You wouldn't, you would get there and she would have already killed the elite guards. then she would yawn and kick back in a comfy chair...if you dont get the reference btw:
We need to 'shop this picture for our purposes. That must be done
You wouldn't, you would get there and she would have already killed the elite guards. then she would yawn and kick back in a comfy chair...if you dont get the reference btw:
You really need a ton of money to 100% the Compendium. Increasing the money drop rate makes it bearable.
I'm playing Devil Survivor 2 and fought against Take-Mikazuchi. Doesn't look anything like Kanji's Persona, lol.
Same thing with yukiko and amaterasu. there are probably other examples too
It's pretty funny, really. The game has quite a few red herrings, but they're ones that we make up because we're looking for/expecting a twist.
Overall, the game's plot is actually very... obvious. The biggest plot twist, I think, is that. It certainly adds a "Huh, I never would have thought of that" aspect, but overall I felt it was pretty direct thatwhile Adachi killed the first two, Namatame threw the others in honestly trying to save themwas the killer.AdachiSome legitimate crazy twists would be great in P5.With all of the times he "spoke too much," it really does seem quite obvious. I think it's simply clouded by all of the other competing personalities in the game. Everyone acts in such a way that you take Adachi's odd demeanor as his "anime trait."
I screwing around coming up with some rough ideas for a theoretical Persona plot, that was basically about an anonymous kill list that would appear on the internet, where a person's name and time of death would be posted, and they would simply die when that time came. The characters, a blend of high school and college students, would go into the internet, like the P4 cast goes into the tv world, and try to track down information on who or what is killing people. Unlike P4, however, I envisioned the internet world as a sort of futuristic, bustling, always-nighttime, overgrown New York City, with lights, music, and digital people everywhere.
On one hand I thought it was an interesting idea, but on the other I thought it seemed like a palette swap of P4. Some of the ideas are also kind of too crazy, but I guess a lot of Persona is, too. Maybe I simply stayed up too late and my mind wandered too far.
Story Personae always get unique looks, even in series. Go look at Susano-o in Persona 1 and then 4, same for Hermes in Persona 2 and 3.
Playing P5 will be great, but hearing they made decisions and what was changed along the way will be very interesting. All the little tidbits about the changes to P4 during development are fascinating.
They better allow you to control your party mates in P5. I'll be seriously disappointed if you can't. Having AI controlled partymates blows.
Is it true you need NG+ to get the true ending?
IIRC you only need NG+ to get the epilogue and it's prerequisite dungeon. True ending can be obtained on a first playthrough.
So the true ending is on Dec 3?
I like the Wild Card thing.I would like P5 to return to all party members can enter the velvet room and change their Personae...and I would REALLY like it if they ditched the safe plot point of The Fool/Wild Card.
You only need NG+ to get toNo, it's months later. But you need to say and do the right things on Dec 3, or you might get the bad ending, or the very bad ending, or the new & very creepy bad ending.
You don't need NG+ to get the epilogue or the bonus dungeon. I got it on my first playthru.
I like the Wild Card thing.
IIRC you only need NG+ to get the epilogue and it's prerequisite dungeon. True ending can be obtained on a first playthrough.
Yeah, but the way it seems to apply is that anyone can obtain the power, given the right circumstances and way of thinking... besides, you always need a main character to revolve around, and it makes sense from an Tarot perspective for that to be the fool.
Really enjoying the party s.links in P3P. Hope they maintain the goddamn square button anywhere shortcut, it's so good
Nah, you only really need NG+If you wanna fight Margaret.
I've gotten both on both playthroughs.
How do I get thePersona? I'm currently in the *very* last dungeon, I'm max level, andMagatsu IzanagiSocial Link is the highest it can be right now (as the last few levels cone via the story).Adachi's
How do I get thePersona? I'm currently in the *very* last dungeon, I'm max level, andMagatsu IzanagiSocial Link is the highest it can be right now (as the last few levels cone via the story).Adachi's
^Congrats bro!
Anyone got a big version of this?
^Congrats bro!
Anyone got a big version of this?
Holy shit that's amazing.
Poking through the P3 design works. He really did get crazy better between P3 and P4
^Congrats bro!
Anyone got a big version of this?
Enjoying the living fuck out of persona 2. I thought it would be pretty much impossible to go back because of the random battles. The fact that the tv listing lacks in p4g any p2 content is absolutely disturbing.
Enjoying the living fuck out of persona 2. I thought it would be pretty much impossible to go back because of the random battles. The fact that the tv listing lacks in p4g any p2 content is absolutely disturbing.
According to the guide I'm about to fight a bunch ofIt even mentions Persona 1 man! ALSO One of the costume sets is a P2 throwback! What part are you on atm?
According to the guide I'm about to fight a bunch ofbosses. The story and characters are among the best I have ever seen in a game. Atlus really needs to remake p2 with the p4g engine or come out with a person 2 animation.Longinus
not sure. I'm about to enter caracoal though.Wait, which ones? Outside or inside?
not sure. I'm about to enter caracoal though.
I'm kinda sick of shadows. We need more human antagonist for p5(mainly persona users. would also be cool if they had the wild card).
I'll be interested to see if P5 ties into P4A in any way or if that's going to be a Gaiden game thing
I'll be interested to see if P5 ties into P4A in any way or if that's going to be a Gaiden game thing