UPDATE: Namco is releasing a free title update for Pac-Man CE DX on Sept. 25 on XBLA and PSN. The complete game, now called Pac-Man CE DX+ will be released released on Steam that same day for $10. This is the first appearance of either Pac-Man CE game on Steam. There's a trailer on the linked Steam page.
So, what's in the update?
BIG EATER COURSE: A new challenge with more ghosts on screen that you can eat and in which it will be vital to manage your way out while still powered-up.
MOUNTAIN COURSE: A technical mountain-like course in which ghosts might take shortcuts to catch up with you.
CHAMPIONSHIP III & HIGHWAY II COURSES: Highly popular Highway and Championship II maps redesigned for an increased challenge in which using bombs strategically will be crucial to beat top scores.
RALLY-X SKIN: PAC-MAN’s automotive makeover! New skins, characters and BGM that will turn all your courses into Rally-X races.
DIG DUG SKIN: Dig Dug tries it Pac-man style! New skins, characters and BGM that will turn all your courses into Dig Dug adventures.
PAC IS BACK SKIN: Transport all your courses into the world of "PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures"!
PAC STEPS BGM: Enjoy new organic-sounding music centered on real instruments or electronic music built around distorted synth tracks.
RE-ENTRANCE BGM: PAC-MAN CE DX main menu "ENTRANCE" remixed and extended version now playable during the races. That's right - Giant Bomb's "Best Original Song of 2010" is now playable in-game!
/end update
Welcome to the OT for Pac-Man CE DX. I loved the first game on XBLA and felt the follow-up deserved a great thread. This is my first OT - woot.
Release: Nov. 17, 2010 on XBLA / Nov. 23, 2010 on PSN
Price: 800 MSP / $10
Q: What is Pac-Man CE DX?
A: It might help to first understand what Pac-Man CE is/was. Why is this important? Because the core of the first game - Championship Mode - is also included in DX. (EDIT: This is only one mode from the first game, which had six modes. DX has 10 modes, nine of which are all new.) From my overview that was part of a Racketboy.com article:
Q: How is DX different?
A: Mainly, several all new modes, new ways for Pac and the ghosts to attack and tons of new/varied skins and looks. But the biggest change is right in line with the big change from the 1980 classic to the first CE: ghost chains. Whereas in CE you could chain up to about a dozen ghosts at once in all but the best situations, DX sets up HUGE lines of ghosts to devour - up to 100 or more at once in places. The effect taps directly into the pleasure center of the brain.
Q: How is Pac-Man CE DX better?
Q: Fucking Pac-Man? In 2010? For ten bucks? REALLY?
A: Yes, really. Those not into twitch and skill need not apply. If you don't get it, you probably haven't been paying attention the whole revolution in downloadable titles that's been happening for the past five years. The game epitomizes what's so damn cool about XBLA and PSN.
Q: If I own the first CE should I buy this?
A: Unequivocally, yes. It's cliche, but it's true: if you liked CE, you'll love DX. If you loved CE, well, this is your GOTY.
Q: So it's an expansion pack then?
A: If you're a cynic, maybe. If you simply enjoy vidjagames and have any respect for gaming history, then no.
Q: Is this on PSN?
A: YES. No more port begging!
Q: Is this coming to WiiWare?
A: NO. Long live port begging!
Q: What's the best controller for this game?
A: Most of the CE pros used the 360 analog stick. It actually works, and was designed around that controller. The d-pad (as usual) is shit. Many people have reported that a 4-way stick works great, but my tests of the stock SF4 TE stick didn't turn out so well. I have also used the MadCatz "drumpad" with good results, but still feel the analog stick was by far the best way to play.
Q: Does DX include the original CE in its entirety?
A: No, only one mode - although it's the mode that was CE's main draw. CE remains distinctly separate title.
Q: If I don't have CE, should I get that first, or buy DX or what? I'm confused.
