Also had moderate success with Margaret, who is very weird, and Mitsuru. I do like pokey characters with big normals who can engage from outside other people's threat ranges.. but i dunno. Both of them seem kinda hard to learn?
Added myself~
Uggghhhh. Have been playing all afternoon and evening trying to figure out who to use for realsies.. still no luck. I'm getting extremely poor results with my old characters Labrys and Yukiko. Getting at least -some- wins with other characters though.
Doing fairly well with Rise i think. Ran some people through both lifebars doing nothing but note oki with various kinds of stuff afterwards. This is fun. For me at least. >.>
Also had moderate success with Margaret, who is very weird, and Mitsuru. I do like pokey characters with big normals who can engage from outside other people's threat ranges.. but i dunno. Both of them seem kinda hard to learn?
I was putting myself on the google doc and accidentally hit enter before I finished orz
Anyways if you didn't know, I help run Dustloop and try to teach and help with people wanting to get better competitively, so lemme know if you need help with anything.
Mitsuru's pretty easy execution wise. You just have to learn how to properly play offense and footsies with her.
If you're interested in Margaret, check out LordKnight's Twitch broadcast from last night. He was playing online and training mode with her and he showed off a lot of good things.
Margaret's normals seem weird at first. Once you get used to her buttons, she becomes fairly easy giving you a lot of time to confirm into whatever you want.
Thanks, i'll check it out.
Oh really? If she has confirms into good damage i could see her being very good. Her combo routes seem kinda.. non-obvious so all i've been doing is annoying screen control and getting people to walk into god hand.
Marie and Margaret cute emoticons plox.![]()
Here's a direct link to the P4AU GAF google docs sign-up form, let's try to gather all our PSN IDs there. I organized a spreadsheet for Theatrhythm Curtain Call and it worked wonderfully, Flux already put one together so let's use it!
List of players here.
This game just went on my backlog's backlog because I don't even wanna look at it right now. I don't understand why it was for such a small window of time.Even worse I've had the game since release day (pre-ordered from Amazon months ago) but I didn't have a chance to play until last night and I completely forgot to download the 2 free DLC characters last week. There's another $10 down the drain.
I have a question, why doesn't "Episode P3" show up as a Story mode option? All I see is "episode P4A"
Edit: Nvm, just found my answer
Anyone wanna play on PSN in about 20 minutes?
Or anytime tonight!
Geez, Mitsuru's a real pain in the ass to go up against. On the brightside I feel like Im not as garbage as I was last week which is something I guess.
Here's a direct link to the P4AU GAF google docs sign-up form, let's try to gather all our PSN IDs there. I organized a spreadsheet for Theatrhythm Curtain Call and it worked wonderfully, Flux already put one together so let's use it!
List of players here.
Oh I'd like to get some games in if you are still free.
Want to see how good the connection to you really is.
Yeah, never seen this happen so consistently. Really strange; I was playing in the Lobby just fine before now. Guess it wasn't meant to be.
Welp we can always hit up a lobby lol. See if that works.
Anyone wanna play on PSN in about 20 minutes?
Or anytime tonight!
Woah, I just won 3 matches in a row. I have no idea what happened but apparently I can block now.
Also, added myself to that list, if anyone wants a scrub to wale on for a while.
i got some time to play right now if you're ready
if you want to play rrdragon88. I'm a scrub
I'll send you a friend request and invite you to a lobby
You know, I didn't really expect to see an actual chat room happen in the lobby and people RPing.
You know, I didn't really expect to see an actual chat room happen in the lobby and people RPing.
Lol I meant this was going to be last.
I wanted to get some sleep before work lol. I hope this was at least somewhat fun for you. Thanks for the games.
UUUUUUUGGHHHHHHH, Margaret. I don't have the reactions to fight her.
I'd almost take that as an insult but I definitely don't know what I am doing 90% of the time.
I'd also ask for some tips but then again I am not sure if anything will help me outside of just grinding out a bunch of games.
In the unlikely event I win, I'll save my money.
For tips, I guess it depends on what you'd want to specifically know. Your defense seemed pretty on point during the matches we played. You also didn't teleport recklessly like so many other Minazukis I've faced and proceeded to punish easily with anti-airs, so that's good.
Hmmm well ok then. To me it always feels like I defend too much because I never know where the gap in the block string is so it is always a matter of time until I get opened up.
As for not being reckless, I certainly didn't learn that lesson. I kept attempting an AoA in the middle of a block string even when you punished every single one of them. The few that did land were made at entirely random times.
That's true, actually. You do a decent job defending, but when everything's back to neutral and I was a fair distance from you, you were still acting as though you were under pressure and backing up too much. You play as Minazuki, who is oppressive as all hell, so you should be doing the opposite of that when things return to neutral and the opponent is given some breathing room.
That was my last one for the night, Ragingnight. GGs. I have very very limited knowledge on Yukiko so that was a fun session.
Hmmm well ok then. To me it always feels like I defend too much because I never know where the gap in the block string is so it is always a matter of time until I get opened up.
As for not being reckless, I certainly didn't learn that lesson. I kept attempting an AoA in the middle of a block string even when you punished every single one of them. The few that did land were made at entirely random times.
im getting way to tired and not giving a fuck AoA all day.
gg. Sorry if i seem trolly at the end. Got really tired and resorted to really dumb shit that i didn't do in the earlier matches rofl. I really hate 5A from mitsuru.
So I guess yukiko has a reversal super now I think. SB awakening super seems to be fast enough that they can't dp on reaction to super flash. Either that or I got lucky.
It seems yukiko vs mitsuru hasn't gotten better or worse since I last played. Seems like I have to respect 5A and 5D at certain ranges. Atleast I can block instant air 5B consistently still.
O yeah, you learned real fast that reversal firewall isn't a real reversal against characters with fast invul moves (dp). I was taking advantage of that so much into you did it twice in a row.
I really like the holding agi giving you 2 explosions. It really compliments my style.
Lol it's all good, I was literally learning Yukiko's whole moveset that match! I've only fought a handful of them online so I was experimenting a lot to see if I could dp through some of her strings or not. I was also playing around with the roll a lot since I know it's invulnerable to projectiles on the first frame now.
5A is good but I think Mitsuru's j.A is her biggest threat. It stays out for a long time and it is really easy to combo from. I need to work on j.A air-to-air confirms though since I missed out on a lot of damage from that.
It's because I don't really know how to apply pressure at close range safely, so I am always too scared to go in. I am basically always under pressure because I feel intimidated by other players at all time. So Minazuki might not be the right character for me, but he is so easy and I wouldn't really know who else to pick.