wow rip in peace ana mains
When that happens I just shift discord onto someone else for 2s. Even better if that makes her blow her other bubble skill on a teammate, now she's out of skills to use and I still can discord her again.I imagine your team is shooting at her considering she has a Discord on her. Not really much of a loss.
Well, I don't disagree with you, but we must have a slight semantic difference when it comes to support. She'll still be able to heal almost as well, sleep critical enemies, hamper the other team, and boost allies. That's what her job as support entails. Now, obviously, she have a harder time doing that because she'll have a much more difficult time staying alive against flankers. But it's the supports job to..well, support other characters doing their jobs, which entails protecting their support character.
So, sure, I can agree that Zenyatta is probably going to be the most DPSing support character now and Ana's pick rate will probably drop a bit. But her abilities as a support character as so valuable, she'll probably still get plenty of usage, it's just that other characters will actually have to pay attention and protect her instead her protecting herself.
And that's just fine. The metric for support character's viability shouldn't be how well can they stand on their own, but how well they can support others. In that role, she will be almost as effective as she is now. Provided she stays alive to do it.
Honestly I don't think they're done with Ana, either. They're gonna go after her healing darts next. Either that or they're gonna revert the clip size or RoF on her rifle.
Zen discord at 30 percent and can go through any barrier, or discord 50 percent with no barrier hack: which one you taking?
Im watching I forgot my twitch username but I'm watching hopefully that counts as a viewer :xAyyy we are live https://www.twitch.tv/anneifrank
No seriously, ana nerfs aside, this zen buff is insane.
Which is fine because I was playing zen before I was playing ana, but phew boy. Have fun monkey jumping onto you with another diver and receiving 30% more damage with no way to position against it.
They only explanation I can come up with is that they're trying to introduce more mobile setups and not the entrenched style 3 tanks introduced. These changes and orisa seems to lean that way.
Also seriously, fuck tanks if this goes live. Like if you want rein out of the game this is how you do it.
Also seriously, fuck tanks if this goes live. Like if you want rein out of the game this is how you do it.
Blizzard: "Stop using Ana pwease"
Rein is still viable. But yeah, Tank meta is looking much weaker now with those Ana nerfs.
Which is good, because I love playing McCree!
Discord going through barrier is a huge deal. This seriously greatly affects the actual utility of reinhardt.
Not saying it won't affect him at all, but I don't think his pick rate in Ranked matches will change much. In actual pro games, maybe. But even then I'm not sure. His shield uptime is just so massive compared to everyone else. Having a big moving wall is just too strong.
fanally, the grenade gets the nerf it deserved. I would have been happy just with that