Well, today (Something Old, Something New) revealed a skill tree revamp with a new skill system called Perk Decks.
http://steamcommunity.com/games/218620/announcements/detail/221000653215151241The patch notes are linked here.
For those who can't go to it:
Several changes have been made. Find them below in the log

Tier bonuses have been replaced by a new feature called Perk Decks, as described below
Skill changes on all skill trees have been made, as described below
Concealment changes on many weapons have been made, as described below
Perk Decks
Added the Perk Deck feature, described in more detail in-game and on the Crimefest website [
Added the Crew Chief perk deck along with its 9 perks
Added the Muscle perk deck along with its 9 perks
Added the Armorer perk deck along with its 9 perks
Added the Rogue perk deck along with its 9 perks
Fast Learner Painkillers
You gain 15% more experience when you complete days and jobs.
Crew members you revive take 10% less damage for 5 seconds.
Your crew gains 30% more experience when you complete days and jobs.
The damage reduction is increased by 20%.
Inside Man Control Freak
Reduces the asset costs in the Job Overview menu by 50%.
Civilians remain intimidated 50% longer. Noise created by you intimidates civilians.
The converted enemy gains 55% more health and deals 45% more damage. The time to convert an enemy is reduced by 65%.
Black Marketeer Partner in Crime
Kilmer and Partner in Crime placement in the skill tree has been changed.
Reduces the cost of all your purchases by 10%.
Having a converted enemy increases your movement speed by 10%.
Further reduces the cost of all your purchases by 30% and selling items is now 25% more lucrative.
Having a converted enemy increases your health by 20%.
Control Freak Hostage Taker
Noise created by you intimidates civilians.
Having at least one hostage makes you regenerate 0.03% health every 5 seconds.
Civilians remain intimidated 50% longer.
Having at least one hostage makes you regenerate 1% health every 5 seconds.
Bullet Storm
You can fire 5 10 seconds longer without depleting your ammo.
Carbon Blade
Attacking enemies with the OVE9000 portable saw wears it down 50% less than before. Saws are 20% more effective. You can use the saw as a secondary weapon.
Combat Engineer
Upgrades your trip mines with a sensor mode. Enemies that go past your trip mines while in sensor mode are highlighted for you and your crew.
Improved Crafting Tactical Mines
Your cost of weapon crafting is reduced by 10%.
Your cost of mask crafting is reduced by 10%.
Special enemies marked by your trip mines take 15% more damage.
Blast Radius Jack of All Trades
The radius of trip mine explosions are increased by 70%.
The radius of the trip mine explosions are increased by 30%.
The radius is further increased by 75%.
You can now carry sentry guns and trip mines at the same time. When you deplete your trip mines or sentry guns you will switch to the other one.
Sentry Targeting Package
Your sentry gun rotational speed is increased by 150%. Your sentry gun is loaded with 50% extra ammo.
Sentry Combat Upgrade
Your sentry gun receives 50% extra ammunition. You can now reload your sentry gun with your own ammo.
Nine Lives
When you go into bleedout, you have a 35% chance to get right back up.
The Professional
Weapon stability with silenced weapons is increased by 50%.Your snap to zoom is 100% faster with silenced weapons.
Your accuracy with silenced weapons is increased by 50% and your snap to zoom is 100% faster with silenced weapons you gain a 15% chance to pierce enemy armor with silence weapons.
ECM Feedback
You will now instantly interact with a ECM jammer and the ECM feedback duration is increased by 25%. Your ECM jammer has a 100% chance every 4 minutes to recharge itself.
Weapon changes
Added silencer weapon modifications to the light machine guns
Changed the concealment on the Tactical Aluminium body stock for the Rattlesnake sniper rifle from 6 to 5
Changed the M308 rifle base concealment from 6 to 8
Changed the Locomotive 12G shotgun base concealment from 26 to 23
Changed the Cobra submachine gun base concealment from 29 to 28 and the concealment of the 'No Stock' stock was decreased from 2 to 1
Changed the Swedish K submachine gun concealment on the Folded stock from 6 to 3
Changed the Compact-5 submachine gun concealment on the Bare essentials stock from 5 to 4
Changed the CMP submachine gun base concealment from 24 to 26
Changed the Kobus 90 submachine gun base concealment from 23 to 25