Leveling up the characters unlocks character stickers too. Like a previous poster said, there's one variant per class that can only be unlocked by leveling up that character to level 10.
Aquired the Ice Pea yesterday. So. Much. Fun. I can't wait for the upgrades.
Yeah, Ice Pea was my first new character unlock. Really great to freeze players in place.
Highlight the character and press left or right on the d-pad. You may also be able to use the left stick? Can't remember![]()
Sounds even more OP.
This will become my wind down game once Titanfall comes out so I have something to relieve the insanity of Titans falling. Playing with a group of friends really does help make the game even better.
Can someone help me understand when to use the plants root abilities? Peashooter has a gatling gun mode (sp?), and the sunflower has a 'ray' mode.
I have only played the game in the Classic Gardens & Graveyards mode.
In root mode I am giving up all mobility ( makes me very vulnerable to RPGs, grenades, not being able to move behind cover etc.), but I don't gain immense damage bonus. I can hardly kill anyone with it. I normally hit them a couple of times and then they kill me or just they go behind cover.
I am not getting this mechanic. Is it a team based ability? What am I missing?
Apologies and thank you.
So I have a question. Lets say I am the Pea shooter. I got a 40k pack of cards and got the toxic pea shooter. I was wondering if I have to level each of the variations of the pea shooter? IF I level the default one to 10, will the variants also be at 10? The weapon upgrades are in packs of cards? Do the weapon upgrades work for all variations as well??? or will I need to collect them for each variation of the pea shooter? Thanks!
Also... what is the best pack to buy? What is the best mode to get points? Thanks for any help!
edit: What is the highest level you can take a peashooter to?
I find it most useful in Garden Ops mode. When you see a boss from a distance you can just unload...Or when the zombie waves approach in the distance from an isolated point, just unload...You have little to no chance of being hurt and it's your most powerful attack.
No. If you get the pea shooter to level 10, all pea shooter variants will be level ten. However, upgrades like extra ammo or damage are unique to each variant so you'll have to get those.
Is there actually an advantage of any kind if a character is level 10 vs level 1 though? I've managed to get the Sunflower to level 10 but there's no obvious upgrade on any attributes.
You get character packs at certain levels. I think you get one for each level after level 5? There's really no advantage to the character itself, a level 1 Sunflower is no worse than a level 20 Sunflower if they have the same upgrades.
Does anyone else have any issues opening the game on their XBOne? I get the splash screen and then it just boots me back to the home screen.
Does anyone else have any issues opening the game on their XBOne? I get the splash screen and then it just boots me back to the home screen.
Restart your console. I have had to do this with bf4 and this game.
Yup had this same issue. Got stuck on the loading screen twice. Just unplugged my Xbox and it worked perfectlyTurning off my Xbox didn't work though.
Does anyone else have any issues opening the game on their XBOne? I get the splash screen and then it just boots me back to the home screen.
He meant restart as in hold the button for 5 seconds not put it in sleep mode and start again.
Just got disconnected from a lag free server, what the feck is going on with this game :/
This game sometimes...
Hey everyone, I'm the lead gameplay designer and balance guy on Garden Warfare. I've posted a couple times in this thread, but didn't have a whole lot to say until now. Our first balance patch is now live:
Economy Balancing
- More Coins! Yes more coins are now awarded in both Team Vanquish Mode and Gardens & Graveyards.
Sticker Packs
- Skip Star Challenge cards are now more plentiful these are a great way to skip the harder challenges.
Mode Balance:
Gardens & Graveyards
- Zombie garden capture time decreased in all maps.
Gameplay Balance Changes:
- Increased primary weapon damage, and reduced damage falloff distance.
- Increased the Imp Punt's inner blast radius.
- Ice Trooper: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Marine Biologist: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Dr. Toxic: Increased rate of fire and reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Mystic Sunflower: Increased projectile damage across all three charge levels.
We going to continue updating and tweaking the game in the days and weeks to come, and I'd love to know what you all think!
Hey everyone, I'm the lead gameplay designer and balance guy on Garden Warfare. I've posted a couple times in this thread, but didn't have a whole lot to say until now. Our first balance patch is now live:
Economy Balancing
- More Coins! Yes more coins are now awarded in both Team Vanquish Mode and Gardens & Graveyards.
Sticker Packs
- Skip Star Challenge cards are now more plentiful these are a great way to skip the harder challenges.
Mode Balance:
Gardens & Graveyards
- Zombie garden capture time decreased in all maps.
Gameplay Balance Changes:
- Increased primary weapon damage, and reduced damage falloff distance.
