Anyone know of some racing sims that will be playable at Gamescom?
Assetto Corsa is the only one I know will be there.
I'm guessing 3D significantly hits graphical performance/framerates?
Am i missing something?
It is an alpha build and that is damn good for alpha...?
No. Kunos have their own tech! Assetto Corsa is probably an extension of what Kunos created for Ferrari Virtual Academy.
Automaniax used footage from a SMS show reel when in fact they are using ISI's technology.
(07-18-2012, 03:12 PM)
Looking at his post history is a bit of a head scratcher. Was he really banned for the gun comment. If so, that was a really short fuse by someone.
I was banned for my gun comment, but that's all water under the bridge now.
Sorry for getting banned, guys.
Now you can update us on things we might have missed on the PC racing sims front
Zach Griffin said:Firstly, thanks for being so patient with the release and I appreciate your support and concern about the lack of updates!
As I'm sure you're all aware, the development has taken longer than anticipated. This is largely the result of being a one-person development team and balancing work/completing my business degree with the development of the game. This is further compounded due to the ambitious nature of the title, which introduces a highly immersive and seamless off-track experience as well as having to exceed the existing features of the competition.
The great news is the game/engine is now close to being in the public beta stage. Despite having said this before, various features took somewhat longer than previously anticipated as is the case with most tasks in game development. Since the previous update, additional tasks were also added which were the result of observed usability testing and feedback from internal testing (Read: watching people play the game to make it as playable, entertaining, and easy to understand as it can be for both simulation and arcade racers and those new to the genre).
The latest development has centered around completing these new tasks and extracting more performance from the engine so it can run on lower-spec hardware. I've also spent considerable time fine-tuning the net code to ensure the smoothest online racing.
I understand just how much you want to play the game and nothing has more priority than making that possible. Although many have mentioned the purpose of the beta is to allow you guys to find any bugs and tell me what works, it is much more successful when based on a beta version that has all the initial features more or less completed so you guys can find design/gameplay issues that I'm not aware of. There is an estimated 7 full weeks left for the remaining tasks, which I hope to achieve within the next 10 weeks.
A final word to those worried about KartSim being abandoned. Having dedicated nearly every day since March 2005 and most of my twenties to the game, I've resigned from and turned down many highly paid jobs as well as given up most of my social life and free time to do so. Given the opportunity cost, it is not something I have ever considered and the risk of doing so is far too high. The passion, motivation and desire to make the best racing game out there is as strong as ever; made a lot easier by just how good the game is.
Thanks once again and the wait is definitely worth it!
Posted in case anyone has missed these comments from SimBin staff. News from Jay Ekkel via the RaceRoom forums:
"I have confirmed the following a few times now on several forums. On GamesCom we used a build with the Amateur driving model, which means Stability control and Traction control fully enabled. This is required because 99% of the people visiting our booth believe they are good racers, but they are not. Even on the amateur models they have their hands full!
Although the amateur driving model can still be good fun when pushed to the limit, noone (including simracers) have been able to get even close to the potential laptime of the aquila on that racetrack. If i am not mistaken the top simracers was still 5-6 seconds of a good time wih the gamescom build. The top time set by a simracer was where the potential is
Judging the amateur driving model without being able to maximize it's use is impossible.....
At this moment of time we do not comment on the status of GTR3 since we want full focus to be on RRR-E. I will say that it is absolute nonsense to think just because a game is not called GTR3 it is suddenly arcade...",1932.msg17080.html#msg17080
RaceRoom RE demo from Gamescom due in two weeks. From SimBin's JF Chardon on VirtualR: "Yop yop, just so it's clear, what will be released in approx 2 weeks is just a teaser, the car and the track people could try at GamescomNot the final game !"
Optimized digital pedal input in Xbox mode
Fixed issue with ABS not working at 100
Optimized ABS rumble on lower ABS values
Improved USB input dataflow
Optimized cooling (fan)
Optimized force feedback effects
Optimized performance with telemetry output on Tuning display
been playing some rfactor 2, really wasn't feeling it at first but its clicked now. croft, clio cup, 3D vision surround and t500/th8 is really quite some combination, never drops from 60fps also.
LOVING the wheel and shifter, got much more used to it now and it really is worth the money imo. the wheel and shifter are in a different league to my old g25 and the pedals are equal to my old modded set of g25 pedals. only thing i don't like is the wheels fan which is tiny and noisy, that'll be getting modded in the future probably although i can't hear it in game as i always play with in ear headphones
New Fanatec drivers and firmware is out:
Been using these since yesterday, some subtle improvements over 742B but they really should put some effort into how the wheel behaves in Forza. LFS and rFactor have stopped spazzing out so that's something.
I've never updated the firmware on my GT2. Not even sure what it came with (it's about 14 months old, I think).There's some deadzone in the force feedback and a centre notch, 737b was probably the best for Forza but it had centering issues and needed recalibrating after every race.
I've never updated the firmware on my GT2. Not even sure what it came with (it's about 14 months old, I think).
Is it worth doing?
Sounds like a beastly racing rig.
Thanks mate (& Arucardo). I'll give it a go.Yeah it's well worth trying mate, some real improvements plus you can try out FanaLEDs if you use the wheel on PC.
Any word on GTR 3?
Haha. SimBin want the Gamescom teaser to reach the maximum amount of players and after watching people at Gamescom struggle to get close to the developer times (set by SimBin with a 360 controller no less!), I can see their point.
Yes.Is the teaser only available on Steam?