Reviews don't work this way!But it those reviews are looking better than Ducktales and a bit worse than Papers Please.
yeah. im all amped up to pull a heist, but these are some pretty shitty human beings we'll be playing as.
creepy, but interesting.
Click on "Download" next to Payday 2 in your games list. My list says "No keys available for this game," but clicking that gave me one.
anyone else getting 0 bytes download?
anyone else getting 0 bytes download?
anyone else getting 0 bytes download?
I was, changed download server to Manchester and restarted Steam. Going smooth now.
anyone else getting 0 bytes download?
For the crashes, you have to turn off the Steam overlay (shift+tab thing).
They're working with Valve to get that resolved ASAP. Sauce.
Launched the game quickly to see if it works and looks like I can't join friend nor create a game. Also the serverbrowser is empty.
Someone is having the same problems ? That way I can know if I have to wait for a hotfix or the problem's on my side. In the meantime, off to play some Spelunky !
I'm seeing bunch of servers, game says there's 25 582 players online.
Looks like restarting Steam fixed the problem.
Übermatik;76138323 said:I know very little about this game, but I'm interested in getting it to play with 3 friends.
Someone sell it to me in five points.
In no particular order:
The end. Just buy the damn game and don't ask me to type anymore. It's late.![]()
In no particular order:
1. It's a HEIST game based on great movie scenes and Overkill's imagination which reminds me of the crazy cops and robbers games you imagined as a kid. Everyone has pictured themselves in a "bad guy" scenario or living out a part of the movie Heat and this game is basically playing off of those thoughts. It's just a great game to unwind to because it's pure fun and is great with friends.
2. It's gunplay is actually quite satisfying and infinitely better than the first game with each weapon packing a punch and you can customize them to fit your playstyle even including blinged out grips because that's what ballers do. It's the perfect game to play with friends because they can fill in where you're weak and make sure your team is well balanced. The game is meant to be played with people who communicate with each other so you're all on the same page, but it's not a bad game to meet new people on either. I made quite a few Payday buddies just by using a mic.
3. Replayable missions thanks to the random elements in each heist. The game switches a few things up on you in a level to keep you on our toes and not automatically setting up in the getaway spot. So in one mission, you load a truck with coke on one side of the map and extract nearby but the next time it's on the other side of the map with the extraction somewhere else. Key personnel's positions change so the keycard holder isn't in the same spot all the time requiring you to case out the building before starting, items aren't always in the same spot and optional items can help out but aren't necessary by any means so it's a risk-reward scenario, and the enemies change meaning you won't always see the same special units at the same exact point of the same mission. Randomization means you can still be surprised!
4. PLAYER CHOICE: You choose what type of character you play as, whether it's the stealthy type, the mastermind, the techy, or the enforcer that is ready to go to war with the cops. You can mix and match skills from each class to cater to your playstyle so you're never locked to just one tree if you don't want to. You choose how much armor you go into a mission with, you choose what weapons fit your playstyle and which mods helps those weapons fit you even more. You choose whether it's best to try and case the joint and go for a stealthy heist without the cops even showing up or if you're going to go in guns blazing and get in and out as fast as possible. You decide whether what you stole is good enough or if you should try to take more risking another major wave from the cops.
5. CRIME.NET. The way the new unlocks work is quite clever in my opinion. Each heist leaves you with your share of the money and most of it is put into an offshore account which is basically your experience with a percentage of that being spending cash that you can use at the black market. Everything costs money so whether you want to save up for a new rifle or pimp out your current one is up to you making it a bigger choice than most games. Do you want to spend money making your heist mask reflect your badassitude? Do you save money to buy that next skill once it's unlocked or do you spend it now on an attachment so it's easier to score big on the next heist? Due to the money system, it basically rewards players for playing higher difficulties where the payout is bigger and for exploring the map where items can be picked up for some extra cash. Is it worth being greedy and staying for that last safe to unlock or did you get enough and don't want to risk losing it all if you get caught?
The end. Just buy the damn game and don't ask me to type anymore. It's late.![]()
No, friendly AI is pretty useless. Best to play these kind of games with real people.Does the AI buddies capable of stealth and other styles other than mindless shooting at the Cops?
My review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLb4LiWaeoE
I really enjoyed the game.
Seems to crash a lot. Like all the time and much more than the beta.
Seems to crash a lot. Like all the time and much more than the beta.
I haven't been able to play the game yet because the resolution is messed up. I set it to 1920x1080, fullscreen, and yet it still starts with black borders. I checked my overscan settings and they're fine, I checked the resolution was set correctly in the Appdata file.
No joy.
That's just the starting screen right? That was getting on my nerves till I joined a match and it fixed it. Guess they couldn't bother with filling up the title screen.
Not for me no, I went to the Safehouse (?) and it was the same