- Increased the Imp Punt's inner blast radius.
- Ice Trooper: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Marine Biologist: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Dr. Toxic: Increased rate of fire and reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Mystic Sunflower: Increased projectile damage across all three charge levels.
We going to continue updating and tweaking the game in the days and weeks to come, and I'd love to know what you all think!
Hey everyone, I'm the lead gameplay designer and balance guy on Garden Warfare. I've posted a couple times in this thread, but didn't have a whole lot to say until now. Our first balance patch is now live:
Economy Balancing
- More Coins! Yes more coins are now awarded in both Team Vanquish Mode and Gardens & Graveyards.
Sticker Packs
- Skip Star Challenge cards are now more plentiful these are a great way to skip the harder challenges.
Mode Balance:
Gardens & Graveyards
- Zombie garden capture time decreased in all maps.
Gameplay Balance Changes:
- Increased primary weapon damage, and reduced damage falloff distance.
- Increased the Imp Punt's inner blast radius.
- Ice Trooper: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Marine Biologist: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Dr. Toxic: Increased rate of fire and reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Mystic Sunflower: Increased projectile damage across all three charge levels.
We going to continue updating and tweaking the game in the days and weeks to come, and I'd love to know what you all think!
I've had several perfect plant runs since, but I don't think that is supposed to happen...
was my first garden and graveyards game
Hey everyone, I'm the lead gameplay designer and balance guy on Garden Warfare. I've posted a couple times in this thread, but didn't have a whole lot to say until now. Our first balance patch is now live:
Economy Balancing
- More Coins! Yes more coins are now awarded in both Team Vanquish Mode and Gardens & Graveyards.
Sticker Packs
- Skip Star Challenge cards are now more plentiful these are a great way to skip the harder challenges.
Mode Balance:
Gardens & Graveyards
- Zombie garden capture time decreased in all maps.
Gameplay Balance Changes:
- Increased primary weapon damage, and reduced damage falloff distance.
- Increased the Imp Punt's inner blast radius.
- Ice Trooper: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Marine Biologist: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Dr. Toxic: Increased rate of fire and reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Mystic Sunflower: Increased projectile damage across all three charge levels.
We going to continue updating and tweaking the game in the days and weeks to come, and I'd love to know what you all think!
That achievement is actually pretty common.
Non-upgraded zombies don't really stand a chance in G&G.
Hey everyone, I'm the lead gameplay designer and balance guy on Garden Warfare. I've posted a couple times in this thread, but didn't have a whole lot to say until now. Our first balance patch is now live:
Economy Balancing
- More Coins! Yes more coins are now awarded in both Team Vanquish Mode and Gardens & Graveyards.
Sticker Packs
- Skip Star Challenge cards are now more plentiful these are a great way to skip the harder challenges.
Mode Balance:
Gardens & Graveyards
- Zombie garden capture time decreased in all maps.
Gameplay Balance Changes:
- Increased primary weapon damage, and reduced damage falloff distance.
- Increased the Imp Punt's inner blast radius.
- Ice Trooper: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Marine Biologist: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Dr. Toxic: Increased rate of fire and reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Mystic Sunflower: Increased projectile damage across all three charge levels.
We're going to continue updating and tweaking the game in the days and weeks to come, and I'd love to know what you all think!
Hey everyone, I'm the lead gameplay designer and balance guy on Garden Warfare. I've posted a couple times in this thread, but didn't have a whole lot to say until now. Our first balance patch is now live:
Economy Balancing
- More Coins! Yes more coins are now awarded in both Team Vanquish Mode and Gardens & Graveyards.
Sticker Packs
- Skip Star Challenge cards are now more plentiful these are a great way to skip the harder challenges.
Mode Balance:
Gardens & Graveyards
- Zombie garden capture time decreased in all maps.
Gameplay Balance Changes:
- Increased primary weapon damage, and reduced damage falloff distance.
- Increased the Imp Punt's inner blast radius.
- Ice Trooper: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Marine Biologist: Reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Dr. Toxic: Increased rate of fire and reduced weapon damage falloff distance.
- Mystic Sunflower: Increased projectile damage across all three charge levels.
We're going to continue updating and tweaking the game in the days and weeks to come, and I'd love to know what you all think!
Would it be possible to patch in legacy and legacy southpaw thumbstick support in a future update? Great game BTW.
Thanks! I'm not 100% sure what would be involved with patching in new control schemes, but we're looking into it right now.
Is the patch a download update patch or some server side stuff? Just loaded up the game and now patch so far![]()