You guys going to be using the ie mod?
For a first playthrough? Of course not.
You guys going to be using the ie mod?
talk to me gaf..i bought dinivity on ur behalf after recommendations and i was very very pleased with the game. talk to me again and tell me, should i or should i not? i trust gafs crpg experience.
talk to me gaf..i bought dinivity on ur behalf after recommendations and i was very very pleased with the game. talk to me again and tell me, should i or should i not? i trust gafs crpg experience.
It was instant for me- although I have it installed on a SSD.The first loading screen after pushing the new game button is taking an eternity. I suppose thats not normal.
Well I'm off to a productive start.
Ban this sick filth of a game.Well I'm off to a productive start.
Is this out? My Steam library still says Unreleased. Yipes!
Well I'm off to a productive start.
the deadline on a project was just moved to April 9, I can either not play had have a normal work routine, or play and crunch like a mad man.
All this planning paid off, character creation took a mere 45 minutes.
Name: Outenne
Race: Death Godlike
Class: Druid
Culture: Old Vailian
Background: Dissident
The crispy carapace of decaying beetle shells weathered translucent after fortnights of rats gnawing for scraps of delicious insect innnards tastes of rotten lemon; physically bearable but conceptually revolting. So I try not to lick my lips often because then I get to thinking about it rather than enjoying the oddity of fragrant citrus breath.
So it's not all bad, being me. Just mostly, especially at the start. Frankly I'm bloody ugly and the constant peeling chunks of exoskeleton flaking off my face doesn't give me very long to flash a winning personality.
Everyone asks me, Outenne, so how did you survive being a disgusting demon baby?. Ok, so they don't actually say those words but the narrowed eyes and clenched jaws send the right signals. Mostly luck I would say, as everyone in my swampy backwards Old Vailian fishing village was covered in mud, filth, and a thick mucus-like oil the resident 'healer' made to keep the more dangerous predators away. No surprise a place like this has a grotesque cursed child.
In a way I was an asset to a shithole like that. Almost a symbol of their identity and what with all that magical potential accompanying my creepy affliction face it was only a few seasons before I was 'donated' to that village shaman figure. My actual parents were gone before daybreak the first night I was away but how can anyone blame them. How would you feel watching yourself birth a crusty bug faced monster?
Beatings, queer almost sexual psychological tortures and an occasional dose of insightful simple life philosophical ramblings comprised my formative years. Eora is a hard place and I learned to read, concoct disgusting yet effective tinctures, and how to run a cult. That, of course, was the racket he had going. Yet he never treated it as a game to be played with the people, but a challenge to protect them from their own limitations. Never bend the world to your will, instead guide others through the maze.
I don't think much of his name but on the ledger sheet of life I consider that crazy swamp rat and I even.
All things must change and civilization won't ever let you forget it. My village, as many others in Old Vailian, was swallowed up in a rash of raiding from the Eastern Reaches Vailian Republics. Fancy representatives in their poofy clothes extend the arm of trade only to drag us down and stomp the entire place into the ground. Cannons, raping, enslavement...the standard operation. By this point my primal magic had come into its own and I shifted into the form of a boar, slipping away during the chaos.
Still regrets that I couldn't be stronger, couldn't have predicted this would happen. Seeing the predatory drive of civilization as I began my journey to the Eastern Reaches; the effects of this colonial era leaves me cold. I sit here bells after the full moon watching a Revuan drifter attempt to catch crabs in the dark; the only time he can find a way to eat without being accosted. I sit here and know that this type of world, this 'society', is not the way I want things to be.
Also going to be streaming and roleplaying all the dialogues. Was something I did cooping Divinity with my friend. Coming up with unique voices for hundreds of characters is a blast.
That was one of my early character sketches. She was female and used the scarred, bouffant dwarf portrait. Good luck!I made some kind of gold-obsessed mercenary paladin dwarf... the amount of choices in character creation is staggering.
It is a classic top-down roleplaying game, of which there have been relatively few good examples in the 21st century. It does not have a cover system.Just saw this game on Steam top seller list. Can't tell if it's a strategy or adventure game? Does it have a cover system like xcom?
Well I'm off to a productive start.
I've done zero planning and somewhat dread the amount of time I'll spend on character creation when I get home.
I've done zero planning and somewhat dread the amount of time I'll spend on character creation when I get home.