Hecatonchires Custom said:Not if you usevoid/repel magic personas
Where's the fun in that?
That's how I killed Snow Queen in P1. 
Hecatonchires Custom said:Not if you usevoid/repel magic personas
Credo said:Dug up a little bit more about Philemon from the characters section on this Persona 2 Innocent Sin super site:
I'm spoilering one of the sentences in the next section because I know some GAFfers are very sensitive to spoilers, although I don't think it's anything that will spoil the story:
TheSeks said:Interesting. I always saw Philemon as an odd-one-out of Persona 1/2 and SMT, interesting to know they had a reason for him.
Also makes the "secret" at the end of IS make sense.
Also no one answered my "does the fusion spell keep all of them" question!
It does. Crisis averted.
But I need the answer key, still. >_>
KibblesBits said:Get it from Mu. Sorry I couldn't be around to answer your questions today.
Looks like you guys did just fine.
Aeana said:I've been playing off and on during my free moments. I'm pleased with the translation overall, although "Cuss High" still strikes me as awkward since real teenagers would never be so tame when insulting a rival school.
I'm up to Aoba Park, taking a break since I got lost in Giga Macho as usual even though this is my sixth time through the game. The encounter rate feels higher, probably due to the movement speed increase, but it doesn't bother me too much.
KibblesBits said:Oh cooooooome ooooooooon mang.
Mu Continent.
Aeana said:Also, I kinda wish the battle quotes were comically censored just as a tribute to Eternal Punishment.
TheSeks said:Ohhhhh. Right.
You can get the masks there despite screwing up the questions? What the hell do I need to answer the questions right for, then?
KibblesBits said:No no no, you can get the solving orb/answer key for combos there.
Sorry for the confusion.
TheSeks said:Ooooh. Okay, well the contact guide at that fansite is good enough for me. :lol I just need to know what to answer at certain points for the masks again since I've lost the old fantranslation wiki.![]()
TheSeks said:I'm surprised Yukino is saying "shit" since she's a lot more tamer in the fan translation.
KibblesBits said:For the customs, let most of them solve their own problems. One of the decisions is a trick though...
cj said:Well, she is an ex-gang member
TheSeks said:Okay, so the girl askingaffects nothing.if the principal is dead
jorgeton said:Hrm.
About 7 hours in and while I'm enjoying it so far, I kind of wish they did a little more with the port -- maybe something like the forma system from SMT Strange Journey, something to spice up the dungeon crawling. Or at least getting an item for filling up the map. A little tweak to just make the game more interesting. I'm sure it would be heresy to alter the game that dramatically, but it really does need an extra oomph. I recently played P2: EP, and maybe that's why I wish they did more?
Also, why the hell did they not keep Kaneko's designs? I like Soejima as much as the next guy, but come on. I would have loved it if they kept Kaneko's art and gave it an HD finish. Kaneko > Soejima.
That said, the game is still pretty enjoyable, and it's fun to see how it links to EP.
I kind of liked Maya more when she didn't talk...
TheSeks said:Soejima did the faces in the original in-game on PSX anyway. They at least attempted to have it be a cross between the out-of-game Kaneko art and Soejima's.
cj_iwakura said:I thought Maya made an awesome protagonist, but you have to admit silent doesn't fit her. It does fit Tatsuya.
crap! didn't notice this and Im already at Mu! I was waiting for her to say that especially in the Bomb Shelter, oh well...Rebochan said:I am so sad the English script corrected her Engrish.
...not really, but it would have been awesome if they left it alone.
jorgeton said:Did not realize that. While the in-game faces aren't bad, I would've loved Kaneko's artwork splashed across my psp.
It is a dramatically better game in every way.Ellis Kim said:Hey, I've got a few questions if anyone can answer them:
1) Does anyone know why Amazon has P2:IS under review?
Was something wrong?
2) Does every physical copy come with all of the extra goodies like shown in the amazon image, or was that only for preorders?
3) I only played like... 2 hours of P1P... should I still buy this? Is it a better game?
cj_iwakura said:I don't think Kaneko's ever done 'dynamic'(re: changing expression) art for a game. That's why SJ's portraits are all static. With Soul Hackers and Innocent Sin; he did the concept art, but all the portraits are more anime style so they can do more expressions.