A: I loved CE, but after spending a fair amount of time with DX I can say without a doubt - get DX first. There's FAR more content and it's much more accessible. If you find you love DX, look into CE. But remember, the main draw from CE is in DX (the Champ I board).
Q: Does DX include the original 1980 game in any way?
A: No. Again, this is an entirely new game.
DX Debut trailer:
Giant Bomb quick look:
Video of a killer run in the original CE, to give you a flavor of high-level play:
Reviews of the original CE, for reference:
(Sorta) OT for the original CE, for reference:
IGN: 10/10
Eurogamer: 10/10
Game Informer: 9/10
Ars Technica: BUY
1Up: A
Gamespot: 9
Team Xbox: 9.8
Giant Bomb: 5/5
Destructoid: 9
"God, I wanna take a bath in this game." -Brad Shoemaker; Giant Bomb
"Ruinously addictive." -Kristan Reed; Eurogamer
"This game is like a drug but I can't decide which one. It feels like being on acid but it's addictive as crack." -Gary Whitta; GAF member
"Takes everything that made Championship Edition great and adds a bunch of cool new stuff. It's like taking a great white shark and adding laser beam eyes and saw blades that shoot out of its mouth." -Daemon Hatfield; IGN
"Man, this game is so good. It's probably the most fun I've had chasing high scores since the original Geometry Wars." -NekoFever; GAF member
"The most accessible and fun Pac-Man game in the character’s long history." -Matt Miller; Game Informer
"This game is like neon jizz all over my moobs." -acm2000; GAF member
"I think the E just kicked in, you guys." -Ryan Davis; Giant Bomb
"Okay, I have to be more careful when I play this. Last time I looked at the clock it was...well, seven hours ago. Holy fuck. " -Seraphis Cain, GAF member
So, what's in the update?
BIG EATER COURSE: A new challenge with more ghosts on screen that you can eat and in which it will be vital to manage your way out while still powered-up.
MOUNTAIN COURSE: A technical mountain-like course in which ghosts might take shortcuts to catch up with you.
CHAMPIONSHIP III & HIGHWAY II COURSES: Highly popular Highway and Championship II maps redesigned for an increased challenge in which using bombs strategically will be crucial to beat top scores.
RALLY-X SKIN: PAC-MAN’s automotive makeover! New skins, characters and BGM that will turn all your courses into Rally-X races.
DIG DUG SKIN: Dig Dug tries it Pac-man style! New skins, characters and BGM that will turn all your courses into Dig Dug adventures.
PAC IS BACK SKIN: Transport all your courses into the world of "PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures"!
PAC STEPS BGM: Enjoy new organic-sounding music centered on real instruments or electronic music built around distorted synth tracks.
RE-ENTRANCE BGM: PAC-MAN CE DX main menu "ENTRANCE" remixed and extended version now playable during the races. That's right - Giant Bomb's "Best Original Song of 2010" is now playable in-game!
/end update

Welcome to the OT for Pac-Man CE DX. I loved the first game on XBLA and felt the follow-up deserved a great thread. This is my first OT - woot.
Release: Nov. 17, 2010 on XBLA / Nov. 23, 2010 on PSN
Price: 800 MSP / $10
Q: What is Pac-Man CE DX?
A: It might help to first understand what Pac-Man CE is/was. Why is this important? Because the core of the first game - Championship Mode - is also included in DX. (EDIT: This is only one mode from the first game, which had six modes. DX has 10 modes, nine of which are all new.) From my overview that was part of a Racketboy.com article:
Source: http://www.racketboy.com/retro/microsoft/xbla/2007/11/the-best-pac-man-clones-and-spin-offs.htmlWith original Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani at the project’s helm (his first time working on a Pac-Man title since the 1980 original), PMCE could be considered a true “championship edition” in that getting the most out of the game will require some decidedly well-honed Pac skills. The goal is the same as it ever was: score the most points possible. But there’s a catch: PMCE is timed. There are six gameplay modes in all. The main draw, Championship Mode is five minutes long. Most but not all of the other modes are 10 minutes long. The other major changes (besides the mazes — more on that in a minute) are that power pellets can be chained indefinitely for successive ghost-munching bonuses of up to 3200 points per ghost, eating regular dots without dying builds up a score multiplier, and that Pac-Man respawns in the same place he died after losing a life.
