Guys this might be one of my favorite games ever. I can't put it down. I haven't been pulled in by a game like this since the PS2 days.
This is your first time right?
Guys this might be one of my favorite games ever. I can't put it down. I haven't been pulled in by a game like this since the PS2 days.
Oh my god...i am super upset...
So I know this is not something most people will sympathsize with, because I did order 2 copies of the Solid Gold edition. I got one that should arrive next week, but I also preordered one from local gamestop that I went to go pick up today.
I actually know for a fact that the gamestop had my solid gold edition over the weekend, because they showed it to me when I got my Wii U. I had it in my hands.
Anyway, I just went there to pick it up, and...they couldn't find it.They looked in the hold drawers, and all the cabinets they could think of, but they could not find the solid gold edition anywhere. They called the guy who opened the store in the morning, and he said that he had it, and he put it in the hold drawer, but it wasnt in there when the guys were looking. According the computer, it had not been sold to anyone else either. They're gonna look into it, I have to check back later in the week.
This is such bull shit,I don't have my solid gold edition today.
This is your first time right?
I played Persona 3 FES for about 15 hours but it just didn't click with me. I already like all the characters in 4 better. I did like Akihiko though.
Unfortunately I have to deal with this shit:Yeah, I'm breaking out the big headphones for this one. No earbuds allowed!
The trifecta
Well, tehre are isnerts in some games like online passes (first party online games)...or promotional stuff (Ragnarok Odyssey).It always shocks me when I open a new Vita game and there's no manual or insert or anything. And there's clearly a little holder in the case for one too.
Was debating grabbing this. I bought 3 but have only played 3 hours. Can I play 4 alright?
Nanako is one of the better child characters in video games, imo. She may seem irritating at first but she really grows on you by the end.Nanako is pretty annoying just even starting, though so many good songs.
Nanako is pretty annoying just even starting, though so many good songs.
Goddamn, I'm jealous! I wish I could be playing this for the first time - you don't know the spoilers right?
Nope no spoilers at all.
Goddamn, I'm jealous! I wish I could be playing this for the first time - you don't know the spoilers right?
I'm thinking of getting a Vita for christmas just to play this game, but paying over 300 hundred bucks to play one game is insane.
Get PS+I'm thinking of getting a Vita for christmas just to play this game, but paying over 300 hundred bucks to play one game is insane.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete Persona 2. Four hours in, and I am really disliking the battle mechanic in the game. I've been debating about dropping P2 and jumping to P3P and getting my girl action on. Does P2 *really* get amazing, regarding the plot and characters? Enough to stay for the mediocre gameplay?
You have lots of other games such as Gravity Rush, Uncharted, and Wipeout to play too.
Not a quick save. I think the only thing you can do is just lightly press the power button and put the system into sleep mode.I'm still not done with the intro yet. BTW does this game allow for a suspend save? Not having it on a portable could be quite painful.
Very Hard is like... a crash course in resource management (since you get more damage + the enemies get a damage multiplier) and enforces the "buffing is your friend" concept. But I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't like to use consumables in RPGs and thus hoards them, lol.
It's interesting.
Not a quick save. I think the only thing you can do is just lightly press the power button and put the system into sleep mode.
Is normal the recommended difficulty for first-timers? I have plenty of experience with other SMT games, but I have no idea how the difficulty scales.
Normal's perfect for first-timers, imo, especially since you have experience with other SMT games.Is normal the recommended difficulty for first-timers? I have plenty of experience with other SMT games, but I have no idea how the difficulty scales.
Very Hard is like... a crash course in resource management (since you get more damage dealt to you + the enemies get a damage multiplier) and enforces the "buffing is your friend" concept. But I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't like to use consumables in RPGs and thus hoards them, lol.
It's interesting.
And then you never use them in the end.I do the exact same thing. I like to hoard items in the off-chance that I might need it for the final boss.
Sometimes they really do make a difference in the last battle! I don't think I'd have beaten Breath of Fire III without them.And then you never use them in the end.![]()
Someone is finally streaming this on twitch.
Edit: Ehhh good to see it in motion... not so good for the annoying player.
I sympathize. :-( Amazon fucked over a lot us who pre-ordered the Solid Gold with them, and this is a sold out low print run so if the copies aren't there now, I'm not optimistic that they will be in the future.=(
Oh my god...i am super upset...
So I know this is not something most people will sympathsize with, because I did order 2 copies of the Solid Gold edition. I got one that should arrive next week, but I also preordered one from local gamestop that I went to go pick up today.
I actually know for a fact that the gamestop had my solid gold edition over the weekend, because they showed it to me when I got my Wii U. I had it in my hands.
Anyway, I just went there to pick it up, and...they couldn't find it.They looked in the hold drawers, and all the cabinets they could think of, but they could not find the solid gold edition anywhere. They called the guy who opened the store in the morning, and he said that he had it, and he put it in the hold drawer, but it wasnt in there when the guys were looking. According the computer, it had not been sold to anyone else either. They're gonna look into it, I have to check back later in the week.
This is such bull shit,I don't have my solid gold edition today.