Hey! Longtime no see! I was gonna pop up in this thread earlier after realizing people here probably noticed that quasi-retirement post, but then GAF died, so... yeah!
Anyway, thanks to everyone here for their super kind words about my work and whatnot, whether you posted here, to my Twitter, whatever. To be honest, I didn't think people would take the announcement badly or anything, but it's still been really moving to see so many kind messages expressing how much they've enjoyed my work and actually looked forward to my take on new trailers and whatnot specifically. I feel like you don't see that a whole lot for fan translators dealing in other mediums, so it's very heartwarming to know that to a lot of people my work wasn't just a means to an ends in terms of getting bleeding edge Persona material in English. I've never regretted the time I've spent working on that stuff, especially since it and all of your feedback and sharing and whatnot really did help land professional game localization work, but all of this outpouring has reinforced my belief that it all really was time well spent. c:
Onto specific post replies~
Pepsiman is no longer doing Persona translations.
It seems Pepsiman is getting into the process of full-time translation work, and moving to Japan, and as such won't have time for some fan translation endeavors, specifically things like Persona trailers and the like.
For those who don't know, Pepsiman's a great guy who's basically been subtitling every Persona trailer ever released on atlustube since around the first days of the Ultimax trailers. He also did things like host stream mirrors for Nicovideo events, did translations of full magazine interviews, (both new and old) and even part of a documentary for Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. His work was pretty much always high quality and always a source of excitement no matter what it was.
While I feel really bummed that he won't be posting subtitled Persona videos anymore, I feel happy knowing he's gotten some serious work and is able to pursue his dreams!
I won't make any particular commitments as of yet given that I think life is going to get even more hectic than it's been the last few months, but I'd say don't count me out of doing the occasional interview scanlation and whatnot still when it strikes my interests. The majority of fan translators for game-related media seem to be largely concerned with breaking news sort of stuff because that's where demand is most prominently heavy, but they often neglect less "timely," but still relevant material either because of a perceived lack of return on time investment or simply because they don't know how to track down the raw material. Knowing that, I think I still have a place that I'd like to retain when possible and while I will be moving over to Japan to do game localization work, it's entirely possible my professional responsibilities will free me up somewhat to have the energy to pursue hobbyist translations again. One step at a time with these things, but I'll say there's definitely old material I'd love to work on once I'm a bit more free.
Mind, I don't intend to touch more recent material that I have a feeling will see an official release (read: art book interviews and the like) because I don't want to ruffle those feathers and I respect those translators' work a lot, but yeah. I'd say just consider that post to mostly be me signaling that I'm shifting priorities away from trailer subtitling work and that I'm taking a break from Persona for a little while to focus on life stuff.
That's a shame. I really enjoyed his streams and all of his translations were super helpful.
If you happen to be reading this. Good luck Pepsiman!
I still plan on doing stream rehosts when I can and if it looks like there's going to be some distance between the Japanese and English release of Persona 5, I still want to go forward on a translation stream for that so long as I still have a decent Internet connection to work off of. The future's still bright for that stuff!

I wonder how much of this is a blessing in disguise for Pepsiman, considering some sites (Mostly Silliconera) were copping his translations and using them without credit. Why bother doing it if sites aren't going to give you credit for what you're doing?
Nevertheless, someone will step up. They always do.
My internal statistics for view counts, shares, etc. indicate that my work on Persona stuff specifically saw a lot of direct exposure from my pages, even amidst those circumstances, so that wasn't a huge going concern that affected my decision to stop working on trailer subtitles. Given the crazy amount of thank you messages and whatnot that I've gotten in the wake of the announcement, I'd say more than enough people knew who was responsible for those translations.
Now as for the more general news translation work I used to do on Gematsu, yeah, seeing that content get lifted elsewhere on places like Siliconera and DS was admittedly stressful, especially in cases where authors couldn't be bothered to even paraphrase my stuff and just basically copy/pasted my work with light edits. That bullshit often cost us hits and notably affected our paychecks, though thankfully GAF was often really great about citing my posts when they were the first to hit about a given piece of news.
I've since been led to believe that it might be something the admins mostly do and they post under some of the other staff names so that those guys take the potential hits rather than they themselves, though I don't have any direct evidence to back that up. If so, I feel bad for those writers that aren't Spencer and company who might be having their enthusiasm for Japanese games taken advantage of, but otherwise doesn't make the whole thing right, obviously.
Regardless, I'm under the impression that Gematsu is doing better for itself these days even in the wake of my quitting there (on amicable terms, mind!) and, for what it's worth, my current paycheck doing freelance for Japanese games is much, much larger than when I was doing news work. (Though it was critical work experience and that exposure is what got me loc work in the first place!) So I won't say I've particularly forgiven places like Siliconera for what they did, but in the end, I'd say I'm having the last laugh, especially financially. So don't worry about me and the plagiarizing situation; I'm at a point where it's not really hurting my bottom line that much at all, though I really appreciate that someone still remembers all of those ordeals for sure.
Godspeed Pepsiman. I'll miss your Persona translations, but I'm glad you're following your dreams. Thanks for all of your hard work! Time to retire this bad boy:
We already talked on Twitter, but I'll just reiterate that all of your Photoshops and gifs and whatnot have made my day and I have them saved on my computer. They're some of my favorite things people from my audience have ever sent me and I'll cherish them forever. They make me feel super appreciated as a human being behind the translations. <3
Just wanna say thanks for all your contributions breh.
It's been an honor and a pleasure to serve so many nice people like you for so long and I can only hope I keep earning that respect professionally as I go forward! I think you'll be surprised to see my name pop up in some places in the coming months. It's been an incredible year professionally and I can't wait to share that part of my life with people!