I wish they'd do another Nocturne game that keeps his style intact, but that doesn't seem too likely anymore.
Rebochan said:I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to think it will happen eventually. They finally got Catherine out of their system, why not hope they're ready to turn out a proper console follow-up to the original franchise that makes them money?
...I mean besides Persona![]()
Did not realize that. While the in-game faces aren't bad, I would've loved Kaneko's artwork splashed across my psp.
http://chthonian.net/persona/tsumi/misc/ said:ARTBOOKS
There are two artists responsible for Persona 2. Kazuma Kaneko is responsible for those wonderfully stylized character designs for Persona 2 (as well as for the majority of the older Megaten games). Shigenori Soejima did the "bust-ups" or the in-game art for Persona 2, before taking over character design duty for the Persona series and other Atlus games (Persona 3, Persona 4, Trauma Center, Catherine, etc.) His style was a little different between Persona 2 and Persona 3; the re-release of Persona 2 seems to be trying to find a happy medium between the two.
TheSeks said:Holy shit. They weren't kidding around with the theater. :lol Second option in there starts you in a battle against a level 40 enemy. Been using the defaults personas and weapons? He can block block block and then promptly reflect your attacks. Insane.
Also I continue to suck with the casino in all SMT that feature it.![]()
Blue Submarine No. 6 said:I've got a couple questions I'd like to ask:
First, how important is it to ask demons you have pacts with for information? I haven't done that yet, but I've noticed that when you're at the Detective Agency you can view information on rumours from demons, so I'm wondering if I should get on that and go regrind some pacts with lower demons to get good rumours I may have missed...
Second, should I be switching persona's frequently? Is it worth returning them in the Velvet Room for the cards and items you get? I don't need to see or use ALL of them - I'm far more interested in the story than being really completionist with the collecting - but I don't want to get stuck because I haven't earned high-level persona's either...
um, I think that's it for now... It was a slow build but I'm hooked on the characters and story now...
Blue Submarine No. 6 said:First, how important is it to ask demons you have pacts with for information? I haven't done that yet, but I've noticed that when you're at the Detective Agency you can view information on rumours from demons, so I'm wondering if I should get on that and go regrind some pacts with lower demons to get good rumours I may have missed...
TheSeks said:Holy shit. They weren't kidding around with the theater. :lol Second option in there starts you in a battle against a level 40 enemy. Been using the defaults personas and weapons? He can block block block and then promptly reflect your attacks. Insane.
Also I continue to suck with the casino in all SMT that feature it.![]()
Damn, every time I've asked a demon for information they've responded "Oops, I forgot what I wanted to tell you. Here's 1000 yen instead!"Hecatonchires Custom said:Demons will give you rumors about the dungeons you are in and are often the only way to reach secret areas (like the employee room in the factory) or they talk about the ultimate weapons.
we.are.the.armada said:Sheesh, Amazon just now shipped my copy out. Can't wait to play this gem ungggh!
creid said:Damn, every time I've asked a demon for information they've responded "Oops, I forgot what I wanted to tell you. Here's 1000 yen instead!"
KibblesBits said:Do you remember which rumor you passed for the Casino?
TheSeks said:Yeah, just that it was a Casino. The person in there said that Poker machine #5 is easy to win, but I've only won once or twice. :/
KibblesBits said:Yeah, you should have went with the slot machine. Much better pay out rate vs risk.
Hecatonchires Custom said:And you should switch Personas when their levels start lagging behind your character's, even if the new P's stats are lower, it pays off to have better spells.
semiconscious said:also have to say, without auto-combat, this game would be extremely tedious sometimes, considering the size of some of these dungeons. &, speaking of extremely tedious, why the necessity to 'confirm' when choosing who negotiates, considering you can just back out? really don't get that one...
TheSeks said:Well, Poker is the only one that was available, AFAIK.
"Rumormonger Toku-san
It seems they offer real gambling at Mu. The rumor is that poker is the easiest game to win."
KibblesBits said:WAT... why are you're going to the other rumor mongers when new rumors pop up?!
TheSeks said:Because isn't that what you're supposed to be doing? Going around the city everytime the game pushes forward a little bit?