The crux of PMCE’s gameplay is the tried and true arcade formula of balancing risk versus reward. The original Pac-Man had an element of this: should you eat the blue ghosts after getting a power pellet or simply clear the rest of the dots and move to the next board? In PMCE, the answer is: you do both, but you do it by setting up a chains of power-pellet-fueled ghost combos over the paths of the dots in the maze. Unlike the static mazes of old, however, the mazes in PMCE are constantly shifting. The screen is divided into two halves. Clearing one side of dots will bring up a bonus item (cherries, Galaga ships, keys, etc.) which will then open up a new pattern of walls and dots on the other side when eaten. The process repeats with each new side getting more complex, filled with more and more dots and power pellets. The first few patterns set up paths of dots that are ideal for combos if you play them correctly, but as the game progresses those paths aren’t as clear-cut. Setting up strategies for your paths in real time is essential because every second spent traveling over black space instead of munching dots or ghosts is time wasted. In a way you’re playing against the maze itself as much as against the ghosts or the clock — and that’s where Iwatani and Namco have captured the essence of the original game and taken it to a twitch-inducing extreme.
The atmosphere is enhanced by a pace that speeds up as the clock winds down, complete with music that goes from subtle to heart-pounding in the final 30 seconds or so. The visuals have been updated for hi-def screens and though the graphics are more crisp and somewhat more colorful, the look and sound effects are total throw-backs to the feel of the arcade original. It’s easy to be cynical about “Pac-Man with lights and a techno beat,” but those elements melt away once you’re sucked into the gameplay. Like many XBLA titles, PMCE has a world-wide leaderboard, which is another nice throw back to the days when high scores were all that mattered.
Q: How is DX different?
A: Mainly, several all new modes, new ways for Pac and the ghosts to attack and tons of new/varied skins and looks. But the biggest change is right in line with the big change from the 1980 classic to the first CE: ghost chains. Whereas in CE you could chain up to about a dozen ghosts at once in all but the best situations, DX sets up HUGE lines of ghosts to devour - up to 100 or more at once in places. The effect taps directly into the pleasure center of the brain.
Source: http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/111/1119045p1.htmlThe most significant change to Pac-Man Championship Edition is the number of ghosts onscreen. Whereas you previously only had to worry about the core four (Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde), DX throws dozens, maybe hundreds of ghosts at you. As you make your way through the maze sleeping ghosts will randomly appear. Pass by one and it will wake up and begin to chase you. Your aggressors will accumulate until you have a long conga line of ghosts trailing behind Pac-Man. Then, when you eat a Power Pellet, you can chomp through the entire line at once.
I've started another paragraph here because I want you to understand this: eating a conga line of ghosts in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX is amazing. The entire IGN editorial crew gathered around my desk during my demo and we all were sold as soon as we saw Pac-Man devour a hundred ghosts at once. We can't wait for this game.
Q: How is Pac-Man CE DX better?
I should note here that I (and many, many others) have dropped hundreds of hours into Championship Mode alone. It's brilliant. The rest is is truly icing.Ghosts 'n Stuff
Traditionally, Pac-Man has only had to contend with four ghosts chasing after him. In DX, dozens, maybe hundreds will be on his tail. Ghosts are found sleeping around the maze and will wake up and chase after Pac-Man when he passes by. The longer you wait to eat a Power Pellet, the longer the ghost train will become. Finally chowing down on a conga line of ghosts is one of the most satisfying gaming experiences you'll have this year. While you earn points for eating dots and fruit, too, the biggest chunk of your score will come from your ghost intake.
Way More Content
The original Championship Edition was centered on the Championship course with a couple extra courses thrown in for good measure. DX includes ten courses, most of which are brand new.
