Jokes aside, welcome to PersonaGAF. I hope you stick around, since you seem like a cool person.
Thanks, I've been lurking for quite a while, but haven't felt like jumping in until now.
Jokes aside, welcome to PersonaGAF. I hope you stick around, since you seem like a cool person.
I could see Dancing All Night showing up in Famitsu at any point, although Atlus does seem to be focusing on Etrian Mystery Dungeon and Break Record at the moment, so they might hold off until one of those is out.
Something minor regarding Super Live, I might be completely off on this, but a ticket sale site: states that the age requirement for the show is 6 and up. Would that prevent them from showing off a trailer for 5 there? Since it will probably be rated higher than that.
There's a thread titled "lap a video game title on an appropriate but unrelated movie poster" and I figured Persona needed to be represented.
All this DMC hype's got me thinking how awesome a Persona themed Character Action game would be.
Discussions of a Persona character action game are pretty old, kinda like all of the discussions about a Persona fighting game before late-2011. The developers that come up the most for it are Platinum and CC2, while the concept I've seen the most is Aigis ala Vanquish. I feel that it would make the most sense for a Persona character action game to use the Shadow Operatives for context, if it wasn't going to be something weirder like a Kanji Kenka Bancho game or something.
I think that's Chie's voice.Edit: Okay, this is something I've always wondered and I just came upon it again: is the female voice clip during this part (1:34) of the first P4A trailer supposed to be a character we know of or is it just a generic voice?
I think that's Chie's voice.
Discussions of a Persona character action game are pretty old, kinda like all of the discussions about a Persona fighting game before late-2011. The developers that come up the most for it are Platinum and CC2, while the concept I've seen the most is Aigis ala Vanquish. I feel that it would make the most sense for a Persona character action game to use the Shadow Operatives for context, if it wasn't going to be something weirder like a Kanji Kenka Bancho game or something.
Nocturne from Dante's view.
I like how they just took Mega Man's Smash 4 artwork and just slapped it on there. Would that count as copyright infringement?
I think that's Chie's voice.
Discussions of a Persona character action game are pretty old, kinda like all of the discussions about a Persona fighting game before late-2011. The developers that come up the most for it are Platinum and CC2, while the concept I've seen the most is Aigis ala Vanquish. I feel that it would make the most sense for a Persona character action game to use the Shadow Operatives for context, if it wasn't going to be something weirder like a Kanji Kenka Bancho game or something.
Edit: Okay, this is something I've always wondered and I just came upon it again: is the female voice clip during this part (1:34) of the first P4A trailer supposed to be a character we know of or is it just a generic voice?
Discussions of a Persona character action game are pretty old, kinda like all of the discussions about a Persona fighting game before late-2011. The developers that come up the most for it are Platinum and CC2, while the concept I've seen the most is Aigis ala Vanquish. I feel that it would make the most sense for a Persona character action game to use the Shadow Operatives for context, if it wasn't going to be something weirder like a Kanji Kenka Bancho game or something.
Edit: Okay, this is something I've always wondered and I just came upon it again: is the female voice clip during this part (1:34) of the first P4A trailer supposed to be a character we know of or is it just a generic voice?
Did SCEE use Chie Fanart? Or is that part of an official Artwork? I don't recognise it.
got Ultimax but everybody's moved on to Q
Should I just jump in via Persona 4 since I have a Vita.
But Chie's right thereI love how none of the Persona protagonists are on there. :/
But Chie's right there
I like (or dislike... hmmm) how you can clearly see how dull character designs have become over the years. The entire right side is full of realistic looking people, and characters like Kat and Korra stick out like a sore thumb.
I'm playing both right now. I'm still garbage at them fightin' games :/got Ultimax but everybody's moved on to Q
I'm playing both right now. I'm still garbage at them fightin' games :/
That sharpening and exposure..
Also why is Lara Croft on their twice?
That sharpening and exposure..
Also why is Lara Croft on their twice?
I don't mean this as an attack at you personally, but man, comments like this make me so mad.
I'm playing both right now. I'm still garbage at them fightin' games :/
That sharpening and exposure..
Also why is Lara Croft on their twice?
Yeah, I think Akuma from Street Fighter is there twice too. Maybe it's because of the time difference between the original/older version and the remake/newer one? Not sure.
I know that they're probably not as popular which is probably they aren't present, but I would have liked to see some other SMT stuff, in addition to a couple games I played when I was younger.
Hell yeah, I am playing both too! Ultimax combined with my (lack of) skill is actually the perfect game to keep my sodium levels high.I get so salty when losing to friends it's not even funny
Lara Croft is actually on there thrice.
Ah okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that upReboot Lara is from an alternative timeline. And classic Lara is such an iconic Playstation character.
Why? Dull isn't the word I would use, but he has a point.
They've become more realistic, not more boring.
I find realistic designs much more interesting (generally speaking) than deformed and/or outlandish designs.