PC Gaf inhouse vods:
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_27LwOtrNc&t=8m
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_27LwOtrNc&t=8m
I saw that, and I have a Navi too, but apparently a Windows 10 update last month broke this functionality?The only method I found online was using a program with the Sony Nav controller. If there was a more official method, I would play PC more.
PC Gaf inhouse vods:
It's exactly this. I remember 5-6 minute waiting times leveling a friend's account to 25 and dreading the wait times are worse than playing Quick Play (I prefer comp).Low level plus high MMR probably confuses the system.
They don't deserve you.And now I'm a Mercy main. It just sorta happened lol.
9-1 and the game put me at 2396, lol. Most of the time I'm either low diamond or high plat.
They don't deserve you.
anyone who mains support really
The placements are an absolute joke this season. I got 2235 despite being plat every single previous season.
You're stronger than I...I think I am through with this game. I still love it and I am still learning tricks, but after a year of it being in heavy rotation, I am putting it away so I can enjoy some of the titles I have bought but not played.
Zenyatta, Pharah, Junkrat, and Winston. You will be missed.
Time to take on that backlog. Titanfall 2 campaign and Axiom Verge are on deck.
Here's a thought. You shouldn't be able to swap heroes through suicide in Mystery Heroes. Every time I'm Widow I just end my life. Feel like it kinda defeats the purpose of the mode, honestly.
It won't stop me from killing myself if I'm Widow though. There's no other alternative I'm aware of.
Got a Ddos-er on my team tonight. We still lost.
He's 6 placements away from even queuing with us.Ned is never coming back.
Teammate said he was going to disconnect an enemy for a bit. When it happened our Ana started missing shots and I suddenly couldn't stay alive as Mercy. Lol he was mad. His salt was delicious.
He's 6 placements away from even queuing with us.![]()
Teammate said he was going to disconnect an enemy for a bit. When it happened our Ana started missing shots and I suddenly couldn't stay alive as Mercy. Lol he was mad. His salt was delicious.
We played one more and destroyed on Hanamura. We had a really good random.Oh yea, that Pharmercy combo in the last match combined with a Bastion was pure cancer. I hope we never face a team comp like that again in KOTH. Annoying as fuck. Bad game to end the night with.
We played one more and destroyed on Hanamura. We had a really good random.
Yeah the guy managed to rejoin. IDK what the Ddos-er did exactly, but he called out when he was going to disconnect a dude and when the dude would be able to come back on. Our Ana straight up threw the game. I was more subtle about it in case he set his sights on us next. Pretty sure our soldier also decided to throw, but I'm not 100% sure.Did the person end up rejoining though? Did you guys lose a 6-5??
At least we won the game I played as Mercy. If not...it might have been awhile seen we'd see her again.
Yeah the guy managed to rejoin. IDK what the Ddos-er did exactly, but he called out when he was going to disconnect a dude and when the dude would be able to come back on. Our Ana straight up threw the game. I was more subtle about it in case he set his sights on us next. Pretty sure our soldier also decided to throw, but I'm not 100% sure.
Well, I learned that people can DDOS you by getting your IP from you entering their party chat invite. So if you're smart, don't accept any party chat invites from a stranger. You'll just cause your team a loss.
Hey Butt, you able to play earlier this week? What's the earliest you can log on?
You will be my Mercy sponsor and responsible for potential loses.I always believed in you
The placements are an absolute joke this season. I got 2235 despite being plat every single previous season.
Where are you?People still doing the Mei wall at spawn yeah? That's still a thing.
But it's my fault I am where I am in competitive ranking. Absolutely nothing to do with the teams I get put into, it's all my fault for not being able to destroy a team of 6 as Mercy.
I'm just bothered by how fast she gets it. It feels like every team fight has a resurrect to top it off. If both teams have a Mercy...oi.Mercy Rez is kinda a bad design for the game both for casual play and for both mid and high level competitive play.
For casual play it's just overpowered, it takes way more coordination to handle a Rez than it takes to pull off a reasonable one, and people aren't very coordinated.
For mid level play, it's not entirely overpowered, but it makes the game revolve too much around it.
For high level play, teams can counter it; but it still feels cheesy and high level mercys are actually quite good at playing hide and seek with Rez, and it just seems kinda dumb and low skill cap of an ability. Yes there are tempo rezzes and so on but there's just not that much play to it.
Where are you?