Speaking of mods... the Paradox facebook account posted this:
I might have to give it a go, if only to see how traits work when breeding half cat half lizard people.
Is it weird that I've been dreaming of Crusader Kings 2 UI?
no, I had dreamed of Heart of Iron 2 before, where I dream of Germany steamrolling France each and every time while I begged and tugged at France to do something and supplies them with resource but my plead go unanswered while I see Vicky France at the end it.
now excuse me while I go played HOI 2 again.
Is Victoria and Hearts of Iron gonna be a thing on the new engine?
Is Victoria and Hearts of Iron gonna be a thing on the new engine?
Hearts of Iron is their best selling series, so they'll make another one. Who knows about Victoria.
Don't care about Vicky much but I look forwards to the inevitable HOI4. Hope they can fix most of its issues.
That only means you're a normal person. Getting balls deep into HoI3 means you have some sort of mental sickness (like me). Leaving fighting to the AI is a crapshoot unless you know how to babysit it, and playing a major with full control means millions of years of micro.
Kabs you say that, but then your army suddenly starts strategically redeploying four corps to deal with some polish partisans and you're at speed 5 so the eastern front collapses by the time you pause to fix it. :-(
It also has this awful habit of letting units fall victim to obvious encirclements.
PS building a rational OOB is half the fun!
How would one
Reinact The Domination of Draka in Hearts of Iron 3
CKII I am in a game where I started as Dublin, wanted to be emperor of Britannia.
I managed to unify Ireland, conquer Wales county by county, then the pope granted me rights to invade England when the king was a small boy.
I won the war, and I married the queen of Scotland. I thought my next heir would inherit it and I would be able to form the empire.
For some reason My heir won't inherit, it's for a random relative of the queen. Any way to check inheritance rules of other kingdom?
Also, England has gavelkind rules and almost all dukes hate me. I don't know if I will be able to make them happy in 10 years to change the law, else I will lose the kingdom..
They already tried to independence themselves once!
So close and so far...
CKII I am in a game where I started as Dublin, wanted to be emperor of Britannia.
I managed to unify Ireland, conquer Wales county by county, then the pope granted me rights to invade England when the king was a small boy.
I won the war, and I married the queen of Scotland. I thought my next heir would inherit it and I would be able to form the empire.
For some reason My heir won't inherit, it's for a random relative of the queen. Any way to check inheritance rules of other kingdom?
Also, England has gavelkind rules and almost all dukes hate me. I don't know if I will be able to make them happy in 10 years to change the law, else I will lose the kingdom..
They already tried to independence themselves once!
So close and so far...
How do I get those last two duchy's to the south into my kingdom? They are my vassals but even though a few of them are part of my Demesne, they still don't get highlighted when I click my sigil.
You mean, you you want them to be a part of the de jure kingdom*? That happens naturally. Takes like 100 years or so?
*petty kingdoms are actually duchies though, I think. I'm not sure if there is actually de jure duchy drift or not. I think it might just be kingdoms and empires.
New CK2 DLC announced: Sons of Abraham
They're finally adding Judaism which people are been requesting for quite a while. It doesn't mention anything about playing as Theocracies, but that must be included.
is responsible for my vassal liege levies being reduced from 20k to 10k. It does open up interesting options for the occasional duchess with 19 martial. I'm also trying out my first William the Conqueror game, and two generations in some counties are turning Norman and some are turning English. No idea if this is good or bad, beyond trying to keep all my dukes the same as my king and yelling at all the 80+ opinion people not voting for my chosen heir.A Holding owner's personal martial skill now affects the levy size (exported as HOLDING_LEVY_SIZE_OWNER_MARTIAL_BASE and HOLDING_LEVY_SIZE_OWNER_MARTIAL_MULT)
Anyone tried Sons of Abraham yet?
I've played a few hours of it. My overall impression is that the expansion is a little sparse. Besides fundamentally changing the papal mechanics (which obviously needed the upgrade), SoA is probably less consequential in its overall impact than any expansion since Legacy of Rome. The introduction of the college of cardinals and the new papal interactions are the main reasons to own it. Some of the new events also introduce some interesting things. For example, I received a Joan of Arc type event which I believe is new to Sons of Abraham. It occurred just after Scotland invaded; a young woman with a martial skill of 33 appeared in my court and was available to lead my troops. This led to an entire event chain depicting the tension that erupted in game between the nobles and church and this Joan of Arc like figure.Anyone tried Sons of Abraham yet?
Speaking as Norse:Is there any way to fabricate/create claims on entire duchies or kingdoms? If not, is there a way to press multiple claims of vassals at once? It takes forever going one county at a time and dealing with truces, even with de jure claims. Have I been missing something gigantic?
In very rare cases, a highly skilled chancellor may fabricate claims on entire duchies, though not kingdoms. I've only seen this occur a few times. The more reliable strategy is to find a character with a claim on a duchy, invite him to your court, land him, and then press the claim. As long as the title you are claiming is of a lesser rank than your own, it will become part of your realm upon winning the war. Because this character is probably just fodder to bring his duchy within the boundaries of your realm, and you have no actual plans to allow him to retain the title you just pressed for him, you can then start a plot to take back the original county you gave him. More then likely he'll revolt, and after you crush him you can leave him languishing in prison or just strip him of his duchy title (preferably both). At least that's what I do. Sure, because you pressed his claim, he'll probably have a +100 opinion of you and be a very pliant vassal, but taking back the same county will allow you to do this trick over and over and over without diminishing the size of your own domain. Plus, I like to keep my realm clean and organized.When I was learning EU3 (and CK2), I tended to just go as I could, figuring out mechanics until I got a hang of them. Every so often I would discover something completely new, changing the way I looked at and played the game. I'm hoping for something like that here.
Is there any way to fabricate/create claims on entire duchies or kingdoms? If not, is there a way to press multiple claims of vassals at once? It takes forever going one county at a time and dealing with truces, even with de jure claims. Have I been missing something gigantic?