While Yakuza is goodish PS-exclu (yet) 3rd party franchise i dunno about Kiryu. Someone convince me that like Drake developers would be able to give him unique supers. :U
As for costumes:
-Sweeth Tooth gets some from classic games.
-Radec would be some special troop unit.
-Coles could have more enemy costumes
-Ratchet and Clank would have classic armor. Or my idea, Tuxedo ratchet with Secret Agent Clank.

-Jak gets some Jak 2 armor.
-Big Daddy gets another diff subject look.
-Dante... looses pants. Underwear Dante incoming. Im calling it...
-Heihachi gets classic costume
-Raiden aswell sth classic
-Sir Dan gets sth from Medievil 2. I saw some of its costumes. Medievil 2 seems to have good ones.
-Spike gets anime or sth from games.
-I have no idea what Toro would get. Classic Japanese cloths maybe?