I agree with a lot of the criticisms here. One thing that I really wonder is why GGG are so hesitant to make drastic changes to the game in a short timespan to see what happens. This is early access. This is the time to do it. Isn't that what we all signed up for?
I feel like the more they change, the more feedback and data they can collect, which would make the iteration process better.
sure, iam pretty confident that they are gonna do it. why not. as you said, this is the time.
But the chance that the game turned out vastly diffrent then they intended, is pretty high.
So they are gonna change, alot, atleast thats the most likely thing to happen imo.
In the Small Patch announcement video they did an interview after, they told us that changing to much, without resetting the league / economy doesnt give them enough data, because people already have all those powerfull items.
People with those items SHOULD be OP.
We probably have to wait for a bit, but i expect the first big patch to be massive tbh. they also "promised" to not do a season / league without more content to add to the game.
So most likely they will have to wait for both, having the new content ready, reworking expedition / ritual / strongboxes, adjusting dilirium / breach etc.
And also having problems solved that are in the endgame and those problems CAN be solved with more uniques in some instances, then those uniques need to be ready.
This is ( hopefully ) the most "wrong" PoE 2 will ever be. They want to reset everything and do a big overhaul, atleast thats what i interpreted from their interview.
They cant just push that out, well didnt work, lets reset everything shortly after again. People need to reach endgame to test engame. They need atleast 1 Month, better 2 Months of time so the players actually test all the content at all player levels.
Hardcores could deal with a new league ever 2-3 weeks, but many casuals are just getting to mapping after that time. They need to give casuals time to test the endgame at casual level as well.
I login, do 3-4 maps and quit for the day. my monk is geared out. There is alot of stuff i could get to make my monk even stronger, but theres no content that i need it for.
Just sit back and relax. The patch will eventually come and from what we know about GGG, its gonna be big.
My PoE 1 friends ( did play PoE1 as well, but not as much ) are waiting for a PoE1 league, so maybe we have to wait for the league announcement or something similar first.