There's an older DX+ thread in Gaming. I cross-replied over there. Nice work!
I don't think its sub par per say (I recon they use the exact same assets), just how the increase in resolution has been handled makes it look worse (I think).Thanks for the pics, Aerocrane.
I'm afraid I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to the Win8 App Store - is everything there supposed to run on Win mobile as well as desktop? Anyone know if the game runs on a windows phone?
I guess I'm just asking so that we could maybe do a PSA on the news side of the board letting people know the Steam version of the game is sub par to the console version - IF that is in fact the case. My shitty PC can't play games of any type, really, so I can't compare at all.
1. Show full game AppID store page in demo version.
2. Change channel mapping to 2 channels, disabled check for default audio change every 1 second which may cause audio problems on some audio cards.
3. Fixed a bug that game crashes after updating scores of Highway II and return back to Game Modes Select page.
4. Fixed a bug that game display wrong ranking (always S) in Game Modes Select page.
5. Add Leaderboards for DLC courses in 'Game Mode Total'.
Patch Released.
The patch with the following fixes is now released:
1. Show full game AppID store page in demo version.
2. Change channel mapping to 2 channels, disabled check for default audio change every 1 second which may cause audio problems on some audio cards.
3. Fixed a bug that game crashes after updating scores of Highway II and return back to Game Modes Select page.
4. Fixed a bug that game display wrong ranking (always S) in Game Modes Select page.
5. Add Leaderboards for DLC courses in 'Game Mode Total'.
6. Issue regarding uploading Medals on Facebook.
7. Crash in Championship III, Big Eater, and Highway Levels while playing the game and/or when trying to retrieve the Leaderboards Information.
Am I the only person on PS3 getting a system lock when setting a time on Championship III Time Trial?
Once you finish the maze and it tries to save the time, the system hangs. On subsequent reboot, at any point that you enter the Championship III to play a maze or see your scores, the system hangs.
Removing your save file fixes the problem, but then everything you unlocked is locked again.
Anyone?Is there a patch incoming?
Argh. I won't be able to test for a while. Damnit. Thanks for the head up, Roto13.So apparently this game got patched on PS3, but I'm not sure what the patch does. Hopefully it fixes the unlocks. Anyone want to test it out?
This has got to be one of the best games I've ever played. I can't believe how much fun it is. It took a little while to sink in, however.
Are people still having technical issues with the PC version? It runs perfectly fine for me (there are some score sync issues but that's it) and I'm wondering what the climate for everyone else looks like.
My monitor is 4:3 and my desktop resolution is 1600x1200 @ 85Hz, which is what it runs at. I'm surprised that it opts to scale down in 16:9.PC version works fine for me. I double dipped for the PC one after playing PS3 and I have to say that I am kinda disappointed that despite the CEDX+ name, the Dig Dug/Rally X etc. stuff were still DLC, but should have seen that they are only part of the special edition. Also the game running at 720p makes it really blurry on my display, which makes the game harder to play for extended time. Still, like you said, it's one of the best games ever. So simple, so addicting.
Except for Half, I think I like them all so much that I can't pick a favorite.Can we all agree that Highway II is the best stage?
My biggest complaint: why aren't all stages unlocked from the get-go?
Glad you're digging it. I think there are separate achievements and medals because it was originally a console game with only 12 achievements per the old XBLA limit. The just added stuff for the steam release, I think, though I'm not sure because I don't have that version.I'm really LTTP on this one, but I got during a Steam sale a while back and have only recently started sinking my teeth into it. It's such a fantastic experience playing this on my computer with a stick and headphones plugged in. I've got all the achievements, and am slowly working towards unlocking everything. My biggest complaint: why aren't all stages unlocked from the get-go? Also it's strange that there's a distinction made between achievements and medals. Why aren't they all just achievements? Anyways, the game almost makes me want a pac-man cab.
Glad you're digging it. I think there are separate achievements and medals because it was originally a console game with only 12 achievements per the old XBLA limit. The just added stuff for the steam release, I think, though I'm not sure because I don't have that version.
Using an arcade stick?
I can't believe I never tried to play this with a stick.Yeah, it's not 4-way but I haven't really had issues with it, so I don't think I'm going to go through the hassle of opening up the stick to rotate the gate.