It took me some time to realize it, but I think I really hate the chanter class.
Great concept, but I am not feeling it.
Would it be too broken if the chants they gained in battle stuck around after? Maybe with a cap?Battles just weren't lasting long enough for me to use their abilities in my experience. So I only had them for the passive chants.
Seems like I'm not a high enough level to completeBlood Legacy, the Wyrmund fight is totally kicking my ass, even on easy. My party is level 4; am I correct in my reading that I'm simply too low level to finish this encounter yet?
- 250k x $50 = $12.5 million
- 17% of those owners have the kickstarter achievement: 0.17 * 250000 =42500. 42500 * $50 is 2.12 million
- So that leaves about 10 million * .70 to account for steams 30% cut = 7 million.
Don't know how much Paradox's cut is, but I imagine it's significantly less then a standard publishing deal.
Would it be too broken if the chants they gained in battle stuck around after? Maybe with a cap?
Both monks and chanters need to start each battle with like, half the max wounds/chants they can hold. Kinda weird that ciphers basically get it, but the other two resource gen classes don't.
I feel that as a cipher character, the cipher having a focus pool outside of combat is an anomaly though. It actually feels more and more broken as the tiers unlock. I don't think introducing this to the chanter class makes a lot of sense because it would break the game even further. Let's say chanters start with 3 chants - if you have one chanter in your party you can summon a phantom right from the start, next to an enemy, and bam, that enemy get dazed while your party attacks from safety and the tanks engage the dazed enemy. That automatically breaks like 90% of all encounters in the first half of the game at least. If you have two chanters or more in your party? Instant victory.
Granted, you can say the same for ciphers, they're extremely broken, but that's not really entirely a good thing. I'm not going to say they should nerf ciphers more, because I'm playing as one, but... yeah they should nerf ciphers more.![]()
Instead of nerfing the class itself in a singleplayer game, how about nerfing phantoms? This is a totally unbiased suggestion, clearly not at all related to playing solo and hating phantoms. *shifty eyes*I think that's more a fault of how strong phantom is than anything else. It's certainly more powerful than the 4-chant summons, and toning it down while speeding up chant generation or just letting them cast something at the start would help with how the class plays.
And really, if having two phantoms breaks the first half of the game, waiting 12 seconds to summon them is hardly an obstacle for the determined. I'd rather see them tone down the efficiency of their spells rather than the pace of their resource generation, even for ciphers.
What level should I be before attempting the first 5 endless paths of Od Nua?
I think that's more a fault of how strong phantom is than anything else. It's certainly more powerful than the 4-chant summons, and toning it down while speeding up chant generation or just letting them cast something at the start would help with how the class plays.
And really, if having two phantoms breaks the first half of the game, waiting 12 seconds to summon them is hardly an obstacle for the determined. I'd rather see them tone down the efficiency of their spells rather than the pace of their resource generation, even for ciphers.
I think the advised level to do this quest is 6 or 7.
Edér having the same voice actor as Kanji (Persona 4) is just perfect. They're totally soul buddies.
Thanks. Does anything in the game indicate this?
Pretty much the only thing is if you're getting smashed in the face. Judging from how strong the enemies are there, though, the entire area does look like you're supposed to go there after a little time in Defiance Bay.
Only in the dub of the anime, not the games.
Well, you, uh,fucked the Dyrwood harder than Thaos did.
I feel that as a cipher character, the cipher having a focus pool outside of combat is an anomaly though. It actually feels more and more broken as the tiers unlock. I don't think introducing this to the chanter class makes a lot of sense because it would break the game even further. Let's say chanters start with 3 chants - if you have one chanter in your party you can summon a phantom right from the start, next to an enemy, and bam, that enemy get dazed while your party attacks from safety and the tanks engage the dazed enemy. That automatically breaks like 90% of all encounters in the first half of the game at least. If you have two chanters or more in your party? Instant victory.
Granted, you can say the same for ciphers, they're extremely broken, but that's not really entirely a good thing. I'm not going to say they should nerf ciphers more, because I'm playing as one, but... yeah they should nerf ciphers more.![]()
I do agree that the phantom is too strong as a 3-chant summon, but I don't see a way to weaken it without making it useless. Take away the daze and you're better off with summoning the 3 skeletons just for flanking bonuses. Maybe it should be a 4-chant summon instead of being nerfed in effectiveness.
