Currently on October 11. Was going to do my next trip to mementos in early November for the reaper exploit but I have several confidants on hold due to mementos requests so I may use another day for mementos before that.
Was there already a discussion abouthow poorly Haru is shoved into the group so late in the game? Because I can't stand her.
Finally going through the game again. Damn, the writing is so much stronger in the beginning.The bad guys get so much more abstract as things go on, so Kamoshida is so much more of a piece of shi you want to crush. Also, Ryuji being is so fucking righteous and then he's just turned into the goofy moron.
I decided to rewatch some Persona 3 social links on YT and man, I don't remember the character models and animations looking so rough. It's pretty cool to see how far the series has come in that regard.We still need an ultimate edition of P3 that combines FES and P3P's exclusive features.
Just beaten the 7th palace, have cleared all requests in mementos and have 7 days to go. How many hours are left in the game?
Also, my current playthrough is at 96 hours, how quickly can you knock over Ng+?
Hi guys, i currently am in the 7th Palace and i didn't max out all confidants (basically blind run) and i don't think i can make in time.
Should i focus on maxing my social stats and then finish all confidants in NG+? i got:
5 Knowledge
5 Charm
4 Proficiency
4 Kidness
4 Guts
Also, is it possible to get the 250 Futaba Lines without following a guide?
I'd focus on stats - if you've progressed Fortune far enough to get the luck reading it shouldn't take too long to max out.
It's entirely possible to get the Futaba trophy without a guide - although it is made easier by usingwhile they're available. If you're desperate for it you could take a trip to mementos to make sure everyone gets hit with (and the corresponding line acknowledging) each status ailment - as that's an area that you could feasibly miss out on during the course of the game if you steamroller everyone.Crow
Yeah, I was following a spoiler free guide which was obviously played on Normal difficulty. I am playing on HARD and it was impossible for me to beat the first Palace in 1 day like the guide maker did. I am going to go guide-free going forward and I'm glad I made that decision so early in the game. Part of the fun is the freedom in choosing how I kill time and using a guide robbed me of choices. I like it better this way.Have fun! Just take things at your own pace - do the Confidant links you feel like doing, try a bunch of different activities you like to level up Social stats, do the requests you feel like, etc. Everyone here is down to give tips or advice whenever you like, but my biggest piece of advice is to not stress out about collecting everything and just enjoy the ride - that's what the second playthrough is far![]()
Yeah, I was following a spoiler free guide which was obviously played on Normal difficulty. I am playing on HARD and it was impossible for me to beat the first Palace in 1 day like the guide maker did. I am going to go guide-free going forward and I'm glad I made that decision so early in the game. Part of the fun is the freedom in choosing how I kill time and using a guide robbed me of choices. I like it better this way.
LOL funnily enough, I can relate to the characters in the game. They go to school and live their daily lives until they have an opportunity to escape and handle their work as Phantom Thieves. Me? I can't wait until work is over with and the kids go to sleep just so I can dungeon crawl in the middle of the night lol.
Ryuji who? True best bro right there.
Lol, I love how he is looking away.Ryuji who? True best bro right there.
Finally made it to the part where Morganain my NG+. Replaying this now, it has to be the most infuriating part of the story since this shit is all onleaves the group and Haru gets introducedMorgana throwing a hissy fit. Sure Ryuji is a bit of a douche in this but honestly Morgana has been rude to him since the beginning of the game, anyway.
Well, Morgana was right about most of the stuff that he said about Ryuji. He is a fool and every other member of the group knows that. But Ryuji on the other hand is flat out wrong in saying thatFinally made it to the part where Morganain my NG+. Replaying this now, it has to be the most infuriating part of the story since this shit is all onleaves the group and Haru gets introducedMorgana throwing a hissy fit. Sure Ryuji is a bit of a douche in this but honestly Morgana has been rude to him since the beginning of the game, anyway.
Well, Morgana was right about most of the stuff that he said about Ryuji. He is a fool and every other member of the group knows that. But Ryuji on the other hand is flat out wrong in saying thatMorgana is useless.
I don't approve of Morgana's actions during that arc but at least I can understand him.Morgana being "right" doesn't change the fact that he's not a team player. He's more concerned about feeling useful and secure rather than actually being a Phantom Thief. He leaves the group at littlest provocation, claims he can take on Okumura on his own then gets immediately bodied. Ryuji, for all his conceited nature is still willing to listen to opposing viewpoints and back down.
