On a side note, Catherine's dub is perfect. I really hoped new Chie would sound more like, Erin's Chie is a tad bit over the top compared to rest of the rather natural sounding cast.Erica
Yosuke is the base breaker it seems, I did not enjoy the camping scene at all but overall I still consider Yousuke to be very likeable. The camping scene is where I welcome the skip function in Golden with open arms.
Come to think of it, Junpei's keenjerk reaction when Akihiko assigned FeMC as the leader was pretty unclassy too.
To me, that's how Chie is supposed to be. She's usually very upbeat and energetic and I think Erin voiced her fine with a couple of flubs (but that's director/time related) but she nails the character.
Youske is hit or miss, he's usually a dick, but there are times he's not.
I'm a ballbreaker at times, but I know what to say and how to say it. He didn't.
And Mitsuru quickly squashes Junpei's adversity to them making FemMC leader.
I love Erin voice acting :
Take different caracthers of her :
Erica from Catherine orThe Sorceress from Dragon's CrownMidnight Venus in that game
Bullet from Blazblue
and sounds voiced for different actress , but to be fair Chie sounds like the hyper over of the top version of Erica.
I love the diference too between Cindy Robinson makes from Makoto (Blazblue) & Labyrs to other roles like the one from Fire Emblem).
No like Lowenthal o Eden Riegel who makes the same voice in all the roles.
(Playing Dragon's Crown narrated for Marie and Yosuke).
not to mention the way Yosuke treated him (the camping scene comes to mind) is super gross
I love the diference too Cindy Robinson makes from Makoto (Blazblue) & Labyrs to other roles like the one from Fire Emblem that almost manly voice.
Nobody looked good in the camp scene to be honest. No not even Kanji. It is by far the worst scene in the game.
I cannot wait to hear the new VA's for P5.
I love Eden Riegel though, although I cannot tell her and Danielle Judovits apart.
Dragon's crown is narrated by Dojima by default anyways.
You want to hear her differently? Listen to her lines as Kan-E-Senna in FFXIV.
Completely Unrecognisable!
I cannot wait to hear the new VA's for P5. Voice acting is one of my favourite things to look up and research.
On that note, if you havent seen the documentary "I know that voice", you should watch it!
I know right? Especially Glasses-Kun.
Speaking of voice actors, I was perusing Yuri Lowenthal's voiceography and found out he was...Richard from Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles. No wonder Yosuke has a terrible luck stat. He's haunted by terrible demons. Ouch.
Honestly, it was an unfair treatment of Kanji but it was totally realistic for a 16 year old like Yosuke to act the way he did.
To be honest i dont think in anyone in the english dub to match the look of Glasses Kun.
But i know he gonna fit like Lowenthal with Minato (his PQ voice is amazing) and Bosch as Narukami.
Sadly to hear a full voice we have to wait to the p5 animation or Persona Arena : 5howdown (Persona Arena 3).
I think it's a great scene. Bunch of teenagers misbehaving and mistreating each other. Almost exactly how campouts went when I was a teen. The only thing missing was one of them staying up all night obsessed over the campfire.
Nobody looked good in the camp scene to be honest. No not even Kanji. It is by far the worst scene in the game.
I dunno, the pageants, Chie's disproportionate retribution that came with it, and the Amagi Inn scene afterwards were the low point for me.
WOAH. Is this P3P stuff? I never knew this.
Wait what really? Never knew that.
Oh yeah, the pageant was definitely a low point for me. Way too cliche and unnecessary, and that school and it's crazy rules.
It's fully elaborated in the Persona 3 design works, and featured prominently in his slink in FeMC's route.
The humor scenes in general for p4 is really hit and miss for me. It's also a part of the reason why I really did not like the animes since they crank everything up to 11.
Maybe I'm just a jaded killjoy but the only "humor scene" I liked was kings game, and solely because of the persona 3 backdrop and nothing more.
And of course, Kanji being reborned as Venus is amusing too.
That's very interesting, definitely makes me appreciate his character a lot more. I wonder why it wasn't originally touched upon?
That's very interesting, definitely makes me appreciate his character a lot more. I wonder why it wasn't originally touched upon?
Atlus probably spreaded itself too thin during the development for p3.
It's covered pretty explicitly in The Answer, along with the origins of the other SEES members.
Chie's supposed to be energetic and upbeat but new Chie is just obnoxious and very ill-fitting for the game she's in. In a game that actually prides in itself in characters who aren't just a bunch of cartoon caricatures Erin plays Chie like a cartoon caricature, which is unfortunate because I know she's capable of better. She's been the low point of Golden for me so far. I let her slide in Arena, because, who gives a shit, but in an RPG setting I cannot sanction her buffoonery.To me, that's how Chie is supposed to be. She's usually very upbeat and energetic and I think Erin voiced her fine with a couple of flubs (but that's director/time related) but she nails the character.
