Edit: top of page, grab a partner and enter the PSASBR-GAF 2v2 Tourney!

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Scrafty Cup!*
Games will be played with two teams of two players. The game mode will be first to five kill limit, and for the purpose of this tournament all items and stage hazards will be turned on. Once entry has closed on the 19th, matchups will be chosen at random. The bracket is single-elimination, so once you're out; you're out. Games will be played in a Best of 3 format, and photo proof of a team's victory (scoreboard) must be sent to the judge before said victory becomes official. Doctoring or editing of photos is strictly illegal, and will be punishable by disqualification. The time and date of your match must be agreed upon with your teammate and your oponnent beforehand so that the judge is aware of when the match will take place. Winner gets a cool thing!
2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man-is-Obsolete (Man-is-Obsolete) and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil (emeraldphoenix7)
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
Då Vikings's - Drencrom (Drencrom) and Napalm_frank (NapalmFrank)
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24(maxbahamut24) and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Artful Dodgers - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
RazOr Chamber - Chamber (Novuscaine) and RazOmari (Knot-Locks)
Itchypads - Mik_Pad (mik_pad) and Kouichi
Figmuncher - Jawmuncher and FigBoy79 (Figboy)
Explosive Duo - Zephyrus (GoncaloPacheco) and B.O.O.M (rathne)
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa
TribalSponge - Sponge and tribal24
We Don't Use Dumb Names - Noi (Noisama) and The Grim Heaper (TheGrimHeaper)
Psyborg- PSY・S (SuP3RiViAIN) and cyborg009
DigiTron - DigitalOp and Vysetron (Chuftbot)
Unclenching Kings - Snapshot King (SnapshotKing) and uncleniccius (uncleniccius)
Team Tricky-Sama - Tricky I Shadow and Oyashrio-Sama (FFVIIguy)
The Baked Knights - BakedPony (BakedPony1) and batmandarkknight (Macky_Tung)
Parappin' Believers - Tsunamo (JayTooCool) and FMTownsMarteh (NoR4U_)
InFamous Rising - Spindasher (Mrp7792-X) and Spindasher's Brother (JetsRap94).
Looking for Partner
Lord Phol (LordPhol)
Baekshi (Sharingan_Itachi)
Smithnco, yeah I agreed with you. Should push it to 21/22. Some people might just buy it out of impulse.