Well im assuming its a max confidant with everyone or max all stats or something which I won't get![]()
No. There are no such requirements to get the game's true ending. It's literally only determined by dialogue choices; not something to worry about.
Well im assuming its a max confidant with everyone or max all stats or something which I won't get![]()
10/29:Shadow Sae looks amazing
Why would you be sure you wouldn't get it? The game practically guides you towards it, and you pretty much have to go out of your way to get a bad ending. This isn't like Persona 4.
10/29:Shadow Sae looks amazing
Well im assuming its a max confidant with everyone or max all stats or something which I won't get![]()
No. There are no such requirements to get the game's true ending. It's literally only determined by dialogue choices; not something to worry about.
If this is what I think it is, it was a pretty laughable exposition scene. The worst in the game, for sure. Then again,maybe bad guys just like feeling themselves like that.
No. There are no such requirements to get the game's true ending. It's literally only determined by dialogue choices; not something to worry about.
it's not, it's avoid the bad endings and you get the true ending.
Apparently one of the criteria is tonot rat out anyone to Sae which ive been trying to but for example she knows about Makoto and I dont think I told her so im not sure if thats just part of the story.
Oh well I guess ill see when I get there.
Really digging Futaba's outfit. Except for those dorky ass goggles.
Really digging Futaba's outfit. Except for those dorky ass goggles.
Really digging Futaba's outfit. Except for those dorky ass goggles.
11/22 spoiler question
Did they actually change Sae's heart? She doesn't seem different and she didn't note anything herself.
Though, there's something that I was unsure of.
ENDING SPOILERS:I'd assume that Lavenza dialogue changes if you hadn't gone to level 10 for the Strength arcana before it all goes down? In my playthrough, she thanked the protagonist for helping her to remember who she was. Maybe the dialogue doesn't change in either case, though.
Yikes. Whatever you read about doesn't apply at all to what you've been doing so far. It's only one specific scene, and the game lets you know very, very explicitly that what you're about to do will change the course of the story. Again, it's not something to worry about. The game practically has alarm bells ringing whenever you're in an event that will determine the ending, and it pops up red flags when you're making decisions that will lead you to a bad ending.
Nothing you do throughout the game itself will affect the ending you get, with the exception of early Game Overs.
Though, there's something that I was unsure of.
ENDING SPOILERS:I'd assume that Lavenza dialogue changes if you hadn't gone to level 10 for the Strength arcana before it all goes down? In my playthrough, she thanked the protagonist for helping her to remember who she was. Maybe the dialogue doesn't change in either case, though.
Yikes. Whatever you read about doesn't apply at all to what you've been doing so far. It's only one specific scene, and the game lets you know very, very explicitly that what you're about to do will change the course of the story. Again, it's not something to worry about. The game practically has alarm bells ringing whenever you're in an event that will determine the ending, and it pops up red flags when you're making decisions that will lead you to a bad ending.
Nothing you do throughout the game itself will affect the ending you get, with the exception of early Game Overs.
They specificallydid not change Sae's heart, because they needed her cognitive world to be in tact for their plan.
Tell that to all the people who flubbed the Persona 4 ending because of dialogue choices.
it doesn't. She said the same thing to me and i didn't have it maxed out
Wouldn't be surprised if the dude in the Airshop store turns out to be Akihiko's older brother or dad. Looks just like Aki....
Also, I assume "Someone must have been helping you go to bed early. Talk!" is preferable over 'Among Thieves'?
You need to play P4G again.Yeah. I don't know if it's way worse than P4G or if I'm just more sensitive to it at this point.
You could always combine those two titles.
Persona 5 |OT2| "Someone must have been helping you go to bed early. Talk!"
I don't know if it's just the translation or what, but I really can't get a read on how the game is expecting me to feel about Morgana (just finished the 2nd dungeon). I kind of wonder if he's meant to be similar to Teddie in a "sincere horndog" way, but all the haughty platitudes and line deliveries clash with the girl crazy stuff in a way that is just... I dunno. It's weird, and I can't tell if it's supposed to be that way or not. I guess Morgana is just the strongest example of the way the stilted dialogue is keeping me at an arm's length from the characters.
Really enjoyed the second dungeon, at least. I liked that it mixed things up, not just straight combat all the way through. And all of the music continues to fucking rock.
Edit: One of the most fundamentally frustrating things about the story so far for me is all the "rehabilitation" talk when I have absolutely zero idea about why the protag needs to be rehabilitated. Seems like an important piece of information that one should have 25 hours into a story, lol
He reminds me more of The Whistler from Persona 2.
Also, I assume "Someone must have been helping you go to bed early. Talk!" is preferable over 'Among Thieves'?
I don't know if it's just the translation or what, but I really can't get a read on how the game is expecting me to feel about Morgana (just finished the 2nd dungeon). I kind of wonder if he's meant to be similar to Teddie in a "sincere horndog" way, but all the haughty platitudes and line deliveries clash with the girl crazy stuff in a way that is just... I dunno. It's weird, and I can't tell if it's supposed to be that way or not. I guess Morgana is just the strongest example of the way the stilted dialogue is keeping me at an arm's length from the characters.
Really enjoyed the second dungeon, at least. I liked that it mixed things up, not just straight combat all the way through. And all of the music continues to fucking rock.
Edit: One of the most fundamentally frustrating things about the story so far for me is all the "rehabilitation" talk when I have absolutely zero idea about why the protag needs to be rehabilitated. Seems like an important piece of information that one should have 25 hours into a story, lol
I hate the way P4 handled it (and we're taking vanilla P4, not P4G, because things changed for the latter). One of the dialogue choices to determine the ending was nebulous, and you wouldn't know that was the case until a while after the scene in question.
And after that scene, it wasn't just a question of dialogue choices, but a hidden, obscure element in the game's last day. I didn't appreciate how it was executed, and I much prefer the P3 method P5 went with.
Ah, lame.
Morgana = Prideful thief.
He isn't really girl-crazy outside of Ann, and definitely not a horndog like Teddie. You'll get a better idea of what he's like once they start further developing his obvious complex about whether.he's really human or not
And c'mon. Think about Joker's situation and why he's being rehabilitated... think....back...... I'm not even that farther than you. Lol
I just hope I get some reasons to care more about Morgana going forward. Teddie was a bit obnoxious at times, but the conflict at the core of his character was one of the biggest parts of P4's heart for me.
I mean, I guess it's rehabilitation for the actions that got him sent here in the first place, but as they're clearly 110% justified actions I'm still not seeing why his whole Velvet Room experience is shaped around the idea of being rehabilitated. Maybe it'd work better for me if it were an actual protagonist instead of a silent protagonist and we saw that he was actually doubting himself or was really being affected by the world's unfair judgement or something.
Please don't take the poor man's lobsters!
Hey guys, first time posting here! This is my first persona game and I'm enjoying it so far, but I have a question about a gameplay mechanic...
How exactly do you hold up a shadow? The tutorial was not clear enough to me.