There's 4 blank spaces left on the character select screen.
We know that Ken and Rise are filling up 2 slots. Who do you think the other 2 belong to? Im guessing one will be DLC and one will have to be unlocked. (Adachi, Margaret)
I just assumed those empty boxes were just a stylistic choice since the character select strip is angled. Looks better than just empty red space. Also, the Best Buy description was pretty clear about the game haviung six new characters, not "including new characters such as..."
Hmm....maybe you guys are right. Id find it rather strange if ASW released Ultimax with no DLC. I know they didnt do so with Arena, but in general their sequels always have some form of DLC. I think this is especially true if this is the last entry for Arena.
Then again maybe Rise or Ken will be DLC........OH HELL NO!!!
I wouldn't mind DLC if it would be that or no additional characters at all, and as long as the characters aren't broken. I don't think Ken or any other potential character they will be showing soon will be DLC, but I don't like the idea of it if it were to happen, though.
I wouldn't mind DLC if it would be that or no additional characters at all, and as long as the characters aren't broken. I don't think Ken or any other potential character they will be showing soon will be DLC, but I don't like the idea of it if it were to happen, though.
Isn't it kinda obvious by now that they're only adding characters that actually appear in the story? But I guess if they want to include Makoto, they'll find a way.
I don't see Best Buy making that up, especially since they just copy and pasted the PR that Atlus made for the game. Unless Atlus USA was wrong(which I highly doubt).
At this point, I do have some doubts that it's Rise as well, she doesn't seem like the fighter type along with her Persona not being much of a combat persona. I dunno at this point it could be her, or it could not.
What's wrong with the role of tactical analysis? In the arcade mode, she's already running all over the place, contacting people and telling them she's trying to get in touch with everyone.
I don't see Best Buy making that up, especially since they just copy and pasted the PR that Atlus made for the game. Unless Atlus USA was wrong(which I highly doubt).
I bought the version that came with all of it already, but that's me.
So 6 new characters, eh? So we all can bet that four of that is SHO, Sho, Ken and Rise, and
Adachi Baby
is probably the next strongest bet. P3 protagonists seem unlikely all things considered, and while Theo is popular I doubt he's Elizabeth levels of popular, so my money is on either Margaret or the Random box.
So 6 new characters, eh? So we all can bet that four of that is SHO, Sho, Ken and Rise, and
Adachi Baby
is probably the next strongest bet. P3 protagonists seem unlikely all things considered, and while Theo is popular I doubt he's Elizabeth levels of popular, so my money is on either Margaret or the Random box.
Same here. I do the same for Tales games. I'm a piece of shit.
And yeah, the amount of people in this thread forgetting that Yukari and Junpei weren't in the first game so they count as new characters too is pretty funny.
-I wish the "quest" system was similar to P3s where it just gave all the available ones to you at once and also showed you the reward. Having to wander around and talk to everyone is obnoxious and feels like a waste of time because you don't even know what you're going to get out of them anyway.
-I hope P3s physical attacks split and knockdown system return for P5. I'm liking the combat a lot but it's pretty lame how every fight turns into a ma- spell spam.
-A lot of the dialogue early game dialogue is circular and repetitive. It seems like almost every time the Investigation team gets together to talk about the mystery they end up repeating the exact same things over and over again. Here I am 11 hours into the game and Chie suddenly decides to explain what the midnight channel is again because I guess they think I've forgotten in that short amount of time. Even though I already know the identity of the killer, it isn't fun to listen to because there is no subtlety. They have to explain everything that happened in explicit detail over and over again.
-Dammit Yukiko, I would totally romance you up but I know the end of your S. Link and
there's no way in hell I'm living in Inaba for the rest of my life.
Aigis' RoboCop visor was more than worth the price of admission.
I bought the complete set, but I only really use Kanji's in conjunction with his colour 9 to complete the Baofu look. Oh, and Teddie's bandit mask, because that crap is so wonderfully goofy.
-I wish the "quest" system was similar to P3s where it just gave all the available ones to you at once and also showed you the reward. Having to wander around and talk to everyone is obnoxious and feels like a waste of time because you don't even know what you're going to get out of them anyway.
-I hope P3s physical attacks split and knockdown system return for P5. I'm liking the combat a lot but it's pretty lame how every fight turns into a ma- spell spam.
-A lot of the dialogue early game dialogue is circular and repetitive. It seems like almost every time the Investigation team gets together to talk about the mystery they end up repeating the exact same things over and over again. Here I am 11 hours into the game and Chie suddenly decides to explain what the midnight channel is again because I guess they think I've forgotten in that short amount of time. Even though I already know the identity of the killer, it isn't fun to listen to because there is no subtlety. They have to explain everything that happened in explicit detail over and over again.
-Dammit Yukiko, I would totally romance you up but I know the end of your S. Link and
there's no way in hell I'm living in Inaba for the rest of my life.
I think the quest system was the only one I didn't like about Persona 4. I especially didn't like that they were always for the previous dungeon and opened up over a longer period instead of all at once. Made it so I just didn't do dungeon quests.
-A lot of the dialogue early game dialogue is circular and repetitive. It seems like almost every time the Investigation team gets together to talk about the mystery they end up repeating the exact same things over and over again. Here I am 11 hours into the game and Chie suddenly decides to explain what the midnight channel is again because I guess they think I've forgotten in that short amount of time. Even though I already know the identity of the killer, it isn't fun to listen to because there is no subtlety. They have to explain everything that happened in explicit detail over and over again.