Dale on Destructoid just got my mailing info for my solid gold edition, hopefully it's here this week.

Dude, you owned it. Congrats again
Dale on Destructoid just got my mailing info for my solid gold edition, hopefully it's here this week.
Grr, why is it not Tuesday night yet?
Actually, do we know what the price of the downloadable version will be yet?
Actually, do we know what the price of the downloadable version will be yet?
Just give it to me already. If they put it up for 49.99 monday at midnight I think I would take the plunge into the screen.
Just give it to me already. If they put it up for 49.99 monday at midnight I think I would take the plunge into the screen.
Dale on Destructoid just got my mailing info for my solid gold edition, hopefully it's here this week.
Actually, do we know what the price of the downloadable version will be yet?
Same as retail, like every simultaneously launched Vita game.
Same as retail, like every simultaneously launched Vita game.
I'll let someone else tell you you're wrong.
is there anyone on GAF from Aksys or even Ubisoft or Konami that can do it?
I'll still grab it day 1 digitally for $39.99 but was hoping Atlus would follow Aksys in discounting digital games and not XSEED in making them full priced
I can look through my history but off the top of my head I paid 35.99 for AC:Liberation digitally.
I agree it should definitely be more consistent, really all digital titles should have a discount from physical since publishers are saving money and it should be passed on to promote more sales. I'm just saying there are discounted games out there.
Oh, maybe I'm wrong about the price too. I don't actually know.
You know what? I like the new intro. And Dantis can lick my butt.
You know what? I like the new intro. And Dantis can lick my butt.
I wasn't too fond of it at first, but the song has grown on me considerably.
You know what? I like the new intro. And Dantis can lick my butt.
Never played the original - think I will notice the discrepancy in the new intro? I always loved the FES intros, would watch them most of the time I started the game up.
Never played the original - think I will notice the discrepancy in the new intro? I always loved the FES intros, would watch them most of the time I started the game up.
Ah okay, that's neat.I think you can watch the original intro in the extras section? If so, it'll be interesting to hear what you think after watching the new one first, then the original.
Yessss!I would also listen to the title screen music for Persona 2. So good.
Thanks but no way I'm watching either until I rip open my copy and shove it in the Vita!Educate yoself, son.
Original intro
I love how they just scrapped all the stylishness of the original one and replaced it with herpy derp.
Educate yoself, son.
Original intro
I love how they just scrapped all the stylishness of the original one and replaced it with herpy derp.
Educate yoself, son.
Original intro
I love how they just scrapped all the stylishness of the original one and replaced it with herpy derp.
I don't mind the new song, but its definitely some Scooby Doo shit
It's in no way representative of what the game is about outside of the gang consisting of 7 members... and a new girl and... there scooters now.
I wouldn't mind it as a silly B intro, but the original worked too well in explaining the game and giving some hints about the plot. They could have aped the first intro from the anime if they were feeling lazy
Same, Tuesday can't come soon enough.Order shipped. Let's get this party started.
Solid Gold Edition shipped from Amazon. Had to change my shipping to 1 day since my shipping estimate somehow changed when I switched the credit card they were charging, but $4 is worth not waiting until the 26th.
No word on how big the digital version will be?
3.something gigs, it was mentioned either earlier in this thread or over in the (mess of a) review thread
My 4GB card will not survive
That's nice and all but....Eternal Punishment Portable's opening.