Why didn't Atlus release the music box version used in duringMarie's poems
Whoa I'm only realising this now
Why didn't Atlus release the music box version used in duringMarie's poems
Whoa I'm only realising this now
Everything can be moe.
OOO, that's so pretty I love it. I like music box remixes of game music, kinda gives even some of the saddest song even more sad.
Even Mara?
An emotionally stunted young man with strange powers and a mysterious past slowly opens up through his interactions with those around him. Harem hijinks ensue between him and two or three girls, but the real humor is derived from his chemistry with his surly loser buddy. The team has a pet who takes part in battle, a robot buddy, and a whiny kid who is popular for reasons beyond my ken. There's also a sort of wiser, older party member who is a big softy despite his rough, unpolished experience. A long haired pretty boy with Messianic pretensions is trying to get a bluish demon to help him. One party member will suffer a tragic fate which players will desperately seek to overturn.
Final Fantasy Seven or Persona Three?
A group of kids whose parents are in varying degrees of estrangement and/or death are all strong-armed into becoming humanity's last hope for salvation. As a result of their harsh pasts and even harsher responsibilities in the present, paired with the emotional instability of their youth, each kid has some sort of glaring personality flaw/disorder that in many ways defines them, and occasionally hampers their ability to carry out their duties. They do manage, however, to sequentially defeat the foes laid out before them, but it becomes clear that by doing so they have accidentally played right into an apocalyptic prophecy and all life on Earth is soon doomed to be extinguished. In the eleventh hour, a mysterious boy appears seemingly out of nowhere and begins to associate himself with the kids. The cold, emotionless sort-of-girl of the group is immediately distrustful of him, but the emotionally-stunted loser with no friends whose mother is dead and father is an asshole becomes very close to him. As it turns out, the mysterious boy is actually The Enemy In Disguise As A Human, and represents the very prophecy the group has accidentally fulfilled--he is but a messenger for the coming destruction. His time on Earth as a human, however, has given him a new perspective on life and humanity's worth, so he willingly offers up his life so that the kids may at least attempt to seize the future. Also, the moon. Also, the main character wears headphones a lot.
Neon Genesis Evangelion or Persona 3?
P4U2's going to be part of another tournament from May 3-6 titled the "PRE ARC REVOLUTION CUP." That's probably what the tile at the bottom of the P4U2 website previously containing the Taito tournament page will be replaced by.
loving bad games?
So what's this week's art theme? approximation of how P4A would look like had it been an Atlus x NetherRealm collab. approximation of how P4A would look like had it been an Atlus x NetherRealm collab.
So Persona 2 this week, yeah?
A group of kids whose parents are in varying degrees of estrangement and/or death are all strong-armed into becoming humanity's last hope for salvation. As a result of their harsh pasts and even harsher responsibilities in the present, paired with the emotional instability of their youth, each kid has some sort of glaring personality flaw/disorder that in many ways defines them, and occasionally hampers their ability to carry out their duties. They do manage, however, to sequentially defeat the foes laid out before them, but it becomes clear that by doing so they have accidentally played right into an apocalyptic prophecy and all life on Earth is soon doomed to be extinguished. In the eleventh hour, a mysterious boy appears seemingly out of nowhere and begins to associate himself with the kids. The cold, emotionless sort-of-girl of the group is immediately distrustful of him, but the emotionally-stunted loser with no friends whose mother is dead and father is an asshole becomes very close to him. As it turns out, the mysterious boy is actually The Enemy In Disguise As A Human, and represents the very prophecy the group has accidentally fulfilled--he is but a messenger for the coming destruction. His time on Earth as a human, however, has given him a new perspective on life and humanity's worth, so he willingly offers up his life so that the kids may at least attempt to seize the future. Also, the moon. Also, the main character wears headphones a lot.
Neon Genesis Evangelion or Persona 3?
All the up-skirts a young boy could dream of.
so, like
so, like
Congrats, Jintor!
I do not like this picture.
More like CONGRADUATIONS, am I right?
New key visual for P3M #2:
so, like
New key visual for P3M #2:
so, like
Not sure if these were posted or not, but it looks like they've updated the trailers on the Persona 3 The Movie site:
Here's one for the Bluray/DVD release of Spring of Birth...
...and here's one for Midsummer Knight's Dream.
Poor Yukari.
Why, what's wrong with it? I think it looks nice. Already ordered the original movie 2 poster, but I might get this one as well.
That's not really specific, but I expect that from you by now. I like the lighter shade of color compared to the corresponding poster of the first movie (the one with Makoto and Thanatos). Really cool contrast.I don't like the composition.
Do you have a problem? Yu Narukami WILL fix it for you. Doesn't matter how damn occupied he is at the moment, your biggest problem in life WILL get added to his to-do list, even if it involves bending the laws of the gosh darn universe.
Are you dead due to cosmic forces? YU WILL SAVE YOU.
Worse than dead, not canon? YU WILL MAKE YOU A SAINT.
Yu Narukami meets this girl, doesn't know who she is, immediately decides to take care of her and help her save the school in spite of the bazillions of weird things happening and the fact that he's being yanked in and out of reality frequently, and yeah.
This is why the universe rewards him by making him meet three new attractive ladies in a single day.
so, like
so, like
I don't like the composition.
That's not really specific, but I expect that from you by now. I like the lighter shade of color compared to the corresponding poster of the first movie (the one with Makoto and Thanatos). Really cool contrast.