Seriously....This is bad on Nintendo and the employee.
The guy was kind of a dipshit. He also kept asking if I meant Pacman 3. It was like dealing with my Mom but my Mom's brain was put into a 20 year old dudebro's body.
Seriously....This is bad on Nintendo and the employee.
So I've been playing and I'm confused on some mechanics and I hope someone can help explain-
I have finished Day 2, and I've now re-played it 3 times. Every time I do get a bit "further" and do better-the second time I left 3 Pikmin behind on accident, and my daughter freaked out when they sadly ran up to watch the Onions fly away-so I did Day 2 over to rescue everyone.
Is there a "perfect" way to do each day? Or is it basically "Get as far as you can each day, make sure all Pikmin are safe, go up to space" and when Day 3 you come back down and resume where you left off?
I guess I'm trying to determine if there is a set goal I should be trying to reach by the end of Day 2. I got 2 commanders, and a ton of Red and Black Pikmin, data files-and I got to that "balance" puzzle posted above-but then it was out of time.
*I hate the limited time mechanic*
So I've been playing and I'm confused on some mechanics and I hope someone can help explain-
I have finished Day 2, and I've now re-played it 3 times. Every time I do get a bit "further" and do better-the second time I left 3 Pikmin behind on accident, and my daughter freaked out when they sadly ran up to watch the Onions fly away-so I did Day 2 over to rescue everyone.
Is there a "perfect" way to do each day? Or is it basically "Get as far as you can each day, make sure all Pikmin are safe, go up to space" and when Day 3 you come back down and resume where you left off?
I guess I'm trying to determine if there is a set goal I should be trying to reach by the end of Day 2. I got 2 commanders, and a ton of Red and Black Pikmin, data files-and I got to that "balance" puzzle posted above-but then it was out of time.
*I hate the limited time mechanic*
Aside from the beginning of the game and a specific point quite a bit along the adventure, there is no perfect run for a day. The mastery is a bit more long term, meaning finishing the game using less supplies. That said, make sure you are perfecting your multi taking by sending other captains to different sections of the map and sending the right pikmin with them to accomplish the specific tasks.
So essentially the "day" mechanic is simply to give you a point to wrap everything up to avoid danger-and ensure your juice doesn't run out? Otherwise is there a hard limit to the number of days?
My week long ban is up.
I was desperate for something new to play and bought pikmin3 on the eshop on a whim. I have never played the previous two games and was honestly was never particularly interested.
This is one of the finest games I have ever played...I'm just starting day 4 and have recovered four pieces of fruit. Maybe my opinion will change as I get farther into it, but everything about this game is incredible.
Just finished day 7... Game gets even better.
Decided to try going back for a little Pikmin 2 (Wii version) and IMMEDIATELY got extremely frustrated at the lack of touch screen to direct Louie with. We need a NEW New Play Control Pikmin 2 with additional features offered by the Wii and Wii U controllers.![]()
Decided to try going back for a little Pikmin 2 (Wii version) and IMMEDIATELY got extremely frustrated at the lack of touch screen to direct Louie with. We need a NEW New Play Control Pikmin 2 with additional features offered by the Wii and Wii U controllers.![]()
Guys I need help here. I'm trying to get the Captain back, but cannot find him. I always end up in acave trying to beat mothra. I've tried turning all of the lights on, but eventually I just run out of time.
Any strategies? I'm getting pissed. lol
Guys I need help here. I'm trying to get the Captain back, but cannot find him. I always end up in acave trying to beat mothra. I've tried turning all of the lights on, but eventually I just run out of time.
Any strategies? I'm getting pissed. lol
Anybody else going for all platinum medals in mission mode? Some of the missions are extremely difficult to perfect, I've noticed that in some missions only about .5% of people on the leaderboards have platinum medals. Thank god Miyamoto at least put some challenge in the game.
Wait until you see the Battle Enemies missions. The first mission took me over 2 hours!I got the platinums on the fruit missions:
Finally completed it. Definitely my favorite Pikmin and my favorite game in a long time.
That ending though...they better have some dlc to explain what the heck actually happened
have you tried mission mode yet?Anyway! This game was definitely worth a purchase of a Wii U. Now time to dive into ZombiU....
I really want a model of the SS Drake.
Is it possible to platinum all the missions solo?
The Wii U pad kind of sucks for playing this game. I'm guessing wiimote is the way to go here?
So I just started playing the game and I'm on day 3 and I haven't been given the option to use a Wiimote yet. Is that coming soon or did I just miss something?
Hobbestetrician said:It is just refreshing playing this game as there is nothing like it, especially it's emphasis on nature, both it's beauty/serenity and it's savagery.
On day...24 or 25 now I think. Just got blue pikmin, so I am probably playing slowly but eh.
I don't really have much to say aside from this game is fantastic. This + the wonderful 101 demo have done a hell of a lot to make me appreciate my dust collecting wii u.
hey does anyone have a link to a video showcasing really good use of the wiimote?
If I take out 100 Pikmin into the field with me, do I no longer gain anymore from taking dead creatures etc back? I think I read something about that but can't remember for sure.
You do but they stay inside the onion![]()
If I take out 100 Pikmin into the field with me, do I no longer gain anymore from taking dead creatures etc back? I think I read something about that but can't remember for sure.