I'm playing a PAL version if that means anything (I know screenshots for SMTIV worked on the EU version and not the US version).
I guess that confirms it's a PAL only thing? A bit weird that the US version doesn't support Miiverse!PAL version as well and it works on the OG 3DSXL also ... annoying it takes ages to connect to miiverse tho
Mmmm Would love to see an Etrian with some of dem graphics
I imagine that has a lot to do with what difficulty you play at. I'm slow at these games in general because of how i map and explore, but at my current progress on risky it will be a miracle if i finish in less than 80 hoursFor those who have finished the game, is it really a 80+ hour game?
Some of my backlog has been cleared, so this game is on my list next.
would using front liners in the back line be a really stupid idea ??? i just want yosuke some where![]()
So... do I gotta step on all these fucking spikes for 100% completion
Is the theme up yet?
In the room in themiddle north or so? If you move around right, you can pin him in the northwest corner.
Well I have to say, the minute I stuck Snake Glare on Rise, everything started going smoothly. I have both P3 Hero and Yosuke in my team, so now that they're not getting nuked by debuffs I've got a couple characters that easily out speed everything I come across. I also completely missed P4 Hero's dekunda (who is also on my team) so I'll start using that to eleviate the debuffs.You've entered the first major difficulty spike, so you'll have to do some restructuring if you want to keep going. First things first; do you have the enemy advantage cancel navigator ability? It's called Snake Glare, and it's absolutely critical that you have this, as it cancels enemy advantages maybe 80% of the time. You can gain access to this skill by fusing Nozuchi, a level 20~ Persona. Now, the interesting thing about Snake Glare is that it will activate on either navigator. What you want to do is give that skill to your field Navigator of choice, ergo freeing up your battle navigator to use whatever they want.
Next order of business; your team lineup. If most of the members of your team are slow, then it might be best to restructure your team. The general rule of thumb is that at least 2 of your members need nearly always outspace enemies at the start of the turn. Good characters that can do this are Yosuke, Naoto, P3MC, etc... pretty much anyone with a high agility stat. The big thing about dungeon 3 is debuffs. Enemies in that dungeon love to spam them. Masukunda, Corrosion skills... you'll need to take precaution against them. A good way of dealing with debuffs is by using P4MC's Dekunda skill. Barring that, constantly buying purifying water is your second best bet for dealing with debuffs.
Yukari gains Mediarama in the late 30s, I believe, but you won't need to rely on her if you play your cards right. Once you reach the 3rd floor, you'll be granted the ability to gain skillcards from Personas. Kikuri-hime is a lvl 37 Persona that grants Mediarama. Getting Mediarama onto a fast healer will be essential towards preventing you from getting wiped.
What's your current team line-up? Are you exclusively using one set of characters or rotating?
Well I have to say, the minute I stuck Snake Glare on Rise, everything started going smoothly. I have both P3 Hero and Yosuke in my team, so now that they're not getting nuked by debuffs I've got a couple characters that easily out speed everything I come across. I also completely missed P4 Hero's dekunda (who is also on my team) so I'll start using that to eleviate the debuffs.
Also, right after reading your post a Clotho dropped that learns mediarama on it's next level up. So there's that! I'll try and grab the skill card later on though.
As for my current team, I've been switching people out when I feel like it, but my current team so far is P3Hero/Yosuke/P4Hero and Zen&Rei/Yukari. I've heard P3 Hero is better in the back but I like him in the front. He'll go in back for my P4 play through.
Thanks a lot for the write up, btw. That Snake Glare thing has saved my ass.![]()
I normally don't buy stuff like that, but Elizabeth as navigator was totally worth it.
"Leader, how noble of you to fall asleep in front of the enemy!"
Anybody have a decent Link build? I want to use Kanji, and I'm thinking about giving him all of the Link element skill cards. Trying to figure out a decent fusion build to get Golden Link + Triple/Quadruple Link.
(I'm only level 52 so I think I can only get Triple Link, on Tam Lin). Probably want to get Bloody Vanguard on him too.
re: early on on second floor of the 4th dungeon: how in the hell do iget past the foe who's afraid of the torch in order to open the door? if i back him up, he always camps in front of it...
seriously stuck - help!...
Dragon Cry is the point for me. Make him go first if possible.Maybe something like Triple Link + Golden Link + (Elemental Link of your choice). I don't think Kanji is a good choice due to his slow Agility. It might work due to his access to Bestial/Dragon Roar, but that might take too long.
Dragon Cry is the point for me. Make him go first if possible.
I'm thinking giving him 2 of the Link elements for his skill cards + Power Charge + Death's Scythe.
Just need to get a persona with Triple (or better) Link, Golden Link, and the third element (I can probably skip Bolt Link since I have a ton of Electric characters in my party). Also Bloody Vanguard.
Does Dragon Cry work with Eternal Melody? 6 rounds of full-on link barrage with Kanji sound like fun.
Theme is live on the NA store, the music is "Strange School"
Theme is live on the NA store, the music is "Strange School"
I actually just switched to Yukiko there, so it looks like we're playing alike! She's under levelled though, so I'll have to level her up somewhat 'till the luck > agi accessory can work it's magicGlad I could be of assistance!
And yeah, there's no harm in keeping the P3MC in the front if you have enough equipment to keep him sturdy (and he can make use out of close range melee skills due to his adequate strength, which is nice). I actually run a similar team myself (with Yukiko over Yukari) so I know firsthand that kind of team can handle mostly anything.
Does anyone happen to have a Turdak with the good Link skills set up that they can post?
Edit: I mean the literal scan so I can purchase and use him
would using front liners in the back line be a really stupid idea ??? i just want yosuke some where![]()
Does Dragon Cry work with Eternal Melody? 6 rounds of full-on link barrage with Kanji sound like fun.
I don't know what to do with the FOE on the 3rd dungeon 4th floor. How do I stop it from following me?
Edit: I got it
Whole lotta awesome numbers.
I took a request where I need to find a happi in the 4th dungeon, 2nd floor,
does anyone know where it is? I can't find it for anything in the world and the two required teammates aren't helping me at all.
So, is there a skill to regain SP in the game, or am I supposed to truck back to Elizabeth everytime I want to reload SP? :|
I miss my Victory Cry.
FYI that FOE is also susceptible toin case you want to wipe it out.__Hama__
Roads of Light comes much later and it's a Field Navi skill that regens SP with each step. I assume you are still pretty early on - subpersonas add a buffer of HP/SP that regens after each fight, so if you have 100 SP and a subpersona that adds 40 SP, that gives you a free 40 SP to use each fight. If you were to use 50 SP in a fight, then you would start with 90SP+40SP in the next fight.
There's victory cry, but dude, the sp system in this game is fucking broken anyway. I basically go back if my inventory is full.
You can buy soul drops if you're that strapped for sp.
It blockedwhen I used it. It's only weak to__Hama__and__cut____stab__
I brought it down to half health and it usedso I had to run.Mamudoon and knocked out 4 of my party members
You sure? The blue one should have gone down with it. The red ones are immune to Hama.
You really should be running out of sp only when you're facing FOEs.
Edit: FOEs shouldn't be fought on exploration runs anyway. Just defeat one and go back to heal. They all respawn anyway.
A red one was chasing me.
Edit: It was the.Old Doll
Huh? Weird. I could have sworn that the one that chases you is the blue one, whereas the red ones are the ones that just pop up and sit there.
Well, right now the second dungeons enemies are kicking my level 14 ass. Which is why I want to go back to the first dungeon and do FOEs to level up to 20-25 so I can actually explore the second dungeon without running into "oh geez, I'm critical" issues.