It's covered pretty explicitly in The Answer, along with the origins of the other SEES members.
Atlus probably spreaded itself too thin during the development for p3.
I don't think that's the case. The interviews at the back of the P3 art book make it sound like the lack of teammate social links was on purpose in P3. They wanted the player to consider SEES separate from all their friends. I appreciate the attempt, even if it's better for party development if they all get social links like in all the later entries.
That..... sounded like a cop-out to me, but hey, how would I know![]()
That..... sounded like a cop-out to me, but hey, how would I know![]()
P3 felt like a lot of cop outs to me
How is it a cop-out when that's exactly the vibe that P3 was going for the whole game, and part of its core thematic? Even PQ addresses how SEES aren't really friends compared to the Investigation Team, but rather dissimilar people united for a common purpose.
It sounds baseless. Not having time to implement everything they wanted in the game goes for the vast majority of video games out there, anyways; P Studio said the same for Persona 4.
P3 was the first time the team had made a game like that, so naturally they weren't going to have everything figured out from the beginning.
The kings' game scene was the only scene in P4 that I think I genuinely hated. Just elicited a big long groan.
Chie's supposed to be energetic and upbeat but new Chie is just obnoxious and very ill-fitting for the game she's in. In a game that actually prides in itself in characters who aren't just a bunch of cartoon caricatures Erin plays Chie like a cartoon caricature, which is unfortunate because I know she's capable of better. She's been the low point of Golden for me so far. I let her slide in Arena, because, who gives a shit, but in an RPG setting I cannot sanction her buffoonery.
Yeah this. Chie's really kind of like a Resident Evil character when it comes to voice acting in that both versions are pretty bad. Tracey Rooney often sounds like she's on horse tranquilizers and doesn't really emote but Erin Fitzgerald is the complete opposite and seems like she's completely hopped up on caffeine. Like she's so hammy and over the top that I usually feel embarrassed for her listening to it and turn the sound down out of fear of other people hearing. I know hamminess is rather popular among the anime/JRPG crowd for some reason but Persona is just not really suited for that kind of performance.
I don't think that's the case. The interviews at the back of the P3 art book make it sound like the lack of teammate social links was on purpose in P3. They wanted the player to consider SEES separate from all their friends. I appreciate the attempt, even if it's better for party development if they all get social links like in all the later entries.
I love Erin / Chie crazy performance , loved since day one in Golden.
The only scene dont like from her is the "Trial of the Dragon" scene overacted and no the best delivery from Erin , that sounds awful
But yeah i remember the original VA sounds off and like generic , but now i can difference the Chie voice from another voices on Persona.
Like she said in the Voices actors PQ interview , with Chie she goes physical and almost gesticulating every word....and i love her for that., is the kind of personality i see from someone who loves action movies and that stuff and always looks ready to kick butts.
To be honest in the vanilla P4 for she is the worst girl , but thanks to Erin performance in the upcoming media (Anime , Arena Ultimax , Golden ,Q) she grows so badly.
I usually compare the voices between the Japanese and English voice overs to see if there are any big differences, Chie's Japanese voice is a lot less uhhh, nasally and hammy than Erin Chie. I feel hervoice would have been perfect.Erica
But of course, the entire cast between Japanese and English is quite different, I liked English Teddie and Rise a lot more, particularly Teddie.
Japanese Teddie sounds funny in the Dancing all the Night trailer , but god that voice is no human ... awful.
And Rise , i know Japanese Rise is a big VA actress (i think i read that once) but man i cant think about Rise without Bailey voice. For me that's the perfect fit in a Persona role ever, i think i never read a complain about english Rise voice like others (even Yukiko voice have bad reviews).
One of the best fanboy moments in Ultimax is to hear Bailey singing again "True Story".
Im so happy about i think they gonna keep that scene in japanese , like they did in the Persona Animation.
And thats why i looking forward for the dub for Marie Animation. A duet between Bailey (Rise) and Riegel (Marie) ... gonna be great. (If Riegel can sing of course).
But i dont think that piece crap have a dub o they make with a Devil Survivor Anime cast lol.
In some way i like to see Golden Animation or the p3 movies with all new dub english cast.
PD: I want Yuri Lowenthal Minato voice in the P3 movies so badly.... and Wendee Lee as Fukka gonna be great too.