To point 1, come on. We've seen threads about... like... whether a game trailer is using the right kind of anti-aliasing go back and forth for dozens of pages (this is not a literal example, just making a point). I've even been stunned how long abortion threads can go on and on, back and forth, thinking at some point it just has to end with "Duffy's right!" at some point. But it never does. So to say the topic has been exhausted strikes me as very incorrect.
To paragraph 2, yeah, you have a point. That "all of the above" thing made me furrow my brow. I would have said modified versions of B and C. I think the administration was very slow to act, and in this one instance seriously incompetent, and in the panic of election season tried to claim it was a spontaneous demonstration in reaction to a video, so as to not look as bad. But I wouldn't claim that he or anyone of the administration didn't care about the American lives lost.
I do think it's a bigger deal than most people see to. If I were on the fence, it could certainly change my mind of who to vote for.
Hm, is Duffyside being outright incorrect right now?
I thought it was confirmed that there was a spontaneous mob involved, in addition to a possible intentional terrorist attack, which is why response was so conservative.
You can't exactly go and shoot up civilians in a hot-zone, and that's why it took some time to sort rumours from facts.