Why have Yukari when you can have the robot girl herself?
When Awesome Fan Art comes to life.
Why have Yukari when you can have the robot girl herself?
I feel like I haven't contributed much lately and wanted to make up for it...
Well I ain't sleeping tonight
God help us if someone links that one specific version from the previous OT tho.....
Persona? Toonami?
I'm talking about some Yukari costume that has an anime-like face. Pure nightmare fuel. Someone is bound to know what I'm talking about.
I see the Persona Real Doll line is coming along well.
So... I've never played a Persona game, but own them all (LOL). If I'm going to play the best versions of Persona 3 and 4, which ones should I play?
So I've been thinking about the odd timing for Super Live, considering that the concerts are normally in the summer and it reminded me that Music Box was smaller in scale than the usual music live and I think I read that it was somewhat put together at the last minute.
Basically, what if Super Live was originally going to be in the summer like the Music Live but was pushed back due to the Persona 5 delay, and Music Box was quickly put together as a replacement? There's quite a bit of speculation in that, but it would mean that Super Live has been planned for a while to be the start of the P5 marketing cycle.
P4GA's all-volume storage box (collector's box), drawn by Shigenori Soejima himself
It's a little thing, but if nothing else, the event in February is the only one without "Music" in the title.
So... I've never played a Persona game, but own them all (LOL). If I'm going to play the best versions of Persona 3 and 4, which ones should I play?
Context, this video features the new VAs for Marge and Kanji while new Marge voice over this.
Although it wasn't as shocking as the clip features Grant George and Cindy Robinson doing hentai..
Wow Marisha Ray is smoking hot , and that sounds like Marge from Ultimax.
And that ShinjiroX Labrys ( or Kagura X Makoto Nanaya if you play Blazblue) clip is amazing too.
Speaking of Blazblue , i hope Cristina Vee (Noel Vermillion VA) and Julie Ann Taylor (Tsubaki / Kokonoe) land a role in the Persona 5 dub.
Taylor already make a role in p4 (Ai Ebihara) ... i think.
Both are amazing.
Wow Marisha Ray is smoking hot , and that sounds like Marge from Ultimax.
And that ShinjiroX Labrys ( or Kagura X Makoto Nanaya if you play Blazblue) clip is amazing too.
Speaking of Blazblue , i hope Cristina Vee (Noel Vermillion VA) and Julie Ann Taylor (Tsubaki / Kokonoe) land a role in the Persona 5 dub.
Taylor already make a role in p4 (Ai Ebihara) ... i think.
Both are amazing.
I'm happy to see DR, DR2, and PQ in your lists. 25 episodes is a lot, so great job on all of them! I look forward to next year's podcasts, especially when P5 is out in NA.
...Time to do Shinji as my destined partner.And from the guys, Ken's was interesting, but so far Ted's and Shinji's are the best, since with Teddie he actually acts serious for once and you feel bad about him and with Shinji because his route is the only one whereP3MC can BLUSH!!
Context, this video features the new VAs for Marge and Kanji while new Marge voice over this.
I don't know what to say about this.
Although it wasn't as shocking as the clip features Grant George and Cindy Robinson doing hentai.
For the record I find it to be amusing yet I am ashamed of admitting it. My sense of humor is still 12.
You're right about JAT. Ai was one of my favourite non-party members in P4.
For me.... I would like some Crispin Freeman
And the wishlist for Main Caracthers :
Cristina Vee
Julie Ann Taylor
Crispin Freeman
Kate Higgins
Todd Haberkorn (i love the voice of Minazuki)
Kyle Hebert
Ashly Burch
I love to see one o a few of them in the main cast.
So I just finshed Persona 3 FES The Journey, the game certainly does deserve its reputation and the popularity it has. It's got some nit picky flaws and that ending MAJOR SPOILERS. The ending isn't bad despite that complaint though it did feel a bit rushed and it was vague in how events that let the plot be resolved happened... though I imagine that's what the answer is for. My only real complaint is that the final boss fight is simply too long, I was over leveled and was worried after I basically one rounded the two Strega bosses that the final boss would be a push over... he wasn't a push over neither was he really scary dangerous. The battle was more a test of attrition the arcana phases before the death phase either needed less health or needed to be fewer/more meaningful. I don't even want to imagine how irritating this fight would have been with a below 76 level party.I always hate when the game kills off the MC in a heroic sacrifice way, it was doubly painful seeing him interact with all his friends/max social links one last time
I've got to pack/sleep/get up early tomorrow but I'll write more detailed thoughts in a LTTP thread that'll probably go up later this week.
I guess now the real question is, where do i go from here? Obviously The Answer would be the most logical choice along with potentially doing a max slink run of the journey on a new game plus and taking on the secret boss... but I've heard ehh things about The Answer and part of me really wants to jump into Persona 4. Unfortunately I won't be getting a Vita as soon as I thought I would due to financial reasons (the money that would have bought it bought my plane ticket to FL for a funeral) but I do own the PS2 version of P4. I also own P3P where I could do the female route and see what's changed/different.
I'm very happy to have played Persona 3, though I think before I jump back in with whatever you guys think is the next best option (currently leaning towards playing P4 or the answer) I'm gonna take a week or two off before jumping back in. I've been playing P3 FES pretty exclusively now for like 3 months and I need a bit of a break before jumping back into another 80 hour Persona game.
Laura Bailey (infinite ,,,)
Yeah, normally I'd say play Persona 4 as a buffer between FES and Portable, but if you can't play Golden, you may as well just jump into Portable.
Corvo's List:
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
I do plan to get a vita to play p4 golden I'm just not sure how soon if when that'll be. It could end up being something I get with my tax return or something I buy next xmas. I'm not too worried about replaying p4g after playing p4 same way I'm not worried about playing p3p after playing p3.
He's also a smug ferry man in SMTIV. The smugness and how minor of a role it was made me laugh.And yes i love Lowenthal and all but me too i tired of him... but hell that guy is in every game and Atlus love him (3 SMT games and two of that is the main caracther).
Corvo's List:
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey
I personally hope Yuri Lowenthal doesn't return. He's a good VA and seems like a really nice dude, but three games in a row is a bit much. New blood, new blood!
Laura Bailey voices every woman in my dreams, okay.
I am not ashamed.
He's also a smug ferry man in SMTIV. The smugness and how minor of a role it was made me laugh.
He's also a smug ferry man in SMTIV. The smugness and how minor of a role it was made me laugh.