I don't approve of Morgana's actions during that arc but at least I can understand him.He wanted to prove that he is still useful and not just to Ryuji but to himself. Ryuji on the other hand was being petty, childish and flat out wrong.
As for Morgana not being a team player, come on. He is the main reason that Phantom Thieves exist in the first place.They would've died/failed many times if it wasn't for Morgana. Not to mention that not only they wouldn't be able to explore mementos without him, but they wouldn't even know such a place existed if it wasn't for Morgana.
So I don't agree that he wasn't a team player or only thought about himself. He has some weak moments during that arc but that doesn't make him an overall selfish person.
Ryuji who? True best bro right there.
I didn't mean he wasn't a team player overall, but during that instance. He's undeniably useful, but he too becomes more concerned about himself than the rest of the team at that point.
And honestly, i'd say he's pretty selfish (his motivations 100% self-serving, he doesn't care about reforming society), but his selfishness is understandable.
If I remember right, there areGot a question about how much free time I have left. Late game spoilers I guess.It's November 9th and my friend told me December 23rd is the last day to socialize. Approximately how many days are eaten up between now and then by story stuff?
I'm trying to make sure I finish the links I want to since I think I might be barely shy of enough time to do everything.
MaybeSo I think I'm nearing the end just wondering how much time is left as I was hoping to finish it tonight before going away this weekend.
I'm ataprox how much game do I have left to play?the prison palace and just made it to the first save spot
The game's plot has very distinct story arcs, with each arc covering one dungeon and its resolution before moving on to the next story arc.I'm planning on finally starting my first playthrough next week, but traditionally with games that are SUPER long, I like to break them up into chunks and play a shorter game in between as a bit of a palate cleanser.
Can anybody recommend dates to save and stop if I wanted to break up the game in ~3-5 ish chunks?
The game's plot has very distinct story arcs, with each arc covering one dungeon and its resolution before moving on to the next story arc.
There's an underlying plot that gets more involved in the later dungeons though, and the story definitely picks up after that. There are also side stories in your confidants that aren't related to these main story arcs. Those are the ones you might forget about if you take long breaks between sittings.
There aren't exact dates, but you could do, say, two palaces or so at a time, and that would break the game nicely into 5 chunks or so. Finish a palace or two, get to each story arc's resolution, and then take a break.
Thanks!If I remember right, there areabout two palaces between those two dates, plus maybe a week or so of days eaten by story stuff
I started going through Palace 7 and have some questions about the timeframe:
Right before the mission began, Morgana said it would be fine to wait until I'm closer to the deadline to start going through the palace. He also said I should see my confidants as much as possible first.
Is the timeframe for Palace 7 like Palaces 1-5 where I can send the calling card early and spend the rest of the weeks before the deadline hanging out with confidants? Or will sending the calling card early cause the story to skip forward to right before the deadline?
I was also wondering if someone could confirm if December 17th is the deadline for meeting with confidants and finishing Mementos. I still haven't started the Mementos section that unlocks after finishing Palace 6.
It's like the other palaces, you cansend the calling card any time and use the rest of the days for whatever. You will have one day sometime after the 17th to do any confidants or whatever you want to do, but after that you won't be able to work on them.
Edit: my vote for the next OT title: Did somebody say Pancakes?
Thanks for the info. I do have one more question, though, if that's alright.
Is there a Mementos section locked off until after December 17th? If there is, I might wait to go back there until the final day.
There is, but don't worry to much about finishing Mementos before the deadline.
You have time specifically for doing Mementos after the 17th
I might sound like a massive contrarian right now, but I thought Palace 5 was actually fun. It was pretty effective in therms of showing the ruler's cognition, had some cool gimmicks along the way which made it feel different from the other palaces, and I liked the theme (music and aesthetics). Maybe I would've felt different if I died in one of those long segments without saving, but I didn't, so I quite enjoyed my time with it. I'm curious as to which segment in particular made so many people react so strongly against it. If I had to guess,I'd say the part with the keycards.
I just remembered I never figured out how to customize Mementos-mode Morgana with the DLC stuff. How do you actually do that? <_<
I didn't realize it for a while either. You have to go through the turnstile at the entrance after your first visit.