yeah. one-sided battles aren't very rare. I also hear some of them with the mic, literally 9 y old kids.Woah this game is fucking awesomeIt reminds me of TF2 a lot. Also i think there is a bunch of little kids playing because i just went 10 - 0 and i kinda felt bad, i just camped with the sniper plant and killed all the zombies that wanted to revive their friends.
I see, thanks.For challenge skip stars, invest in the 10k packs. You get less skip stars (mostly 2x or 3x) but you get them consistently.
I see, thanks.
how do I unlock the other abilities? I've seen that each character has 6 of them, even if they're just slightly different from the original 3 I'd like to try them.
which one, exactly?buy 20k packs
pretty much anything else. you get some better zombie cards with 10-20k packs but I've yet to get the strongest ones, or the ones for the trophy.I'm having fun with the wave based survival mode. I've just been buying the cheapest sticker packs for the tower emplacements, but am I missing anything important by avoiding the other sticker packs?
buy 20k packs
Are the 40k character packs not worth it? Getting 5 pieces feels like it takes forever.
Just started playing after getting it free. Amazingly addictive game!
When should I use the skip challenge stars?
What's the population like on PC? Thinking about getting it.
What are the best characters for each class that I should be aspiring to get?
Really depends on your play style.
Really all the default characters (apart from the default scientist) are really good. I find the default Catus to be amazing compared to the other ones.
Once you start unlocking characters, the crossbow commando is hugely OP IMO. The Camo sniper foot soldier is also great.
To be honest each one has it's advantages and disadvantages.
Woah this game is fucking awesomeIt reminds me of TF2 a lot. Also i think there is a bunch of little kids playing because i just went 10 - 0 and i kinda felt bad, i just camped with the sniper plant and killed all the zombies that wanted to revive their friends.
It seems this OT is somewhat dead but just curious, anyone know why PS4 servers have been so laggy as of late?
I didn't think I was going to enjoy Gnome Bomb, but it's actually a lot of fun. I've yet to find a match that was full though. Usually it's like 10 people or less are playing and the maps are too big for teams that small. I actually think PvZ would benefit from having a few LESS playlist to keep the community strong and games full. I'd keep:
And get rid of the rest.
- Welcome Mat
- Team Vanquish
- Gardens & Graveyards
- Suburbanation
- Vanquished Confirmed
That's a good idea.
Trimming down the playlist is a good idea. However, they have to keep Gnome Bomb in because it has its own set of trophies. I'd swap Vanquished Confirmed for it in your list. At the very least, they should get rid of the "Classic" playlists.
Is there an active community here? I've bern trying to get the trophy for hard and/or crazy difficulty and it's pretty hard to do when matched with randoms
What platform? Since this is GAF, I'm gonna guess PS4?
Yeah I forgot to say ps4
I got this game when it was free a few months ago, and I really, really like it. By far my most-played game this gen. I have a really dumb question, though. In multiplayer, why do some players have character icons over their heads (like the Peashooter icon, for example). Is it when my teammates shoot them? I want to know so I know when I have it above my head, as well.