Haven't had a toxic game in awhile.. because been playing with PS4 GAF. Well, this happened last night.
I wish I got the whole match, didn't realize it would go over 15 min limit on PS4. I thought these guys were friends because the toxicity started right from the get-go, we didn't even get to choose our characters before Genji just said the other guy was throwing (the whole entire match). It was funny for about half a round, this guy sounded like a broken record. The bastion got disconnected after the first round and we managed to get one round off them 5v6 (the Genji was still complaining about the guy who wasn't there). He came back halfway thru second round and that's where the video start.
I think I played really well, I don't know why I haven't given PS4 GAF this kind of performance

but I give these dumbasses one of my better games. Genji kept saying he had 4 golds (he didn't I had damage the entire time). Genji said this was his third smurf, his other 2 accounts are top 500.. would of fooled me with that sub-par ninja play.