Let's look the huge advantage ciphers have because of their starting resource pool - you can start a battle by freezing an enemy with mental binding. Low 15 focus cost. This makes the enemy an open target for the tanks to engage for a few seconds, and in this time, the cipher can immediately follow up with mind blades, which should also soften up all surrounding enemies. Depending on the cipher's level, you can then follow up with 1-2 more mind blades before having to even attack to regain focus. All this time, the other characters in the party will be attacking with their weapons or special attacks as well. This is just with a single cipher. And I'm not even touching on the totally unfair other stuff you can do with puppet master and whisper of words, or ringleader (loooool).
12 second is a long time in terms of PoE combat though. I think it's worth noting that time is a resource as well. Could a determined player choose to play defensively to let the chanters build up the resource to summon really strong stuff to turn the tide of battle? Sure, but that in itself is a gameplay tactic. You'll need to engage an enemy encounter, and stay alive for those 12 seconds before bringing in the game changer. It might not be a particularly hard thing to achieve but it's still an active form of engagement with the game system. On the other hand, having the resource at the start changes the design significantly because the start of the battle can be incredibly important to resolving encounters quickly.
Would it be too broken if the chants they gained in battle stuck around after? Maybe with a cap?
Did Obsidian ever put out a global map for the world? That's something I'd be interested in taking a look at.
I think getting rid of their stun on hit and toning down their hp/endurance pool would do. I don't like the idea of leaving it untouched and moving it to a 4-chant, due to how crowded that tier will be, summons-wise.
I guess another thing is that ciphers feel so powerful due to the general undertuning of content in hard and below; I think encounters are designed around greater periods of time than are normally experienced by players, and as such the classes designed around generating and consuming resources per-encounter without a cipher's advantages suffer as a result.
Ultimately, I don't think chanters are a weak class, far from it, but I think what people feel disappointed with in practice is that in most encounters their abilities don't get a chance to shine. I've definitely had longer encounters with larger mobs where Kana felt very useful even beyond the Phantom summon. With summons in play, being able to change chants tactically from back row support to more front row stuff affecting foes, using invocations to daze enemies just long enough for Durance to throw up the heals needed to keep the melee line going, etc. Stuff like that happening more often would probably give the chanter class a better rep with players.
Is it still fairly manageable with maybe a less then completely optimized party?
In the screenshot below my Crossbow can do 29-43 Pierce, so how does it determine what of the 29-43 I do? Is that another roll I'm not seeing? If yes it is, why not show me the roll?
Lastly, is the Damage higher because it has a base of 25-37 but a x1.15 dmg buff (29*.15= 33.35 Rounded down to 33 and 37*.15 = 42.55 rounded up to 43)
I probably shouldn't care, but for some reason I want to understand how it works. I'm a dork.
So I know PotD actually effects enemy levels/stats/whatever. How extreme is the jump?
Overall party composition is important - you're going to have a bad time if you want to bring Pallegina, Eder, and Sagani, especially if your PC is a Fighter/Paladin/Rogue/Monk/Barbarian/Ranger
Anybody know of a fix for the Reckless Assault bug. It's supposed to be modal, but it remains on and if you try to turn it on, it remains and it will stack the effect. This is bad because it lowers a key defense. A light sneeze is currently crippling my PC rogue.
Edér having the same voice actor as Kanji (Persona 4) is just perfect. They're totally soul buddies.
I was wondering why I liked his "I gotta pet this animal" lines so much. I figured he was a voice actor I knew from some other game, but I didn't realize he was Kanji from P4! Definitely very similar characters, Kanji was one of my favorites in P4 and Eder is definitely one of my favorites in PoE.
Definitely more fun to have around than Durance or Grieving Mother, at least, though I suppose the latter two had far more intriguing back stories. Even if I found the characters a bit.. Boring.
He's a voice actor from like.. every other game... and anime. He's also Aloth in this game.
Either has the custom character lockpicking bug hotfix, or the unopenable doors' hotfix as well.there's a new patch out on gog. so.. new patch out?