Yes it does, you just need System Card 3.0.The briefcase setup doesn't allow you to play Super CD-ROM² games. So you'd need an extra attachment for those. And that Super CD-ROM² attachment tends to be quite pricey.

Yes it does, you just need System Card 3.0.The briefcase setup doesn't allow you to play Super CD-ROM² games. So you'd need an extra attachment for those. And that Super CD-ROM² attachment tends to be quite pricey.
Yes it does, you just need System Card 3.0.
Some people prefer the look of the white PC-Engine and CD attachment known as a briefcase setup. That said though the Duo/R/RX setup is a little easier because you don't need any system cards except for the Arcade Duo card. Which you only need for like 12 games or so total. Though one of the games is supposed to be amazing. (I should also add that something like 19 or 20 regular SCD games have enhancements when played with an Arcade Duo card) Well technically if you want to play Altered Beast you'll need a system 1.0 card for the Duo setups since it crashes on anything but a 1.0 system.
As far as reliability goes the Duo R/RX systems are supposed to be the most reliable set up.
In theory, as long as it's an AC Pro. But there are apparently some compatibility problems, you're better off having one of each system card.Correct me if I'm wrong, but if one has the PC-Engine/PCE CD "Briefcase" setup with an Arcade Card, can one also play Super CD format games?
I did a small fanzine back in the Duo days]
man, those are gorgeous!
say what now
i totally did a fanzine thread here on GAF years ago and like nobody knew anything! i still have a few of them laying about, love those things...wish i could find more! that's so awesome though, which one did you do?
This is good info, thank you! I have a briefcase on the way but I think I'll auction the 3.0 card if I can achieve the same with the TED.You do need to use a patched version if you want to protect your hardware. It deals with how it handles some extra ram and without the patched version the everdrive's ram and system ram kind of battle it out. With the system winning so it works, but it puts unneeded stress on both devices.
This is the thread on the pcenginefx forums where the dude who programmed the patch has info about it. (thank you Elmer!) He's actually made patches for both the US and Japanese cards.
If you have a Duo/R/RX you could just pull the everdrive out and boot to the default OS (which is 3.0) and run everything but the Arcade CDs (and Altered Beast). If you have a briefcase system you either need this or a System 3.0 card. A lot of people just leave their everdrives in and boot with this on the Duo/R/RX side because Stoneagegamer.com who sells the everdrives claims that the PCB is thicker than a regular hucard and constant inserting and taking out could lead to damaging your pin connectors on your system. I don't have a micrometer handy (all though I may know where to get a hold of one) so I've never actually measured it. That said to my naked eye compared to my TenNoKoe Bank my everdrive seems to be 99% the same thickness. I could be wrong though, one of these days I'll need to borrow a micrometer and double check.
I should note I have an everdrive 2.4 and maybe the earlier ones were way thicker, I don't know, can't say.
Fanzines were the shit, sadly most of those are long gone, I had one called "Duo Dimensions" was even pimped in the back of Turboforce at one point, sadly only got a few issues out before everything went south...
that is so cool - your classic TG16 cred is now out the roof, haha
i have an issue of Turboforce about that i think Mzo left me, gonna see if it's that one! the ones i know i have are In Between the Lines and GEA, i should really scan those one day for whoever wants to see em
So my Duo-R is leaving tomorrow to get s-vid added, I'll be shitting myself till it's back in my hands...
So my Duo-R is leaving tomorrow to get s-vid added, I'll be shitting myself till it's back in my hands...
How much does that cost if you don't mind me asking?
Is it weird that I have no problem with my Genesis or Super getting modded, but don't like the idea of my TG-16 getting messed with.
For the YsIV translation (or any translation for that matter) are there some cheaper CD-R that are too light in weight for the Duo disc tray? Tried a Verbatim brand CD-R and the translation worked just fine, but when spinning, it makes a noise as if the top wasnt all the way down / the disc is wobbly (tapping noise). Of course none of my actual CD / SuperCD games do this.
Game has some strange art, but I think I liked the first Bonk better? I dunno, it reused some music tracks from the first, but left out one of the better themes. I liked that it used the peaceful ending theme from the first game for the water areas, and some of the new themes were good, but the fast pace version of the first stage theme just seems off key. At any rate, it's not bad, just not as improved as you'd expect for a sequel.
Hmm I prefer Bonk/PCG 2 to the first. More colourful and varied, I thought it was a good step up.
Play through both many many years ago though...
It's astounding how detailed the presentation is.I managed to win an auction for Legend of Xanadu for 12 bucks shipped. Showed up today and it's in amazing condition. Waiting on the english translation patch to be done to dig into this one.
It's astounding how detailed the presentation is.
It could easily rival Squaresoft production of the time.
The PCE chip must have been tough enough forSound Team JDK to learn, so I don't fault them for how it all sounds. Plus, much of the soundtrack's catchy and feels like Ys-inspired Sorcerian music. Game itself pays homage to a bunch of past Falcom games (in style) and is huge; the sequel's got the edge in polish arguably.
Look who decided to show up to the party today....
Lol you know you have problems when you have a supergrafx![]()
whaa?! that look rad =)
do you recommend getting a super over a modded duo?
Look who decided to show up to the party today....
Same here.
I would LOVE, love to get a Super Grafx for Ghouls and Ghosts and 1941. I just don't think I can justify the price of one for 2 games.
On good news my Arcade Duo card after spending 5 days at the Sort Center at NYC is finally in NJ and will hopefully get to me in the next day or two.
Hoping to have my Duo modded soon, while it's composite is better than expected I can't wait for RGB goodness.