I'm finding myself having fun revisitng old master's stages with different ones; Really makes some of them seem uber-unfair, without the recommended special abilities. It's amazing how great/horrific Luna's Nightshade ability can feel on different maps...
I love the fact they spent some time on these costumes... seeing (and hearing!) different animals atop Jeffy, or seeing different mini-creatures inside Gnomino's mecha-suit... So nice to have something deeper than just color palette-swaps. Though I feel it'll be a long time before I ever see anyone's 4th costume, with the need to complete all objectives, heh.

It's be nice if the recorder was just smart enough to rewind and choose a snapshot from the point of the ball being shot, all the way to the end of the shot. Would make auto-clips a lot less annoying.
You wouldn't think this would be too impossible to do, though it might slow down performance some, if done poorly...
It's fun cutting highlights reels with Game DVR, ha. Always great to watch a string of "There's no way I'm gonna hit all those!" Oranges somehow blend into one nice, full-screen combo.