Pinko hath committed blasphemy. Ban the pinko.
This game is too good. I wish I had more time to play it now.
Paradox isn't working for free.
So currently 20% of players have the kickstarter achievement. So with 73k backers, they've potentially sold something like 350k already.
I think I might need help with stat distribution:
I want to make my PC a Chanter. I started with 10 MGT, 12 CON, 10 DEX, 10 PER, 18 INT, 18 RES.
Is that decent? I play Pathfinder games often, and this is all very much obscure for me. I just don't know what's important. They suggest CON and INT but I've heard CON isn't a great stat.
That all being said, should I just relegate him to a bard role and not take many damaging spells and just take the summons? I don't have ant MGT at the moment so I don't know think he'll do much damage.
I've watched Sensuki's videos and I'm still lost on this aspect.
Any insight would be much appreciated!
so I've run into an awkward situation at the keepI'm trying to clear the keep on hard + expert mode with a party of three which is not that easy, and now the Black Hound Inn has run out of camping supplies. So now after every major fight the game wants me to run back to the town just to rest? That is some pretty shitty design oversight
This is a bit of a typical thingWTF I'm like 1 hour in and (big spoilers if you haven't gotten to the first big plot part)Are your companions supposed to die?
This is a bit of a typical thingwhere you get "introduction companions" that either die or never actually join your group permanently. Pretty sure they can't get out of that situation alive, thanks to the explosion.
I think the forge sells camping equipment for a higher price.
alright, thanks. The, uh, "dungeon" after the first town is pretty ridicules with such a small party, I feel like the game is trying to force me to create some mercenaries for this section which is kinda non bueno. I pretty much have to cheese every fight with the good old doorway strategy
Or, you know, come back later.
Or, you know, come back later.
Do you play with your own portrait? Are you RP'ing as yourself?
I'm talking about the. As far as I can tell, I can't go to any other areas since every other part of the map seems to be greyed out. Or did I miss something?keep
I wish there was an option to toggle autopause controls on and off with a key. Sometimes autopause is essential, but other times I just want my party to wail on a guy without constant interference.
Anyways, this game is the shit.
what if TrueMenace have a portrait too and he's playing using his corpse
You can definitely explore a lot more. On every map go to any available north, south, east, and west exit and you'll ungray those areas and discover some new ones.
You can definitely explore a lot more. On every map go to any available north, south, east, and west exit and you'll ungray those areas and discover some new ones.
That's one of my favorite things to do in games like this - uncover every inch of map <3
No shadow shall escape my wrathThat's one of my favorite things to do in games like this - uncover every inch of map <3
I want this game so bad, and I'm doing everything in my power not to buy it....
I just don't have the time! I need like 4 of me....
With slow mode it seems like auto-pause isn't as needed as in the IE games. I'm thinking about going minimal auto-pause -
Enemy Sighted
Enemy Destroy
Character Near Death
Character Death
All other noted events I can catch while in slow mode and react fast enough.
TrueMenance doesn't even have a corpse. He was erased from existence.
Wait... what happened to true? Why does he show up as a 'guest'?
Evi literally deleted his account.
Durante in 15 years.For half a second I thought Durante was in the game. I really need to get a new pair of glasses
Any way to make your characters walk? They're always in such a hurry.
That would have been Durante after 5 more years of games with "RPG elements". Thank god for Kickstarter.Durante in 15 years.
For half a second I thought Durante was in the game. I really need to get a new pair of glasses.
Did I flick a switch by accident somewhere, or do characters not pick a new target to at least autoattack when their current one dies? I feel like half the time I get my butt kicked it's because I miss a character idling.
Are you me?![]()
No shadow shall escape my wrath
Slow mode is next to the pause button on the screen.
Quick, turn off the dialog ligatures before someone gets hurt!
We need your potrait for wizard-type character.That would have been Durante after 5 more years of games with "RPG elements". Thank god for Kickstarter.