Championship II: An updated version of the Championship course from the first game.
Championship I: The original Championship course.
Highway: An updated version of the Extra-1 course from Championship Edition.
Junction: A new course with many warp zones.
Spiral: A new course with several whirly bits.
Manhattan: Namco wants to keep this one a secret for now.
Free Manhattan: Another secret!
Dungeon: New course where it's easy to find yourself trapped by the ghost train.
Half: New course with cookies placed on just the left half. This one will take some thinking.
Darkness: New course for skilled players where only the areas around cookies and ghosts are visible.
Retro Skins
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX lets you choose from a variety of map and character visual styles in every game. Want to play a round with the 3D look of 1987's Pac-Mania? Or a pixilated Pac-Man? You can. Some of the options may be a little impractical if you're serious about your high score (they may be distracting), but they all look great.
Q: Fucking Pac-Man? In 2010? For ten bucks? REALLY?
A: Yes, really. Those not into twitch and skill need not apply. If you don't get it, you probably haven't been paying attention the whole revolution in downloadable titles that's been happening for the past five years. The game epitomizes what's so damn cool about XBLA and PSN.
Q: If I own the first CE should I buy this?
A: Unequivocally, yes. It's cliche, but it's true: if you liked CE, you'll love DX. If you loved CE, well, this is your GOTY.
Q: So it's an expansion pack then?
A: If you're a cynic, maybe. If you simply enjoy vidjagames and have any respect for gaming history, then no.
Q: Is this on PSN?
A: YES. No more port begging!
Q: Is this coming to WiiWare?
A: NO. Long live port begging!
Q: What's the best controller for this game?
A: Most of the CE pros used the 360 analog stick. It actually works, and was designed around that controller. The d-pad (as usual) is shit. Many people have reported that a 4-way stick works great, but my tests of the stock SF4 TE stick didn't turn out so well. I have also used the MadCatz "drumpad" with good results, but still feel the analog stick was by far the best way to play.
Q: Does DX include the original CE in its entirety?
A: No, only one mode - although it's the mode that was CE's main draw. CE remains distinctly separate title.
Q: If I don't have CE, should I get that first, or buy DX or what? I'm confused.
A: I loved CE, but after spending a fair amount of time with DX I can say without a doubt - get DX first. There's FAR more content and it's much more accessible. If you find you love DX, look into CE. But remember, the main draw from CE is in DX (the Champ I board).
Q: Does DX include the original 1980 game in any way?
A: No. Again, this is an entirely new game.
DX Debut trailer:
Giant Bomb quick look:
Video of a killer run in the original CE, to give you a flavor of high-level play:
Reviews of the original CE, for reference:
(Sorta) OT for the original CE, for reference:
IGN: 10/10
Eurogamer: 10/10
Game Informer: 9/10
Ars Technica: BUY
1Up: A
Gamespot: 9
Team Xbox: 9.8
Giant Bomb: 5/5
Destructoid: 9
"God, I wanna take a bath in this game." -Brad Shoemaker; Giant Bomb
"Ruinously addictive." -Kristan Reed; Eurogamer
"This game is like a drug but I can't decide which one. It feels like being on acid but it's addictive as crack." -Gary Whitta; GAF member
"Takes everything that made Championship Edition great and adds a bunch of cool new stuff. It's like taking a great white shark and adding laser beam eyes and saw blades that shoot out of its mouth." -Daemon Hatfield; IGN
"Man, this game is so good. It's probably the most fun I've had chasing high scores since the original Geometry Wars." -NekoFever; GAF member
"The most accessible and fun Pac-Man game in the character’s long history." -Matt Miller; Game Informer
"This game is like neon jizz all over my moobs." -acm2000; GAF member
"I think the E just kicked in, you guys." -Ryan Davis; Giant Bomb
"Okay, I have to be more careful when I play this. Last time I looked at the clock it was...well, seven hours ago. Holy fuck. " -Seraphis Cain, GAF member