I think I'll try some more people before venturing into the 3rd dungeon.Recreating the picture with Fuuka was quite funny. I'll admit.Got wiped by one of these magaru casting ghosts the first time I entered
That Teddie picture is amazing.
What did everyone get in the second dungeon? Spoiler tag your answer!
This is what I got. (Persona Q second dungeon spoilers!)
I was actually vaguely disappointed in what I got. Some of them are mad.
No, you can do just the questions over again.You tried the entire dungeon over again?
No, you can do just the questions over again.
Just go back to the first question room and it'll let you do then all again.Wait, really? I must have skipped over that option.
Okay, I need to comment on this, but the battle dialogue in this game is absolutely amazing. I've heard all sorts of charming little quotes, from Junpei claiming that Chidorita is the only idol for him (after fighting an idol type enemy) to Yu thinking the sofa an enemy is laying on looks comfy.
These little touches are seriously wonderful, and I hope they're in Persona 5, or even any upcoming Etrian Odyssey Untold games.
I think it's time for volume 1 of PK's Perfect Persona Q(uote) Picks
Confusion ailment
Yu: Can you stand up to my moves? (against the dancing couple shadow)
I think it's time for volume 1 of PK's Perfect Persona Q(uote) Picks
Confusion ailment
Naoto: The culprit is YOU, and YOU, and YOUUUUUU!
Junpei: My own worst enemy is... me!?!
Sleep ailment
Mitsuru: Time for your... execution...zzz (the line itself is forgettable, but the delivery is goddamn hilarious)
Shadow specific dialogue
Makoto: That shadow is making me queezy... (against the DNA shadow)
Yu: Can you stand up to my moves? (against the dancing couple shadow)
Yukiko: It's a table... and it's floating! (laughing fit)
Junpei: It's that shadow with the eyes again... STOP STARING AT ME.
Makoto: A boulder shadow. Looks hard. (guess)
Follow up attack
Rei: Go get em Zen!
Zen: Naturally.
Chie: Steakhouse, porterhouse, ROUNDHOUSE!
Bring in Da Man if you want Yukari banter! I looove Junpei in this game. Every one of his lines are delivered to perfection. I'm currently rolling with a Yu-Kanji-Junpei and Yukiko-Yukari squad. Loving both Kanji and Junpei's battle quotes. I had Naoto and Chie when it was just P4 crew Naoto has some nice banter with Kanji, I kinda miss it. Same with Chie and Yuki, but I can deal. I need my agi princess.Beginning to think I should drop Yukari from the party and run Naoto in the same party with Kanji instead. Not really any banter with Yukari and anyone(makes sense). Only thing that worries me is how hard it'd be to catch her up.
anyone else surprised by the amount of love Persona 5 is getting in the 2015 most anticipated thread. In a good way of course![]()
Bring in Da Man if you want Yukari banter! I looove Junpei in this game. Every one of his lines are delivered to perfection. I'm currently rolling with a Yu-Kanji-Junpei and Yukiko-Yukari squad. Loving both Kanji and Junpei's battle quotes. I had Naoto and Chie when it was just P4 crew— Naoto has some nice banter with Kanji, I kinda miss it. Same with Chie and Yuki, but I can deal. I need my agi princess.
Man, what's with Junpei hitting on everyone.
He's as bad as Teddie.
P3/P4PQ is set in the unfortunate timeframe before Junpei and Teddie go from occasionally good to totally awesome.
I wonder something though: I picked the P4 side, so most of the random stops in dungeons and stuff involves banter with them. Is it the opposite if you choose the P3 side? Cause that'd be even more things to see...
I know about Teddie, but didn't Junpei settle down when Chidori came into the picture?
I forgot about a lot of the details in Persona 3, so I could definitely be remembering wrong.
Speaking of Junpei,does he make subtle digs at the P3MC over stupid shit, or did they drop that part of his character?
Speaking of Junpei,does he make subtle digs at the P3MC over stupid shit, or did they drop that part of his character?
I also really like the convos that can happen during battle too.
Chie/Yukiko same party, with Chie very low on heatlh:
Yukiko - Chie, you're hurt, back off a bit.
Chie - Sorry Yukiko, cover for me!
P3/P4PQ is set in the unfortunate timeframe before Junpei and Teddie go from occasionally good to totally awesome.
Yeah, I really enjoy those too. Having Shinji and Akihiko on the same team gave me this gem of a line:
*Akihiko dies*
Shinji: Tch. How dare you take out Aki!?
It's a really simple line, but the fact that Shinji gets pissed that the shadows took down his best friend just warms my heart.
I like having Shinji and Ken in the same party. They have one exchange at the start of some battles that goes something like this:
Shinji: "Be careful."
Ken: "Oh... y-yeah."
The P3 team is ripped from August and P4 from September/October, right?
Junpei is fine in PQ. Really funny actually.
Teddie's just one note at this point and rather boring.
Agreed, Junpei is really fun in PQ.
Teddie on the other hand..... Bleh.
Late September for the P3 team (culture festival is mentioned) and late October for the P4 cast (during their culture festival)
P3: September 20th, 2009
P4: October 30th, 2011
Both Teddie and Akihito got replaced with cheap replicants, it's terrible.
...And what little interest I might have had in the game just withered away.
Gotcha. Thanks.
...And what little interest I might have had in the game just withered away.
Nah dude
There's plenty of reasons to love Teddie in this game. He's flanderized to hell and back, but he's got some great scenes
Plus you can pair him up with Yu.
I dunno about Teddie, but at least in the case of Akihiko, it really develops his and Shinjiro's friendship more, so he's not completely destroyed.
It's really cute a lot of times.
Are you saying he's Te-DIE for?
I dunno about Teddie, but at least in the case of Akihiko, it really develops his and Shinjiro's friendship more, so he's not completely destroyed.
It's really cute a lot of times.
Nah dude
Plus you can pair him up with Yu.
If we want to be (irrationally) anticipating a date for potential Persona 5 news, there's Jump Festa 2015 starting on December 20th, but Atlus doesn't attend that show.
You stretched for that one, but I applaud the effort and creativity!
nah, I'm pretty sure once the first gameplay/part member/release date/etc. is released the hype on gaf will reach critical levels and the word "waifu/husbando" will be used at least 20 times per page until the mods threaten bans.
Not really, actually. Persona 5 got 8th place last year, and it hadn't even been announced for NA at that point, and some were unsure if it was even gonna come out in 2014 in NA so they refrained from voting for it. We barely knew anything about it, either (kinda the same now, but its 2015 release has become more certain).
Now it's on the PS4 as well as the PS3. People are really excited for it, and it shows.
So we can assume that some of the P5 OST will be playing?
Ahhhh that picture is so fucking good. I wasn't too hyped before, but I am now. I'm also really glad Shin's not in this artwork.