the true ending episode
There was a true ending episode?????
the true ending episode
There was a true ending episode?????
Considering buying Vita just for this.. loved P4 and as lame as it sounds it helped me thru depression.
Re: Animation music and moments, I really liked I'll Face Myself -Battle- (Reincarnation) and the moment where it plays in Episode 12. Then again, I'm a sucker for blatant fanservice likeIt's good stuff.seeing all the very different demons/persona actually animated and in battle.
Edit: oh shit new page.
get hype!
Does anyone knows if this will be priced lower than retail on PSN? I have about $82 in my PSN wallet and I'm planning on buying this and DJ Max.
I still regret that I didnt drunkenly add Yosuke.
I wouldn't have noticed that he wasn't there if you hadn't pointed it out.
It'll be $39.99 and it's not one of the free PS+ member promo games. It might, however, have a discount on it for PS+ members but we may have to see if that comes true when PS+ for Vita hits on the November 19th.
Hell no man, that's awesome! Persona 4 definitely had a positive impact on my life.
Considering buying Vita just for this.. loved P4 and as lame as it sounds it helped me thru depression.
I'm enjoying persona 3 FES on PSN but I stopped playing because I didn't wanna get bury out before this came out. One question though. Are the dungeons in Persona 4 more varied than in p3?
I'm enjoying persona 3 FES on PSN but I stopped playing because I didn't wanna get bury out before this came out. One question though. Are the dungeons in Persona 4 more varied than in p3?
I'm enjoying persona 3 FES on PSN but I stopped playing because I didn't wanna get bury out before this came out. One question though. Are the dungeons in Persona 4 more varied than in p3?
It's funny since she isn't the best character in the game, yet alone the best female character.![]()
Now bitch when did you get a vita?
Please, tell us!
I had a similar situation: long story short and long story long. There, I went first, your turn![]()
Please, tell us!
I had a similar situation: long story short and long story long. There, I went first, your turn![]()
Bitch you know it's coming next year.
P4 sort of changed my life as well. It's going to sound like hyperbole, but here it goes.
I was very much an introvert in high school. Didn't have many friends, didn't like people. I was going through a lot of things at the time. P4 just came to me at the right time. I was only a couple years older than the game characters and could really relate to them. A lot of their problems, however small and petty, were my problems too. To a teenager, those problems seem way greater than they are. Finishing that game really changed my outlook on life. I became more social, got a lot more friends, and generally just felt better day to day. It's more of a right place, right time scenario, but I'm really grateful and attached to that game.
OkBasically I became incredibly reclusive / depressed halfway through college, aliened myself from all my friends I'd known since grade school. Not really sure why. I was playing a lot of games at the time, RPGs mostly. It was Persona that made me want what was going on in it. I wanted people to do stuff with, to eat ramen with, to hang with. After finishing the game, I slowly but surely re-assimilated myself with my friends group, and now it's as good as ever. Still a bit depressed, but I'm getting there. And I have my friends to help me out. I start a new job Monday that pays more than I have ever made, so first paycheck I get I'm getting Vita + P$G.
Either it was stockholm syndrome or I just didn't care, but after twenty or so hours new Chie turned into Chie. It wasn't as grating as I thought it might be.Going to have to become a Yukiko convert after listening to that new Chie voice. Just heard the battle assist clip for the first time :<
Either it was stockholm syndrome or I just didn't care, but after twenty or so hours new Chie turned into Chie. It wasn't as grating as I thought it might be.
Never played a Persona game before...I'm scurrrred.
P4 sort of changed my life as well. It's going to sound like hyperbole, but here it goes.
I was very much an introvert in high school. Didn't have many friends, didn't like people. I was going through a lot of things at the time. P4 just came to me at the right time. I was only a couple years older than the game characters and could really relate to them. A lot of their problems, however small and petty, were my problems too. To a teenager, those problems seem way greater than they are. Finishing that game really changed my outlook on life. I became more social, got a lot more friends, and generally just felt better day to day. It's more of a right place, right time scenario, but I'm really grateful and attached to that game.
Are they the same voice actor? I got used to and even enjoyed the P4A Chie voice but this sounds like a completely different person to me'm playing through arena now, and it took me only moments to adjust to new chief and only a couple more to prefer her-while playing her campaign.
She seems funnier when speaking, or her humor is conveyed better, idk. I like.
this kind of thinking is why Vita will never have good exclusives.
I have no idea why there are many food pictures in this thread, but I'm excited to find out lol.
I played P3P on normal. I'm not done with the game, but it feels like I'm gonna have to grind soon (almost done with it). Should I do the same for Persona 4 or try a bit more challenge?
I had a ribeye steak last night and i'm having pudding tonight, does that count?
Just like with P3P, I'm playing P4G on the hardest difficulty from the start.
Masochism is what I do.
Bro, man, dude, you gotta get on that shit right now. The animation quality is just a few notches above flaming dogshit, but the writing is positively brilliant.There was a true ending episode?????