Generally updates at 3-5pm in the afternoon, with standard deviation of +/- 2 hoursstill no psn update?
I'm thinking about taking mine back. What's the price on PSN? I'd rather buy points from Amazon and pay no tax and then buy it from PSN with no tax. Maybe save 5-7 bucks.
Generally updates at 3-5pm in the afternoon, with standard deviation of +/- 2 hours
PROBABLY going to be $39.99
I love Atlas, but I can't see them discounting it.
Wish I could experience it for the first time again. Now rather than being blown away by the vita I'm more blown away by how bad other screens look.Wow, the screen on the vita is so damn good. Watching the intro blew me away! Now it is time to get to playing!
Anyone know what size the download will be?
Trying to decide whether to run to Gamestop and try and grab it or just be patient and download it.
JP PSN version was 2,959 MBAnyone know what size the download will be?
Trying to decide whether to run to Gamestop and try and grab it or just be patient and download it.
Just picked it up at Best Buy on my lunch break. I wish I wasn't so tired. They didn't have any CE's lying around though.
The Gold Edition's are going to be VERY hard to find, only 10,000 were made.
The Gold Edition's are going to be VERY hard to find, only 10,000 were made.
Those who didn't receive one, when did you order? Based on posts it doesn't seem like they filled in order. I ordered day 1 which shipped, and ordered the second 3 days later which didn't ship, prime for both
Just picked it up at Best Buy on my lunch break. I wish I wasn't so tired. They didn't have any CE's lying around though.
I remember people going on and on about how the Solid Gold edition seemed useless, and overpriced. Everyone on the thread said they'll just stick with the regular...and I find it so amusing how I see others really wishing they could get it.
I knew people would want this thing as soon as it came out. I ordered 2, one I'm gonna keep sealed, and another one I'm gonna open and use the extras with.
I'm thinking about taking mine back. What's the price on PSN? I'd rather buy points from Amazon and pay no tax and then buy it from PSN with no tax. Maybe save 5-7 bucks.
Now that this is finally out, I wonder what's next for Atlus...
Now that this is finally out, I wonder what's next for Atlus...
Isn't devil summoner 5 coming our for the 3DS soon?
Now that this is finally out, I wonder what's next for Atlus...
PersonaFor the love of fuck I hope it's Persona 5 on PS3/360, I mean, it HAS to be that, right?
SMT 4 is coming out to 3DS - it's part of the "mother series" that Persona and other games branch off from.
For the love of fuck I hope it's Persona 5 on PS3/360, I mean, it HAS to be that, right?
noooooo ;_;
If you pre-ordered a standard, be sure to get your skin because it is not in that tiny box. The Solid Golds should have the protective skin inside but it doesn't hurt to check.
Where did you buy it from?
Best Buy.
noooooo ;_;
What. Is. Up. Girl.
What? =/
For the love of fuck I hope it's Persona 5 on PS3/360, I mean, it HAS to be that, right?
Hashino's team is working on P5. They have been for ages now.
Anyone notice the weird blur when ya running around?
Game is 60 fps, but something about it reminds me of ghosting issue on psp.
Yeah, pretty sure that's intentional.
Over 3GBs.
Not sure exactly, tho.