Lol, I just woke up (at 7 pm, don't ask) and half of my dreams were about Pikmin, I'm not ashamed to say. I think I'll dive into the mission mode today.
I cant wake up without hearing the end of the day theme and world map theme in my head.
Lol, I just woke up (at 7 pm, don't ask) and half of my dreams were about Pikmin, I'm not ashamed to say. I think I'll dive into the mission mode today.
Just killed the boss of Twilight River andfuck you Louie! I had over 3 rows of juice.God I feel like Nintendo just plain trolled me.
Man... I really want to play this, I could use some good ole' light hearted fun.
I just can't justify dropping 300 right now on one game. :/
Wellll, Wonderful 101 is coming out in a few weeks. That should also provide plenty of good ol' light-hearted fun!![]()
Shhhh.... I need someone convincing me to wait, not to get it now. :lol
Do you need to have a TV to play the game? My Wii U doesn't seem to be able to output on the TV.
I know it has Off-Screen TV play, but I tried playing and all I see its a message on the gamepad saying "look at the tv"
Other games typicially let me chouse gamepad output without having to do anything.
Do you need to have a TV to play the game? My Wii U doesn't seem to be able to output on the TV.
I know it has Off-Screen TV play, but I tried playing and all I see its a message on the gamepad saying "look at the tv"
Other games typicially let me chouse gamepad output without having to do anything.
I love what the game does after Twilight River's Bosswhich I found to be rather easy, but pretty creepy when it smashed all my Pikmin into the air, and then they're all being flown around in a circle...
But anyway, all of a sudden it's NO JUICE and you've gotta really get moving again, not to mention the area you explore has some pretty difficult foes, such as that lobster and crab...
And JESUS CHRIST at the Fifth Boss, that thing was horrific. It doesn't give you any hints either, or at least I didn't see any data files in the boss arena. Lost half my Blue Pikmin to it, and it took forever to beat. Didn't get a chance to rescue Louie the day I beat it since I prioritized getting the Fruit and Monster first, and literally had no Pikmin left for Louie.
Although, after beating it, I realized that even though you lost your fruit and Louie, you could leave the area and explore a different one.
Hit the - button on the gamepad.
Recovered seven different pieces of fruit in one day. That's a record for me.
I'm at the last area. I'm vacillating among being annoyed, frustrated, and exhilarated. :|
I don't think this is spoilers at all, because it's apparent from pretty much the beginning:
What's the deal with this planet? There is a south america on it, mashed into a north america. And the continent with the two zones, that's just a messed up australia, right? So is this supposed to be some future Earth after the tilt of the Earth has shifted and continents have drifted a bunch? Or are they just being cute?
I love getting five or more pieces of fruit in a day, it just feels so amazing. It's even better when they all give over 1 jar of juice.
I know some people have been complaining about the game forcing you to watch all those juice animations. I admit, there's no excuse for making it unskippable.
But, gosh darn it, I love watching those canisters fill. It's so satisfying, somehow.
pikmin has never been about moving at your own pace, theres always, always been a level of hurry for what you do in the gamesFinished it. It's a wonderful game up until the last level and then it practically craps on itself. How could they think that whole concept was a good idea? They essentially thrust the player into a situation without in anyway training her first and it's completely jarring. If anything, at this point I'd say he last level the whole level is completely antithetical to the core designs of a Pikmin game. Pikmin's about going at your own pace, exploring a level piece by piece and tackling it in any number of ways you choose. When you through all that out the's not fun or at least, it's not fun to me; especially given how much I hate time-pressured segments of games. The last boss being aregenerating enemy? Yeah. Not fun.
Looking forward to replaying it, and I'll type up some more general thoughts soon. But that last level...eesh.
You can just go back a couple days.So my little cousin played the game and killed all my Pikmin, what's the best spot to get rebuild?
Finished it last week, but I wanna get all that fruiiiits.
No need to get back to the ship. Pikmin are safe if they are in a squad (i.e., with a leader) anywhere OR idling near an onion. They don't have to be at the onion.So I'm still staying true to my goal of keeping every pikmin safe. I had an intense session today where I only completed one day, but as the day ended with about 10 seconds left, I noticed I had one straggler. I was panicking because I replayed this day for about 2 hours and I finally got everything right but this ONE rock pikmin (I feel their AI isn't as good as the other pikmin). I run to the little guy and blow the whistle. He doesn't come. I get closer and blow the whistle again and he starts trotting toward me.
7 seconds left.
I'm running to the ship and I make it.
5 seconds left.
I see this little guy scurrying toward me. My heart racing as I do not want to do this level again.
3 seconds left. And he makes it. I was incredibly relieved and elated. This game really makes me anxious and I can't play for super long sessions lol. Still, it's great and I love it.
So my little cousin played the game and killed all my Pikmin, what's the best spot to get rebuild?
Just got done playing bingo battle with a friend. A lot of fun.
Very well thought out and balanced. Each level feels like a new experience.
We played a mode where you can either complete your bingo card or capture your enemies flag. I was crossing the bridge, on my way to victory with my opponents flag. All of a sudden one of them flying gooballs sucked up the flag and I didn't have enough pikmin to kill it. The flag was just stuck in its belly.
There's some platforming elements in some levels where fire comes up from the ground and you have to time it.
You can also just attack your opponents captain to win. It's very well balanced and interesting. It doesn't seem it was just added in to be a head to head mode.
Wow, youre doing a no death run and you didn't know that the Pikmin don't have to be at the onion to survive? As long as the Pikmin are under your command they're safe. Even if you're in the midst of a boss fight or something.So I'm still staying true to my goal of keeping every pikmin safe. I had an intense session today where I only completed one day, but as the day ended with about 10 seconds left, I noticed I had one straggler. I was panicking because I replayed this day for about 2 hours and I finally got everything right but this ONE rock pikmin (I feel their AI isn't as good as the other pikmin). I run to the little guy and blow the whistle. He doesn't come. I get closer and blow the whistle again and he starts trotting toward me.
7 seconds left.
I'm running to the ship and I make it.
5 seconds left.
I see this little guy scurrying toward me. My heart racing as I do not want to do this level again.
3 seconds left. And he makes it. I was incredibly relieved and elated. This game really makes me anxious and I can't play for super long sessions lol. Still, it's great and I love it.
You can restart your last day or from an earlier day, so wouldn't you be able to erase your cousin's crimes with that?So my little cousin played the game and killed all my Pikmin, what's the best spot to get rebuild?
Finished it last week, but I wanna get all that fruiiiits.
Just killed the boss of Twilight River andfuck you Louie! I had over 3 rows of juice.God I feel like Nintendo just plain trolled me.
I came to post thisif there was ever a villain of this series it would be you Louie you started with the whole golden carrot eating in Pikmin 2 and now this stuff here. Even Olimar's Data Files are showing how much you've been messing up lately what is wrong with you?
Louie has been throught a traumatism in Pikmin 2 when he was left alone on Earth.
In a way Pikmin 3 shows that he will never be again the one he was before that.
The end credits are adorable.
It has been a nightmare trying to buy a digital version of this game :/
I hate how backwards is Nintendo when it comes to accounts and funding my wallet.
Edit: Hope I have better chances tomorrow, I can't wait to play this.
Yeah I just realized that you dont have to make it back to the ship to be safe. Is it the same in Pikmin 1?
I can't even use my CC on the eShop and I have no trouble on PSN, Walmart or Amazon.Do you know that you can pay directly with the card without funding the wallet?
Wait.. what? You don't? As long as you have your pikmin with you it's ok?
I can't even use my CC on the eShop and I have no trouble on PSN, Walmart or Amazon.