Sammy Samusu
Can't wait. T____T
Just bought a Wiimote/Nunchuk.
Can't wait. T____T
Just bought a Wiimote/Nunchuk.
Can't wait. T____T
Just bought a Wiimote/Nunchuk.
This somehow seems quite fearsome...
His point is that if it's not successful, pubs out there will keep thinking that only brown shootbang sell or spunkgargleweewee like someone else says.
And you avatar while not spunkgargleweewee is actually rather pandering too.
Of course (bought the Flingsmash bundle), but it seems the regular Wiimote works too.Plus, I hope.
What are you talking about? What is "spunkgargleweewee"? How is my avatar pandering? Have you ever played Ratchet and Clank?
I think I'm done with this discussion. This is getting way off track.
How is the learning curve of these games? This will be my first one.
Your avatar isn't but R&C certainly is, tried a few and well it's not the most original thing ever.
And brown shootbang is probably more to your taste regarding the image you quoted.
Yeah, no. I actually hate the direction the industry has taken as far as the typical AAA action game goes, but there's no point in trying to continue this discussion. I think you're just fishing for an argument at this point.
Nah I just don't like R&C....
But hey you're in the Pikmin thread after all so yeah I shouldn't have picked that angle.
This thread needs more Pikmin shots though.
I have played it during an event and while I can never say it was ugly some of these shots are downright awesome!
Also Pad only is lame as far as this game goes.
(it is kind of annoying that the game only really allows a single story mode slot).
Please elaborate.
Well it's like on GC, you only control the target where you're aiming and thus you're not in total control like on Wii where you could target and throw whereever you wanted.
The camera was awfully close too...
also you can't control with the pad touchscreen so there's really no point in using that method. I mean apart from the obvious map displayed there.
You can't interact with the player character or pikmin this way AT ALL.
Also if you log on WiiU on another user, do you have another save or something?
I mean like ZombiU or like NSMBU?
I've never really participated in a Nintendo OT before, but my experience is that the more there is to talk about, the more people will talk. Outtrigger, I think, brought up the point that because a lot of people don't have the game, there's not much to talk about. When the game comes out in Europe and the US I think you'll see a lot more activity. Personally, I'm incredibly hyped for Pikmin 3, but I don't have much to talk about because I don't have the game. You'll see me plenty more active when I get my grubby little hands on it.So GAF, is there any correlation to a pre-release OT thread not being able to stay on the front page and the games potential sales or hype level?
I'm bumping this thread from the 3rd page now. Even yesterday when this thread was newly created it was constantly falling to the second page.
So I'm just curious, if even we GAFers can't talk a lot about a niche style game that is a "gamers game", what hope does it have for a console with low count's itself?
Makes me worried I guess. The last WII U OT I was heavily invested in was the Monster Hunter one and I think we were pretty close to making the OT 2 before the game even came out. But this one is barely getting any posts at all.
What's up with that?
So why don´t u use the Wiimote instead?
I've never really participated in a Nintendo OT before, but my experience is that the more there is to talk about, the more people will talk. Outtrigger, I think, brought up the point that because a lot of people don't have the game, there's not much to talk about. When the game comes out in Europe and the US I think you'll see a lot more activity. Personally, I'm incredibly hyped for Pikmin 3, but I don't have much to talk about because I don't have the game. You'll see me plenty more active when I get my grubby little hands on it.
This is no good. This was the one game my wife said looks neat. She doesn't game much with me, but I really thought this would be the one game she would actually try playing through. She loved the Pikmin game in NintendoLand and I showed her the trailer for Pikmin 3 from e3.
So now we both can't have a story mode? WTF is up with that? Even Luigi's ghost mansion has 3 save slots and that's a portable game where people usually own their own system.
This is really quite disappointing. Sigh.
I'd be pretty surprised if loading the game on a different Wii U user account didn't let her start her own save data. I know some games don't do that, but they also typically have multiple slots. A single-slot game should probably let you do it.
This is no good. This was the one game my wife said looks neat. She doesn't game much with me, but I really thought this would be the one game she would actually try playing through. She loved the Pikmin game in NintendoLand and I showed her the trailer for Pikmin 3 from e3.
So now we both can't have a story mode? WTF is up with that? Even Luigi's ghost mansion has 3 save slots and that's a portable game where people usually own their own system.
This is really quite disappointing. Sigh.
This is no good. This was the one game my wife said looks neat. She doesn't game much with me, but I really thought this would be the one game she would actually try playing through. She loved the Pikmin game in NintendoLand and I showed her the trailer for Pikmin 3 from e3.
So now we both can't have a story mode? WTF is up with that? Even Luigi's ghost mansion has 3 save slots and that's a portable game where people usually own their own system.
This is really quite disappointing. Sigh.
Errr, what?
New review score to be added to the OP
GamesTM - Pikmin 3 - 9/10
Hmm, that would make sense and I would be fine with that. Farmboy, if you're still checking in can you give that a try with your review copy? Or anyone else if they have a Japan copy?
Some new official (Japanese) challenge mode videos:
I pre-ordered the game. The EU price is 49,99 by the way.
Was up to 3am last night playing this. It's definitely one of my favourite games of the year so far alongside The Last of Us.
"Just one more day" is something many of you will be thinking as you unwittingly spend hours on end playing it.
LOL!^Mutated space chicken oO
Why? You know you have user accounts on Wii U, don't you? New account -> new save. Problem solved.
edit: beaten ofc ...![]()
Remember that feeling when a fat monster just rolls sideways over a whole group of pikmin, and all their little ghosts float up in the air? Well, time to experience that pain in HD.
So many beautiful screenshots in this thread. I'm all hype!
Is it 1080p or 720p?