I plan to buy this on PSN. I hear it's around 3.3GB, is it true? I really hope I can use my 4GB card on this. This game is like what Animal Crossing would be for my 3DS: a game that shouldn't leave the system.
So gearing up to experience my favorite part of the whole game all over again!
So gearing up to experience my favorite part of the whole game all over again!
Really hope the new voices for chie/teddie that were good in P4, but OH GOD ALL CAPS AWFUL in P4A are not as bad in this. Would be a giant bummer.
Charlie is cannon. Deal with it weeaboos.
Can someone explain to me whats different about shuffle time?
No review seems to make it clear.
Whoa, Solid Gold editions selling for $200+ around the internet.
Whoa, Solid Gold editions selling for $200+ around the internet.
I have had this preordered for what seems like ages. Watching the GiantBomb ER made me want to play this so bad so I was pumped when it was announced for the Vita.
This made me laugh, haha.
Yeah, that ER was funnier than I thought it would be. Coming off of Persona 4, I figured that they would hate it and be flippant, but they ended up really liking the game, especially Jeff. I'd like to see Ryan and Brad take a shot at it.
Me too!This will be my first Persona. Please treat me gently.
I cannot wait to hear what they think. I know Ryan got one and Patrick has been talking about it.If you listen to the bombcast, it does sound like a lot of the GB picked up Vita's just so they could play Persona 4. At least Patrick, and Ryan did.
On vacation, gonna pick this up (belch at paying sales tax on a video game), should make the flight home nice
No chance this has a $10 drop on BF anywhere right?
If you listen to the bombcast, it does sound like a lot of the GB picked up Vita's just so they could play Persona 4. At least Patrick, and Ryan did.
it was a $10 off on newegg for the longest time lol
There's something about Chie.Nice! I'm so far behind on the GBcast, at least 5 weeks. Those guys still mention Chie every now and then too, even though it's been years.
Preordered this earlier. Did the show get localized yet?