ew partner cards: Klotho, Jozsef, and Barbara want you to S-rank certain quests on any difficulty (unknown which, that's in a file I don't have yet). Revelle's CO says nothing about what it wants.
Advance Quests: Three exist, one each for forest, caves, desert. Each requires 10 Advance Data A/B/C (respectively) to run. I don't know where you get these yet.
New emergency quests:
Inbound Abysmal Servants (淵へと迫りしもの

: Battle Falz Hunar in the urban sector.
Approaching Dark Arms (迫る漆黒の腕

: Falz Arm quest.
Profound Darkness' Kin: [Colossus] (深遠なる闇の眷属【巨躯】

: Dark Falz Elder quest. I checked, that is how the "Profound Darkness" in the original series was written.
Desert Guerillas (砂漠遊撃戦

: Like the cave emergency, but in desert.
Merry Christmas on Ice (氷上のメリークリスマス

: Like Trick or Treat, but in tundra.
Mystery Quest: Name "????????", description "????????". There is a quest referred to as "escape_quest", this may be it!
Side Story Quests: Two of them! 最初の決別 / The First Farewell, 最後のさよなら / The Final Goodbye. Both appear to be about Hadred.
Item affixes: Chrome Soul is in fact from Chrome Dragon (presumably this is what Hadred is). Photon Collect claims to improve the rate of synthesis for affixes that inflict status.
Room decorations: Photon Gacha is fully functional. Ceiling decorations exist.
Client orders: Ruins team orders have been filled in. Several old orders have been modified (including renaming the Dagan Nero order--someone finally noticed that it is in fact not black, but actually red), and new ones have been added for advance quests.