I'm so pissed right now at the last boss fight
Either I'm missing something, or it seems impossible unless you cheese the system with kites or something
Definitely sounds like you guys haven't metyet.adra dragonShe is a crafty fucker. With a somewhat twisted sense of humour.
I returned there after getting Durance and it went fine. Though my Wizard dies too much lol
I also just realized that chanter/wizard spells are once per rest. jeez.
I'm so pissed right now at the last boss fight
Either I'm missing something, or it seems impossible unless you cheese the system with kites or something
well like every boss enemy in the game, with a wizard and petrification it's easy, made it in the first try
No, but it's the closest thing you will get to those games in 2015.Is this game on Baldur's Gate 2/PST level?
Is this game on Baldur's Gate 2/PST level?
Feels superior to Baldurs Gate 1, but its not BG2.
PS:T is another level of everything. The writing in that game is still unparallaled
I really wish I could get PS:T to run acceptably on my i7:920 / R9 270. Yet unbelievably it runs at about 5 fps. It's ridiculous.
No, but it's the closest thing you will get to those games in 2015.
What, how?
I have Petrification (Gaze of the Adragan) on Aloth, but I only have 3 uses of it. What strategy did you use?
It's comparable to the setting books in D&D. You won't find anything about the actual game story or companions in the Guidebook. Instead, it's a history of the world Eora. If you're a sucker for the game's lore and want to know more about the world's history, the races and the pantheon, it's well worth its money. It contains a lot of information that the Strategy Guide does not have.Can anyone comment on the Guidebook Volume 1 that was released by Obsidian? If I already own the Prima Collector's Edition guide is there any reason to get the other book? I understand the Guidebook is not actually a guide, but how much lore, back story and detail about the companions, world and it's history, etc does it offer that the Prima guide doesn't?
I prefer PoE, but I hated base Fallout 3, so it was hard for New Vegas to overcome that.I see. I consider New Vegas the best modern WRPG. Is it on a similar level?
If you're a sucker for the game's lore and want to know more about the world's history, the races and the pantheon, it's well worth its money. It contains a lot of information that the Strategy Guide does not have.
Sagani's is the most substantial. I liked some of the available responses to hers and Kana's in thematic terms.I didn't finish Kana's, Sagani and Hiravias sidequests![]()
Speaking of Kana's.Did I miss something? All I remember was, ok we found the guy, but he's a zombie now. We kill him. Oh well, this tablet thing is illegible now and we're done?!? I think I miss-read something?
The load times are still killing me post-patch. I can't believe how terrible the loading code is...
Got myself spoilered but I guess so. Some sidequests were really unsatisfying (e.g Eder)
I'm in the mood for either finally playing Mask of the Betrayer (NWN2) correctly or either doing a replay in Expert. Can't decide which, Help me GAF
Did anyone else feel kind of lukewarm on the game in the early bits and later find it really engrossing?
Kanacan't find the historical justification he's looking for, because the tablet is dust and the past is closed to him. But he is still able to find and impose his own meaning on the past — with your help and input.
The EngwithansOk I understood this partwhat I didn't understand is why was the guy a zombies and what was the purpose of the elementals? Did he make them?
More the opposite. I lost steam after completing Act II and ended up feeling that perhaps less would have been more.
All the sidequests are vaguely similar, and they tie thematically to the overarching plot. They're meant to be "disappointing," because. The whole game is obsessed with legacy, with the wounds the past inflicts on the present, and with how you can move forward.the characters don't find the clarity or release or closure they're looking for, but come to understand that it's okay and there is still meaning in the search — and in the choices they makeWhat does it mean if the narrative your life is based on, or the thing you're searching for, is elusive or illusory? What do you do with that knowledge?
Kanacan't find the historical justification he's looking for, because the tablet is dust and the past is closed to him. But he is still able to find and impose his own meaning on the past — with your help and input.
Ederwill never know what motivated his brother and the past is closed to him. But he is still able to find meaning in the search — and his own choices — with your help and input.
Saganican't complete her mission because the person she's looking for is in fact a dying animal. But she is still able to find a way to tell the story of his soul — and find her own meaning in her mission — with your help and input.
Durancediscovers that the justification he had for blowing up a god and his army was false, that he had been totally deceived. But he is still able to find a way to forge ahead and impose meaning on his past and present — with your help and input.
You can do this with most if not all of the characters' sidequests. The overarching thrust is that for a world where your present is supposedly strongly linked to your past — your literal legacy in the soul — you have a lot of room to find your own way and impose your own meaning on the world.The past may be written, the gods may be concotions, the stories we were told may not be true, but we don't have to let those things define us. We can say what the world is and what it means for us.
The Engwithanswere basically monsters. They slaughtered thousands upon thousands of slaves in their quest to unlock the secrets of souls and advance their version of animancy. The blights you fight on that level are all ancient, tortured leftovers from Engwithan soul experiments. Kana (and others in the world) think of Engwithans as this noble advanced society of yore, but in truth they were dominating butchers who imposed order on the world through atrocity. Kana's task is to reconcile that knowledge with his sense of the importance of the tablet for his own people's past and present. In my game, at least, he came to understand that he and Rauatai didn't need to look to the past to make a better, more peaceful future for themselves. If anything, the Engwithans were the ultimate example of why they should forge a new path.
I've a load of stuff in my inventory now like bear skins or rotted flesh or whatever else random mobs drop, can I sell all that or does it have any uses?
Also... how do you enchant? I don't have the option under the crafting menu.
Is there a Youtube starters guide? I'm abysmal at these games...
To enchant, you inspect the item and there's an enchant button.
I'm in act 3, will I be able to?go back to defiance bay later