Never followed the sales of Simbin stuff, but I've seen other somewhat niche-y titles get dailies (I think that train simulator with a billion add-ons?) so the chance would be greater than that, but we're splitting hairs over *maybe* five bucks.
Had to share this with GAF, .
Had to share this with GAF, .
Had to share this with GAF, .
It's a great deal, I recommend registering to the Cadillac Site with a "spam" email address and then using the code you get to create the iRacing account with your proper email. You probably can't opt out of the Cadillac newsletter and I like to keep my proper email spam/newsletter free so I used my 2nd email to register to the cadillacracing.6 months free membership for iRacing with Cadillac Cup Racing.
Registration required with usual 1$ confirmation fee.
New members only, once received code expires in January 2013.
Yeah. I received that too. But I have nothing tied to my account, so I'm tempted to just create a new one with the free Cadillac code.
I know it includes tracks including mid-ohio, but does anyone know if it includes the usual starter cars, or are you limited to the Cadillac? I don't feel like entering all the info and realizing it's just the one car for free.
(07-18-2012, 03:12 PM)
I wonder if it's a permban this time since he's been banned before...
That's not really how it works. Doesn't seem like there are any posts that are in danger of that.
Looking at his post history is a bit of a head scratcher. Was he really banned for the gun comment. If so, that was a really short fuse by someone.
Back on topic: Still thinking about pulling the trigger on a CSR Elite setup, got until the 26th to decide.
Yeah, I think he was just unlucky there.
I would imagine mods tend to look at how many times or how often someone has been banned so even "minor" bans could lead to a permban, at least that's how I/we used to moderate some irc channels back in the day.
Back on topic: Still thinking about pulling the trigger on a CSR Elite setup, got until the 26th to decide.
Why 26th?
It's a great wheel.
Okay, so I've spent a few hours with the original DiRT this weekend (I haven't even booted up DiRT 2 nor RACE 07 yet) and so far I'm loving it immensely. I'm playing with a gamepad as I don't have a wheel, but the game controls well enough. I'm halfway through Tier 2 already in the career mode, bought a few cars and paint jobs too. I did a few races on Clubman, the second skill rank, but soon realized that it's better to do them all on Rookie first (the easiest skill level) because once you beat an event on Clubman the Rookie money purse gets greatly reduced. So I'm going to do the entire career tree on Rookie first, then go back and race them on each successive skill level from there (to maximize my winnings).
Good rally game. Certainly more than worth the $2.49 I paid for it. Looking forward to unlocking all of the tracks, and there seems to be a hell of a lot of them...
I keep forgetting. Is Simbin rFactor or Race/GTR?
If it's the latter, guess that means another sim game I'm buying into :/ Track looks stunning.
I'm hoping against hope that there's some way of merging the existing Race/GTR content with it, even it's just similar to GT5 with it's "standard" models. The old content with the new physics/handling/lighting model would be sooooooo dope... AND reward existing customers.It's Race/GTR.
And hot damn. I initially glossed over those pictures thinking it was a CARS screenshot. That's gonna be awesome. Those graphics and SimBin handling? Oh, yeah.
Signed up for the Cadillac iracing offer.
Hopefully with 3D and my modded G27 pedals, I'll have better luck sticking with it this time.
EDIT: Uh-oh. I think my backlog may have met the new enemy, and its name is iracing. I can handle the cars so much better with my new setup. It's night and day for me
Oh, and mid-Ohio is sweet. Like that the new starting equipment isn't so bare-bones anymore.
You know it'll be tweakable as shit when it comes out, so I wouldn't worry!Damn straight. Just get rid of the dirty lens ala BF3 and it's perfect!
We don't know of these latest screens are GTR 3 or another of SimBin's projects as the Swedes are keeping their release plans to themselves.Is there an ETA on it at all? Or even rFactor2 for that matter?
I think part of being on the SimBin beta test is an NDA tighter than an underwater bank vault 8)Ah. I'm a bit out of the loop as far as the Simbin stuff goes (hell, only JUST got Race Injection etc.) so thanks for the infoFingers crossed someone here can get in on dat beta!
Have you looked at Game Stock Car 2012 from Reiza Studios? GSC 2012 earnt rave reviews from the Inside Sim Racing guys recently & Andy from Slightly Mad Studios posted on the WMD forums that he was 'very very impressed'. I'd rate it as my favourite tintop sim with its sublime FFB, physics, nice graphics & great sound. The extra cars consisting of a Formula 3, Formula Classic (1980's F1 car powered by a V6 turbo) and Formula Reiza (2010-2011 F1 car) aren't far off the best open wheelers from Kunos - the developer of NetKar Pro and Ferrari Virtual Academy. The stock SS Camaro is a fun drift mobile too.
Reiza Studios are making an Ayrton Senna game which if GSC is any guide will be mind blowing!
Reiza Studios are making an Ayrton Senna game which if GSC is any guide will be mind blowing!
It's nice to have too many quality PC racing sims to play. I haven't touched my Xbox 360 in 6 months and most likely never will again unless I want some PGR goodness.Hm, will definitely check out GSC2012 too. Sim overload!
The newest addition is the 1988 Mclaren MP4/4, the turbo-powered car took Ayrton Senna to his first of three Formula One World Championships.
While the MP4/4 has made the history books as one of the most successful F1 cars of all times, its presumably the most expensive add-on content ever sold in the sim racing world as SimRaceWay charges members $38 to drive the car.
SimRaceWay Mclaren MP4/4:
Absolute madness, that exclusive McLaren deal must have cost them a shed load.
What are the chances that someone finds a way (no idea how, these modders are cah-razy) to rip the model and physics specs and put them in any other sim game? If they can rip Forza 3 models and put them in GTA, I'd imagine something solely based on PC would be even easier.
I thought people mentioned those were just rFactor mods that were monetized in that game. Probably already is freely available for rfactor.
GSC 2012 is a stand alone free upgrade of GSC. You can install both the GSC and GSC 2012 games if you like - most have moved onto the the 2012 version because of the improvements both physics and graphics.If I buy GSC '12, does it have the '11 (and I suppose other years) content as well?
Track selection alright?