How is the stuttering?
Still is solved by disconnecting the console?
Not fixed yet. Had some stuttering yesterday. EU version, EU servers.
Digital copy?
Just had a look through various PES fan forums; people from India, America, UK, France etc are all having the same issue connecting to other players so it's not an ISP issue, nor is it a console one cos all have different consoles. The PES twitter account has now deleted that tweet telling people to contact Sony and is basically ignoring the issue. Konami pls.
The game is fantastic, why ruin it like this.
It's annoying cos when it works the game is brilliant. It's like old school PES where it'd always be "one more match" before turning it off.Thx for the info.
I guess they simply underestimated the technical level on this. This reminds me of Driveclub, whre the online part was broken...
Stutters weren't that frequent though. Occured twice in a two hour session. But it's still there.
EDIT: Was playing solo in Master League.
I went back to the demo now that I have the Diablo 3 platinum out of the way and scored two nice goals from crosses.
Anyone knows if its possible to change difficult on MyClub offline games against the CPU? It seems locked to regular...
Weird, maybe I'm misundertanding this ''stuttering'' issue but I haven't seen it even once since release.
It changes after you have a played a certain amount of matches.
It's basically a short intervall of freezing, like stop - motion. The game freezes for a millisecond and continues afterwards and this repeats two or three times back to back. Annoying.
Man! That goal with Marcelo is fantastic!
During a match or also in the menus?
Haven't seen either by the way.
(but then I know it when I might see it...)
During a match or also in the menus?
Haven't seen either by the way.
(but then I know it when I might see it...)
It is possible to "ask for a change" but without interrupting the game?
I remember pressing modifier + pause in some previous PES put a mark under your team flag, and when there was a stop in the game (fault, offside, corner, etc.) you go to the strategy screen.
During a match or also in the menus?
Haven't seen either by the way.
(but then I know it when I might see it...)
It works that way for online.
For single player, why can't you just wait till there is a stop in play before you hit pause?
Hope this hasn't been answered, didn't find anything by searching this thread.
Is it only possible on PC to download custom kits (e.g. all Bundesliga clubs) made by the community?
Would prefer to get this either for PS4 or Xbox One, peferably X1, but only if theres a chance down the road to have all Bundesliga clubs playable.
PS3 still lets you install patches, right? Is it on par with the next gen versions gameplay wise? Would rather get a console version than PC! Mainly interested in 1on1 in front of the TV!
Last Pro Evo I played was 2013 btw. Can't wait to get this one! Looks like it's a real step forward again!
PC gives you the option to fully mod the roster, kits, badges, names. Basically everything. Community is working on it.
Well, PS3 version plays fine, but misses player entries, because of the taxing engine and is visually identical to PES14. Gameplay on PS4 is in my opinion smoother and more responsive though.
Don't waste your money. The PC may be getting kits but everything about it is subpar. The input lag alone kills any fun you squeeze out of it (and boy will you have to squeeze). I wouldn't be surprised if they announced that PES16 will only be available on XOne and PS4.Thanks for clearing that up. Guess I'll have to go with PC then and maybe hook up my laptop to the TV and use Steam streaming.
PES14 on PS3 was horrible![]()
A total of 77 players was downgraded or upgraded by this first weekly PES 2015 update - 11 players were decreased while 66 players got boosts for their great performances lately.
Weird, maybe I'm misundertanding this ''stuttering'' issue but I haven't seen it even once since release.
My video with the stuttering, that was a pretty bad situation
Thanks for that, this never happened to me in matches.
Man. That vid is terrible. The lag I mean.Consider yourself lucky, I've not played recently so it may have improved now. Was very off putting trying to string together passes when it lags for nearly a second each time.
My video with the stuttering, that was a pretty bad situation
regarding the points system on myclub - is it best to just spend up as quickly as you get the points? for example, last night I logged on and had a total of 4000 points, enough to buy 4 top players - so I bought 3 and decided to hold back...but is there any point in doing that?
You need to keep an eye on player contracts, everyone starts with 10 games, the better the player the more expensive they are for renewal. When you're just starting though you'd get away with it.
My video with the stuttering, that was a pretty bad situation